
Chapter 10 Change and Determination

"So, that old man Russell finally finished all the procedures with a long face?"

In Sophia Pub, Vio laughed loudly, as if he had seen Russell being bullied.

Lebel snapped his fingers. "Of course. All the conditions are complete. Even if he wants to stop, there is no reason."

"In this way, you can officially enter the school after you get the customized casual made by Jarvis in two days."

Steak touched the back of Lo's head with his rough hands and said, "You'll have to stay there, little guy! Living in Mage School is something that many people envy."

It was evening, and it was time for workers to get off work and have a drink. The whole pub was full of guests who were laughing and talking.

They drank and talked here. There was no seat.

Usually, Sophia didn't have spare time at this time, because she had to deal with constant customers.

But now she was walking towards them.

"Emma, help me take care of them. Thank you."

Emma understood and went to the bar counter to be the acting hostess.

While Sophia beckoned Lo to follow her.

"Come on, little guy. I have something to tell you."

To his surprise, Lo looked at Lebel subconsciously. The latter was wearing a mask. Although there was no expression on his face, he nodded slightly.

That meant "Don't worry."

"Listen, little Lo, what I'm going to say next is very important."

Sophia took him to the inner room, locked the door, and then raised hand to apply a sound insulation magic to make sure that no one was eavesdropping.

"I heard from Lebel that when your emotions change greatly, the color of your skin will also change, right?"

"Yes!" Lo nodded.

"That's very dangerous!" Sophia opened her mouth slightly and said cautiously.

"In other places, ordinary people won't feel strange when they see the changes on your body. They might think you're just a chameleon or you've practiced some magic that they don't know."

"But not in Mage School."

"It's heavily guarded there. The identity and information requirements are clear."

"At the time of reporting, the race you fill in is 'human', but if you suddenly turn skin red, bring about high temperature or any other changes that absolutely don't belong to human beings, it will be very dangerous."

"You will be investigated, but you can't fool them with the excuse of 'magic' easily."

"Although there are also exchange students from other races in Mage School, it requires very strict procedures."

"If they find out that you have obviously different characteristics from human beings, you will be expelled from school and be ordered not to enter Mage School for the rest of your life. At the same time, you will be deprived of the right to use magic, and in the worst case, you will be caught as an outsider spy."

From Sophia's serious expression, Lo could guess what would happen if he exposed these.

Would Mage School have the patience to figure out your race then send you back?

Of course not.

They would definitely torture you in all kinds of cruel ways. After they drained your last value in use, your life would come to an end.

At the thought of this, cold sweat broke out on the back of Lo.

"Am I really not a human?"

Lo asked in confusion.

Sophia shook head and said, "I can't answer this question for now. We have discussed it privately. There is no doubt that you are a human from the appearance."

"But for example, the change of your skin, the extraordinary perception, the innate superhuman strength, and talent in magic that Lebel mentioned. Although it hasn't been put into practice, it has proven that you do have many features that are different from human beings."

"These features will not only bring you great convenience, but also undoubtedly bring you trouble that you can't afford currently."

She touched Lo’s slender and sharp ears and said lightly.

"As you can see, I used to be an elf who wandered to Gloria. I had been bullied by the people around me since I was a child. In the early stage of the establishment of this pub, I often endured 'specially taken care' by hooligans."

"There is a very remote place in kingdom. Human xenophobia has become so strong."

"In a place like Mage School, which was full of nobles..."

Sophia didn't go on, but Lo saw worry in her beautiful eyes.

Then she regained serious look instantly.

"So I asked you to come here to teach you how to suppress your emotions. Before you go to school, we will teach you how to grasp your own ability and some basic principles of life."

"As far as I know, your previous life was as plain as water?"

Lo nodded.

"So you have to get used to it as soon as possible."

"People in kingdom are different from the small town you've been in. They would never want to live a peaceful life without any struggle. They were cunning and alert. Once there was a chance, they would try their best to eliminate their opponents and get the position by themselves."

"It's time to make a change, Little Lo."

Hearing Sophia's sincere words, Lo was quite determined.

At the beginning, he sat at the head of the bed and decided to hold Lebel’s hand.

From that moment on, he decided to make a change.

He wanted to change ordinary life and find the secret hidden in his body.

"Yes, Aunt Sophia, I have to make a change. I want to change my life and find my answer."

Being serious, Lo didn't notice that the muscles on Sophia's face twitched.

Then she punched the top of Lo’s head.

"You brat, do I look so old? Call me aunt!? Call me sister!"

Lo covered head with his hand. Although he didn't know what he had said wrong, he seemed to have made Aunt Sophia angry.


From then on, explorers kept reinforcing Lo in all aspects.

"Lo, you have to learn to use your nose. I mean, sense of smell. You need to be sensitive to the surrounding air and atmosphere. Most of the time, danger is hidden in the dark. You need to go to perception them." The Blood Hound Vio taught Lo.

"To gain the advantage. They had advantages in terrain, environment, intelligence and sense. Don't try to fight a battle that you are not confident of winning, so this is the meaning of reconnaissance." Emma, the scout, said.

"There will always be a moment when you have to stand out and protect your partners. I just hope that by that time, you will be strong enough to protect them." The guard, Low Mountain Steak showed a rare serious expression.

"It's very important to learn to manage emotions. You should always keep your pace and not be affected by others. You should deal with difficulties calmly like water, and then attack violently like a storm." The proprietress Sophia taught Lo this lesson.

Finally, the night before entering Mage School, Lebel came to the room of Lo and brought him the clothes Jarvis had finished.

"Are you nervous about school starting tomorrow?"

Lo sat on the bedside and nodded.

"According to Sophia, I've tried to control my emotions, but it's inevitable..."

Lebel touched his head and sat beside him.

In private, he didn't wear a mask to hide his identity, but he still liked to wear a hat.

Looking at him, Lo calmed down gradually.

Somehow, this man always gave him a sense of relief.

"After that, you will go through a lot of things, grow up and become mature."

Finally, Lebel spoke in a low voice.

"At that time, you must feel ridiculous that you have been so nervous that you couldn't fall asleep because of the first semester."

Lebel smiled meaningfully.

"I don't have anything to teach you. I just hope that you can still have the same original intention at that time."