
The Dragon King Of Lust

DISCLAIMER: This story will take place in South Korea so I want tell you that this story is not related to real world and if there is any connection it is mere coincidence. There is a legend in the cultivation realm that a mythical dragon once lived in the known universe and ruled over it. But the people fearing it and the people wanting it's all mythical poweres united and attacked the mythical beast and in the neck of time a mysterious person appeared and took away dragon. Then that person separated the dragons powers and now in the modern world a man will wield one of the dragon's power which is THE POWER AND CHARM OF LUST OF THE DRAGON. Join the discord server everyone below is the link to join the discord server: https://discord.gg/gFqESRzv

Pritam_Mohapatra · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Meeting Ji Ho

Lee MI Ryung: "This rule is still being carried down till now as they all have feared that one day their rule might get taken away from them. And for this rule many cultivators of this world had lost their lives as they have declared that any cultivator going above level 200 of cultivation energy will be killed. For this rule I have lost my family, my master and my identity and my everything and now I am living in this hiding and seclusion. That's why I have created my own special technique which allowed me to cover my cultivation energy level using my own cultivation energy."

Hearing Lee MI Ryung's words made Gong Kim to become depress a little. He has never expected that the greediness and power hunger which he has seen hundred million years ago is still haunting the people of the world.

He had lost his dear friend due to the greed of Park Min whom he and the dragon had considered their closest and dearest friend.

He has now become more worried about the people of the world as they all were now living under a rule which has forced them to stop their cultivation after reaching a certain level.

He just felt really helpless because at that very exact moment he was the most powerful cultivator in the entire real world who can destroy everything in the real world but after being so powerful still he can't do anything.

He has been bound by a promise which he has made with his dead friend. His friend the dragon has left him a scroll which had appeared in front of him when he first came to the separate world which was created by the dragon in which a promise was written on it.

The promise which was written on the scroll is,

"Gong Kim, my dear friend if you are reading this scroll by now which means I am not with you anymore with you. I have already entered into my eternal slumber. I know that all of this would be happened because of me and my powers. The greed of human has no limit and their greed don't stop at one thing. This greed has now destroyed the world which I have always envisioned to be a better world. That's why I have created this special world in which you and my two power holders will stay without making any connection with the people of real world and cover world. My dear friend I want you to make a promise with me. I want you to never meddle in the affairs of real world and cover world. Never make any interference in the lives and governance of both the worlds. I want all of these things to be done by my power holders. They will change both the worlds not you my friend. Because I want you to be their guide and mentor to teach them everything about cultivation and my powers. Promise me all of these things my friend. Promise me my friend."

After reading the scroll Gong Kim became really sad as he has remembered the last time when he had seen his friend.

So without thinking much he had promised his friend there as he said,

Gong Kim: "My lord, my dear friend I promise you that I will make sure to follow all of your wishes my friend. I, Gong Kim promise you that I will never meddle in the affairs, governance and lives of the people of both real and cover world. I promise you that I will train your power holders in cultivation and in powers to make them capable enough to change the lives of people of the two worlds."

Just as Gong Kim had finished making his promise with his friend the dragon soon he saw the scroll started to glow blue in colour and it started to transform itself into a dragon and a light ball came out of it.

The light ball then came forward to Gong Kim. The closer it came to him the smaller it get and soon the light ball became a very small sphere as it get merged into his body and soon he saw a dragon mark symbol appearing on his right wrist.

Gong Kim who has heard everything from Lee MI Ryung has became very angry and wanted to kill all the emperors of the four countries and set all people of the real world free from their tyranny.

But as he thought about doing these things, the dragon mark on his right wrist glowed in red colour and soon he felt heat sensation in his right hand and saw that the dragon mark is glowing and seeing this he has remembered every word of the dragon which was in the form of a promise which he has made with him.

This helplessness and inability to do something while still being capable enough to do everything but his hands were bound together has made Gong Kim really very depressed.

And this depression has made Gong Kim to release a pressurising aura of red colour which has made the entire room of Lee MI Ryung to tremble. Not just Lee MI Ryung's room but the entire Beojkkoch has started to tremble by Gong Kim's pressurising aura.

Feeling the pressure of his aura and seeing her entire Beojkkoch tremble and falling down on the ground has made Lee MI Ryung really scared.

Then Lee MI Ryung soon got up from her seat and went near Gong Kim and told him,

Lee MI Ryung: "Sir please calm down yourself and this terrifying aura of yours. This aura of yours will kill everyone and it will destroy this Beojkkoch except for you who will be safe. Sir please calm down and save all of us from this deadly aura of yours."

Hearing her words Gong Kim's mind which was struggling with his helplessness for the situation of the people of the real world about which he has just heard and can only imagine the life of hardship which they all facing came out of this struggle of his.

He saw what is happening in his surroundings by his red deadly aura has made him really apologetic. So he immediately without wasting any time retracted his deadly aura back into his body.

And after retracting the aura he saw the damages which has been caused his aura. So he decided in his mind that he should correct all these damages.

So he closed eyes again and soon green colour aura started to come out of his body and soon the green colour aura surrounded his entire body and then the aura started to spread out in every direction.

Lee MI Ryung who was seeing everything saw that all of the things which has been fallen on the ground started to go back to the original place where it was before.

She also saw that many damaged things which was used to decorate her room has now completely returned to its original form and have been placed at the same place where they were placed before being damaged.

After making everything right perfectly alright the green colour aura return back towards Gong Kim's body and soon it completely enveloped his body and entered into his body.

After his aura entered into his body again, Gong Kim opened his eyes and said,

Gong Kim: "I am really sorry Madam MI Ryung for all the troubles and damages which I have caused you unknowingly. I am really sorry."

Lee MI Ryung: "It's alright sir. You have caused all of that damage unknowingly and the more important thing is you have also repaired everything which was damaged and destroyed and brought them back to their original form. So thank you so much for that. But sir I have one thing in my mind for which I am really very curious to know."

Gong Kim: "Tell me what you want to know. I will tell answer your curious questions."

Lee MI Ryung: "What is the cultivation technique which you have used to turn everything back to normal and to their original form ?"

Gong Kim: "So you want to know the cultivation technique which I have used to turn everything normal and their original form. Well there is no problem in telling you that. So the technique which I have used is called Restoration."

Lee MI Ryung: "What !!! What did you say sir ? You have used the Restoration cultivation technique. I have only heard about this technique from my late master. He had told me that this technique is rare and hard to achieve. I have never thought that I would ever see this technique with my own eyes."

Gong Kim: "In this real world there are so many thing which you have not seen and experienced but those things do exist in this real world and I am also an existence just like that about whom no one has ever heard and seen except for you now."

Lee MI Ryung: "I am really grateful for that to you sir because you have showed me the true heights of cultivation and made it clear for me about which path I should take from now on."

Gong Kim: "It is really good to know that you have now found your way in this real world."

Lee MI Ryung: "Thank you so much but I want to know something sir from you sir."

Gong Kim: "Tell me what is it."

Lee MI Ryung: "Why are you referring this world as the real world because as far as I know this world is the is know as the cultivation world. So why are referring it as the real world sir ?"

Gong Kim: "Well as I have already told you that this world has many secrets hiding inside it and one the biggest secret is in the name which I am calling it. "

Lee MI Ryung: "Please sir tell me the secret I want know about it."

Gong Kim: "Right nownid not the right time for you know about that secret. When the time will be right I will tell you everything by myself."

Hearing his response Lee MI Ryung just looked down to the ground with a feeling of disappointment. Then Gong Kim asked her something.

Gong Kim: "I want some more information from you."

Lee MI Ryung: "Please ask me anything sir."

Gong Kim: "I want to know about the people who once lived in the house which is in the Bagong Street which has caught fire eighteen years ago."

Lee MI Ryung: "Bagong Street, fire ? Oh now I know you want to know about the Gong family who lived in that house."

Gong Kim: "Gong family. Yes I want to know what happened to them and how their house caught fire ?"

Lee MI Ryung: "The Gong family was massacred by the emperor of this country, Emperor Park Ming. The Gong family was a well established family of this country. But they also got caught in the web of the rule which was created by those old men."

Lee MI Ryung: "The Gong has produced three cultivators of their own who had surpassed all the emperors and when they came to know about this, thay all attacked their house when they were celebrating the birth of new member of their family who was a girl."

Lee MI Ryung: "But they all became helpless even if they had the strongest cultivators because the emperors and their soldiers captured every person of the Gong family excluding the those three strongest cultivators and they had used their captured family members as hostages against them."

Lee MI Ryung: "Then they made the three of them to kill themselves in front of their other family members and after the three cultivators killed themselves, the emperors and their soldiers started to kill everyone in the Gong family and then after killing evey member of Gong family then set the entire Gong house in fire and the then they threw the infant baby into the fire and with doing this they have wiped out the Gong family from this world."

Hearing everything that has happened with the family members of Ji Ho, Gong Kim again felt really sad. But then he thought that it must be fate that brought him to their house at the right moment for which he was able to save Ji Ho.

Then as Gong Kim was about to say something to Lee MI Ryung, he sensed that Ji Ho is near him, so he closed his eyes to locate her and then he found that she is outside of Beojkkoch.

Seeing that she has arrived after finishing her travel around the street, Gong Kim decided that the time is appropriate to leave this real world to return their own world. So thinking this he said,

Gong Kim: "It looks like the time has come for me to go today. It was really nice to meet you for which I get know many things."

Lee MI Ryung: "Do youbreally want to go sir ?" I really want to talk and learn many things from you."

Gong Kim: "Don't worry when the right time will come I will teach you some good cultivation techniques. But for now I have to go as my daughter is waiting for me."

Lee MI Ryung: "Okay sir you want to go I can't stop you but I have a small request."

Gong Kim: "Tell me what is it."

Lee MI Ryung: "I want to meet your daughter."

Gong Kim: "Sure then come with me."

After saying this both of them went out of the room and then both of them came down to the ground floor and soon they went out of Beojkkoch and Lee MI Ryung saw a beautiful girl was standing outside there holding a wooden sword in her hand.

After seeing her father coming out of Beojkkoch Ji Ho ran towards him and hugged him saying,

Ji Ho: "Father I really missed you."

Gong Kim: "I also missed you my dear daughter."

Ji Ho: "Father can we go now to our mansion please."

Gong Kim: "Sure let's go."

Ji Ho: "Father who is this woman."

Gong Kim: "She is Madam Lee MI Ryung. And Madam MI Ryung she is my dear daughter Ji Ho. Say hello to her."

Ji Ho: "Hello Madam Lee MI Ryung nice to meet you."

Lee MI Ryung: "It is also nice to meet you too Young Lady Ji Ho. If you ever need anything from me please feel free to find me."

Ji Ho: "Okay sure."

Gong Kim: "Daughter we should go our time to leave has arrived."

Ji Ho: "Okay father."

Gong Kim: "Okay Madam MI Ryung you take your leave now."

Lee MI Ryung: "Okay sir have a safe trip to home and please let's meet some other time in the future."

Gong Kim: "Sure we will definitely meet in the future."

Saying this Gong Kim and Ji Ho left Beojkkoch and went ahead and Lee MI Ryung just looked at their back as the father and daughter went away from her and soon they just got blend in completely in the crowd and disappeared from her sight and then she also went inside of her place Beojkkoch.