
Fun night 1

The Southern Emperor kept looking at me and it's already making me feel awkward. No matter how good-looking I am, people don't usually gawk at me. I already sent the twins to their respective rooms and it satisfied me when they said they liked it. Now I'm stuck with the Emperor, I'm walking quickly because I want to leave as soon as possible. I don't like the way he stares at me, it feels rude because he's making me feel like he knows my secret, but that's just impossible! Only a handful of people knows my real identity and I don't think anyone would blabber about it, not just because they're afraid of dying, but also because I know how loyal they are to my family and to this country.

'At last we're in his room, I can now go quickly. I prefer to hang out with the twins instead of this mofo', I thought to myself.

"Here's your room your majesty, I will take my leave now. I hope you'll find this room to your liking", I said as I'm getting ready to leave.

"Aren't you going to be a good host? come in and have a drink with me", Emperor Damien said smiling at me enchantingly.

"?" I stared at him obviously dumbfounded. 'I thought he is unsociable? I'm starting to doubt the rumors now.'

"Don't make me repeat myself, come on in." He said smiling but his tone and voice tells me otherwise.

I entered the room after him, but when I closed the door...

"!" I was shocked when he pulled me onto the lounge and got on top of me. I managed to calm myself, I can't get flustered. I've been a man my whole life I can't break my façade now.

"You know it's rude to do this to your good host. What are you trying to achieve by doing this?" I said calmly as I tried to push him away from me.

"I just want to know something...", he said while leaning closer to my ear.

At this point I'm already getting mad. How I wish I had my sword with me so that I can chop this rude man! Even though I'm dressed as a man, I cannot allow him to just touch me. Trying so hard to control my anger, I gritted my teeth and asked him to get off me.

"I don't want to be rude your Majesty, please get off me while I'm still being nice...". I have fought a lot of big bulky men before, I always use my speed to my advantage, but it's the first time I had let my guard down and now I can't use my speed to get out of this pinned position. He lifted up his head and smiled at me, his face was just inches away from mine, I can smell his mint breath and his manly scent.

"Mmm... You smell like a girl", he smirked at me.

I was about to explode, I'm fuming mad! I was about to yell at him when the door opened. Thank goodness for this girl in front of me! Nabi dashed at Emperor Damien and pushed him. He got off me and gave off a hearty laugh.

"What the F-", Nabi said as she pushed Emperor Damien real hard.

"Hahaha just like two peas in a pod. I believe now....", He said as he walked out of the room. I don't understand what he said, but at least he's no longer on top of me. I could careless what he meant by those words. Nabi eyed him as she helped me get up, I swear there's something about this girl that makes me interested. She's just so... familiar.

"You alright?" Nabi said as she pulled me up.

"Yea I'm good... but what the hell is wrong with your Emperor?". I said as I looked at the direction Emperor Damien went.

"Grrr..That damn bastard! If I had known he would do this, I would've come with you guys!".

'This girl is cute, but I wonder why she was so mad?' I gently pat her on the head and said,

"Don't worry it's alright. I was just shocked because it was so sudden but I'm all good", I assured her.

It didn't take long before Damon came, Nabi told him about what happened and Damon got mad as well. I don't know why they would get mad at their Emperor, aren't they supposed to follow him and be loyal to him? Why does it feel as if these two doesn't have any regard for their Emperor? So many questions started popping in my head, but then the twins asked me,

"Ummm... Do you mind if we ask for your time? We want you to give us a tour...", Damon said as he looked at me.

'I swear these twins are cute. It's so hard to say No'

"Sure I would love to! But can we do it later at night? I want to show you guys the coolest places here!" I said with all pride. I want to show them the fighting pits, Swordsmiths' place, and other interesting places. But before I can do that I must finish all my scheduled activities today. I don't want my royal tasks to get in the way. I want to bring them to all the cool places I know and make them try the delicacies we have here. It was after sunset when I finished all the tasks that I had, I hurriedly cleaned up, changed my clothes and met up with the twins. But when I met up with them, there's an unexpected guest.

"!" It was unexpected that the infamous unsociable Emperor is coming with us.

"I hope you don't mind me joining you." He said smiling devilishly at me.

The twins rolled their eyes at exactly the same time and Damon said,

"We don't actually want you to co-". But before he got to finish his sentence he was headlocked by Emperor Damien. Damon was squirming out of Emperor Damien's arms, he was trying hard but to no avail. I find this situation funny, I never thought hanging out with these southerners would be so fun. The atmosphere was so comfortable that it really felt like we've known each other for a very long time, my heart oddly felt warm. I was laughing when I noticed the three of them looking at me.

"?" All of them were looking at me amazed as if they saw something out of the ordinary.

"I'm sorry, this is the first time I met you guys, I can't help but laugh, you guys are funny!" I said while trying to sound apologetic. Nabi hugged my arm and pulled me away from Damon and Emperor Damien.

"It would be better if we just leave those two, I want to go to places with lots of delicious food!" Nabi said sounding so excited


"You always think about food! That's why you're ass is getting fat! Damon said while smirking at her.

"Prince Navi can you take us to a place where there are lots of fighting?? I'm hoping that place also allows challengers, I want to challenge the strongest people there!" he added.

"You Fighting freak! food comes first!" Nabi shouted.

"Shut up you glutton! You love fighting as well so what's wrong with what I said?", Damon said earning a smack on the head from Nabi. The two started bickering and they only stopped when I said,

"We can eat first and then burn everything later, I know a lot of good places that will satisfy you both!", I said proudly. I can't believe these two loved eating and fighting as well! I'm so happy being with them, it's as if I met versions of myself in the south. Emperor Damien was quiet all throughout, it's like he's observing me, watching my every move, my interactions with the twins and how I deal with them. Whenever I look at him and our eyes meet, I feel awkward, for his gaze contains things I don't understand.