
The Dragon King Of Lust

DISCLAIMER: This story will take place in South Korea so I want tell you that this story is not related to real world and if there is any connection it is mere coincidence. There is a legend in the cultivation realm that a mythical dragon once lived in the known universe and ruled over it. But the people fearing it and the people wanting it's all mythical poweres united and attacked the mythical beast and in the neck of time a mysterious person appeared and took away dragon. Then that person separated the dragons powers and now in the modern world a man will wield one of the dragon's power which is THE POWER AND CHARM OF LUST OF THE DRAGON. Join the discord server everyone below is the link to join the discord server: https://discord.gg/gFqESRzv

Pritam_Mohapatra · Fantasy
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25 Chs

The Truth

Seeing that there is no other way except for complying with Gong Kim, Lee MI Ryung agreed to tell him all the informations which he wanted to know.

Then after inhaling and exhaling deep breathes Lee MI Ryung told Gong Kim,

Lee MI Ryung: "Since you have already found out my secret and there is also no way using which I can kill you no let alone kill you, I can't even scratch you slightly. So I have decided to tell you everything you want to know."

Hearing that she has agreed to tell him all the informations he wanted has made Gong Kim to smile brightly at her.

Then Lee MI Ryung tidied her clothes and sat properly in front of him and started to tell him all the details she has gathered over the time span of mire than three hundred years.

Lee MI Ryung: "The informations that you have asked for are very confidential matter of the four countries which has been hidden from the normal citizens of the four countries."

Lee MI Ryung: "This world was never divided into four countries ten million years before. In this world ten million years ago human cultivators, mythical beasts all were coexisting with each other in harmony without any problem and issues."

Lee MI Ryung: "All the humans of this world were cultivators who were using their cultivation energies to live their normal lives and doing their regular day to day life works."

Lee MI Ryung: "But one day the mythical beasts colluded within themselves to take control of the entire world. And for this purpose they started to attack different parts of the world using their mythical powers."

Lee MI Ryung: "They have increased their atrocious attacks on the people of the world and mercilessly started mass genocides of the people who defied their will to accept them as their rulers."

Lee MI Ryung: "Since they had more cultivation energy in them no one was able to defeat them and who tried to defeat them were killed by them. So one day to save the world from these evil beasts the most powerful cultivators of this world who were in secluded cultivation came out of their cultivation."

Lee MI Ryung: "They were the patriarch of the Park family, Hwang family, Jong family and Song family. Then the four master cultivators went into the great war with the mythical beasts for about hundred years."

Lee MI Ryung: "And after fighting those thebgreat war for hundred years, the four cultivation master emerged victorious and then they banished the remaining mythical beasts who surrendered themselves in front of them into the deepest region of the southern forest where they are staying now."

After hearing this story Gong Kim sighed heavily and said,

Gong Kim: "I have never imagined that the mythical beasts will attack the humans just to take over the world. I am really saddened by this news as I once thought that atleast the mythical beasts will never betray the humans."

Lee MI Ryung: "Fufufu."

Hearing Gong Kim's response made Lee MI Ryung laugh at him seeing which he said,

Gong Kim: "Why are you laughing ? Madam MI Ryung you are the one who told me everything about the great war and now if I am expressing my sadness about it you are laughing."

Lee MI Ryung: "First of all I am sorry that I have laughed on you but the thing is I laughed on your naivety and not on you."

Gong Kim: "Huh, what do you mean by that Madam MI Ryung ?"

Lee MI Ryung: "It means that you are also naive just like the people of the world. The story which I have said to you is just story which everyone in the world were told."

Gong Kim: "So you mean the story of the great war which you have told me and everyone else in the world were told is just a lie."

Lee MI Ryung: "Yes, the story of the great war was just farce which those four greedy old men told everyone in the world."

Gong Kim: "So you mean that those four patriarch of the four ruling families of the world just made that story."

Lee MI Ryung: "Yes you are absolutely right sir in guessing it sir. Those four greedy old men were the powerful cultivators of the world. They were the strongest human cultivators of the world."

Lee MI Ryung: "But above them were the mythical beasts who have mythical powers for which they were the strongest creatures of the world. But those four greedy men became very greedy to gain the powers of the mythical beasts for themselves."

Lee MI Ryung: "The mythical beasts only wanted to live in harmony with us cultivators. But those four greedy men wanted to control them and take away their powers for themselves. They first wanted to make them their slaves but that didn't happened as they did not get bound with them in their slave contracts."

Lee MI Ryung: "Since they did not get what they wanted in one way, they decided to get the things done in a dirty way. They started to attack innocent people and didn't flinch when it came to their genocide. Then they started to stage those attacks to look like the attacks were made by the mythical beasts."

Lee MI Ryung: "They started to terrorise the people of the world in the name of mythical beasts. They destroyed many parts of the world. When the people of the world became very depressed and helpless in front of these attacks, at that moment those greedy old men came in front of the people of the world from their so called secluded cultivation which was nothing but show of to hide their intensions from the world."

Lee MI Ryung: "Then showing of their cultivation and goodwill they all went to the mythical beasts who were at that time were very depressed by the allegations which they were facing everyday and each day one of their kind being captured or killed by the people of those greedy four men. And then for the next hundred years those four greedy tried to capture the beasts and they also wanted to enslave them.

Lee MI Ryung: "In those hundred years of war for their freedom and to save their kind from them the mythical beasts under the command of their leader the great golden wyvern fought against them. But in this war the only losing side were the mythical beasts and after fighting for hundred years and losing many of their kinds the golden wyvern decided to go into hiding forever into the deepest region of the southern forest."

Lee MI Ryung: "Then on the last day of the war the wyvern used it's teleportation cultivation technique to transport all the remaining mythical beasts to the deepest region of thr southern region. Those men also followed them to the forest but the wyvern to protect the mythical beasts casted those four men out of the forest and then he created a special shield using all of its cultivation energy powers completely to protect their living place from the humans. But unfortunately the golden wyvern couldn't survive after doing all of these things and it died at that place."

Hearing the truth about the real world after The dragon and he left, Gong Kim thought in his mind and said,

Gong Kim: "The greed of humans is still the same after so many years."

Hearing his words Lee MI Ryung nodded in agreement. But then Gong Kim asked her,

Gong Kim: "If the mythical beasts were gone away from the cultivating humans then how the world got divided into four countries ?"

Lee MI Ryung: "After they returned from the war, they told everyone in the world that they have defeated and killed every mythical beasts. Afte which they all were revered in the world as the great figures and then they gathered everyone in the world and told that since the world have suffered some great loses and damages which made the world devastated. So we have decided to take control of the world by dividing it into four countries which will make it easier for us to stabilise the world order again."

Lee MI Ryung: "Hearing those words from the mouths of those four men all of the people believed them and didn't ask a single question from them as they said they would allow the intercountry travel and relationship between the four countries and they all agreed to it."

Lee MI Ryung: "After that day those four greedy men soon divided the world into four countries of which those four families took the role of the emperor of each country and till now it is still the same now."

Hearing the truth of world division Gong Kim understood that those four men have taken over the world for their own greed and good.

Then Gong Kim asked her about the governing process of the countries in the world,

Gong Kim: "Okay I get that they have taken over the world and divided it among themselves but how they have managed the countries till now ? What is their governing policies for the world ?"

Lee MI Ryung: "First when those four men taken over their respective countries they have ruled it alone using their cultivation powers. But after those old men passed away their next generation of successors who came after them and took over the reign of the countries started to rule over the countries using the cultivation powers, military powers and a strong iron fist. They have also created the ranks of aids to be at their side to govern the countries. They have used their might to suppress any revolt which raised against them. They all started to instill fear and their absolute rule in the mind and hearts of the people."

Gong Kim: "So they have abused their position and powers to rule over the people. Is every country the same or any country is different ?"

Lee MI Ryung: "Unfortunately every country is the same. They all used the same way to rule the people of their country. Each country has one emperor, each emperor has four aids at his side with their armies to make their rule and governance absolute in their respective countries."

Lee MI Ryung: "On the very first day of each year all the emperors with family members, their aids and their families and their armies met for three days to plan their governance and ruling policies for their countries. They all also enjoy their time in the midst of enjoyment and they also show their military might there."

Gong Kim: " So the next generation of rulers after those four men have created a new world order other than their ancestors."

Lee MI Ryung: "Yes they have created a new world order in which we all live. But there is something which they haven't changed from the time of their ancestors."

Gong Kim: "What is it ?"

Lee MI Ryung: "A rule which they all have agreed to keep as it is from the time it was created. You have asked me why I have kept my real cultivation energy level a secret. This is rule is related to that. Those four old men were very greed and as well as they were very coward also. They have feared that if anyone of them or anyone in the world surpasses them in any kind of strength be it cultivation energy strength or military strength then that person will take over the entire world. So to prevent this thing to happen they have decided to make a rule which is no one in the world can grow their cultivation energy and military powers after a certain level. They have decided that a cultivator can only reach till level 200 in cultivation while a country can have maximum fifty thousand soldiers in total including all units of military in their country."

Lee MI Ryung: "This rule is still being carried down till now as they all have feared that one day their rule might get taken away from them. And for this rule many cultivators of this world had lost their lives as they have declared that any cultivator going above level 200 of cultivation energy will be killed. For this rule I have lost my family, my master and my identity and my everything and now I am living in this hiding and seclusion. That's why I have created my own special technique which allowed me to cover my cultivation energy level using my own cultivation energy."