
Fun night 2

I brought them to my favorite place and right now, people don't notice us because we're kind of wearing a disguise. All of us were wearing casual clothes, I'm not wearing my armor so as to not draw unwanted attention to us. I also wore my hear down and wore a cloak on my head so that people won't know I'm Prince Navi and because my hair, for sure, is a dead give away. The twins were looking cute in their casual "commoner", as what they call it, get up. And the emperor... he looks so dashing, I never thought a day would come wherein I would actually appreciate another man's looks. I mean, he looks so devilishly handsome in his royal clothes, but there's something about the way he carried himself tonight that made him more... otherwordly. The Emperor noticed my gaze and he looked at me with a look that I can't describe. Then he whispered to me,

"If you keep looking at me like that, I might not be able to stop myself and-", I cleared my throat and looked away. This man is just too shameless and this place is getting hot.

"Pri- ummm.. I think we should give nicknames to ourselves, I don't think it's right to use our real names here", Nabi said, she almost called me prince , luckily she realized it right away.

"I know why don't we call you mom and dad?" Damon said grinning mischievously.

"???" I was shocked when I heard him say that. Do they know??? I mean no one knows about my secret, right? I was shocked, shaken to the core but then I heard Emperor Damien,

"Why hell would you call us mom and dad? You do know that you guys are the same age as Prince Navi, right?" Emperor Damien said, although his voice sounded stern, he was stupidly grinning. I'm not quite sure If they were taunting me or. they really don't know. I was thinking about a lot of things when Nabi said,

"Prince Navi I'm sorry, my brother is stupid. He can't asses the situation, we're sorry if you were offended.", She said while kicking Damon's shin.

"I hope you're not offended little prince, we are in a disguise anyway." Emperor Damien said smiling at me. I swear I'm going to punch that smile out of his face soon. I sighed and said,

"Let's just use our first names. People wouldn't know us anyway.", Damon said as he pulled me towards the crowd.


At the Palace

"This servant greets the Empress. I came here to report your majesty.", the stealth knight said as he bent his knee in front of me.

"Speak", I said while gesturing him to stand up. We were in my parlor, I was preparing to call it a night, taking off the ornaments I wore the whole day.

"The prince and the southern emperor went out together", he said as he stood up.

"I see." I said as the Emperor draws near to me. "You are dismissed. Continue following them, and report to me anything suspicious right away". When the stealth knight left the emperor asked me,

"My dear, can we trust that Southern Emperor? Do you think he knows the prince's secret?", he said while helping me remove all my accessories.

"I don't know, but I will find out. Though what's getting my attention more are the twins. I... I feel like they look a lot like the price, especially the girl called Nabi. Even their names sound closely the same..." I said as I looked at him. He agreed and then he gestured me to go to our bedroom.


"Oooh I want this one! And this one as well! aaaah that one too!", Nabi said pointing to all the delicious looking snacks. I was amused at how she pointed and picked all my favorite snacks. I bought a lot of them for myself and for Nabi. I was actually carrying a lot of stuff when Emperor Damien took everything from my hands.

"?!" I looked at him questioningly.

"You shouldn't hold a lot of things, I'll carry them for you" He said as he walked ahead of me following Nabi.

After buying a lot of snacks, I brought them to the place I love to eat at with Pietro and the other knights.

"They have the best meats here! I told them. Surprisingly even though Southerners and Northerners differ in specialties, they loved the food I ordered for us. After eating a lot we decided to go to the most crowded fighting pit.

'Tonight's the best night to join a competition' I thought to myself, but then Emperor Damien pulled me back and said,

"Let's just watch the twins from here. Let's see how strong they are." He said as he paid for the VIP seats.

We were seated in front of the arena, lots of people were shouting and one pushed me, I would've fell if it wasn't for Emperor Damien's strong arms.

"Thanks Emp- I mean Damien for helping me" I smiled at him. He was staring at me as if he's going to say something when host shouted,

"Are youuuuu reaaaady to rumble?!" The crowd shouted really loud, so loud, it almost broke my ears.

"Let the fighting begiiiiiiin!!" He shouted, it draw more cheers from the crowd.

I was too preoccupied watching the twins fight in the battle royale when I felt someone trying to steal my purse. I grabbed his hand but before I was able to put him on the ground he passed my purse to another kid his age. He ran fast as soon as he got the purse, I ran after the kid. I don't know if Damien noticed me, I was too preoccupied chasing the little thief when to know if he even noticed or not. I was chasing the kid when he ran to a dead end, a dark alley that is a bit far from the fighting pit. I thought we're already done with the chase, that I already caught him, But then

"I guess we caught a big fish this time hehe... " the thin man said while shoving the little thief who took my purse.

"Why don't you take off your cloak? I might let you live ya' know?" the bulky fat man said as he closes our distance.

"He's not talking Mac, he's either too scared or he isn't afraid of you at all! hahahaha" the thin man said chuckling.

"Shut up Cryle! If he's not afraid of me then let's give him something to get afraid of" Mac smirked and he signaled his henchmen to surround me.

'This is a bit... annoying, but well I hope fighting them would be fun' I thought to myself. I assessed my enemies one by one, judging by the way they carried themselves, it appears that all of them were well trained. Although I'm thrilled to see capable oponents, I'm not a hundred percent sure I'll be able to go out of here unscathed. I prepared myself for the worst, you can't underestimate your enemies just because you know you're strong. Come to think of it, it's the second time I didn't come prepare. I used to bring my sword with me all the time, but because of the Southerners... 'Ah who am I kidding, It was me who let my guard down so I shouldn't be blaming them'. I clenched my fist and did my fight pose, I signaled them to come at me. And suddenly...