
The Dragon's Return

A Race has fallen. Emerging from the shadows, many races have come forward and human race suffered at the hands of those that were heard of in myth. They had skills that were unimaginable, abilities that played with laws of nature but human race prevailed. The Human race started to rise and restore the balance that has been destroyed by the death of the race known as DRAGONS. After 100 years, Karl locklan, a 16 year old boy will bring the change in the society; he’ll be the return of the race long forgotten, he’ll be The Dragon’s Return.

HansSilver · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Last Trial

"Hey, stop now" Karl said "we have to add max to the team" Karl then took out his badge and max did the same. They touched their badge to each other and an option appeared on Karl's badge if he wanted to add max to his team, in which he clicked yes.



Karl, Austin and max all got the same message on their badge with additional information about the exam.

Basically after forming the perfect team according to the creator of the exam, they were qualified to learn about the exam in full.

The information stated that the exam had three aspects that had to be completed to pass.

1. To form a perfect team which had at least one member of all three groups those were taking the exam.

2. To collect points by defeating the attackers and by stealing from others.

3. Finally, reaching the end location.

"Wow "Karl said. 'It's really detailed' Karl thought after going through the objectives of the exam, the new 3-d map displayed above the badge which gave accurate location of their team and the end location.

After reading the three parts of the exam and going through the new map Karl noticed something ' I understand we have to collect the points but do such that we defeat the attackers and also defeat other participants to reduce the candidates passed.' Karl thought 'and we have to both' Karl noticed that the information provided implied that they had do both methods of collecting points, they couldn't just rely on one method, as stated it's 'AND' not 'OR' on the second pointer for passing the exam.

'why is 3rd sector doesn't has much detail unlike the other two sectors" Karl thought, he had a theory that maybe after entering 3rd sector they will get a detailed map of it, or maybe another piece of the exam they had wait to know about.

"Karl, why have not taken the position of the leader yet" max said.

'How does he know my name? I didn't tell him' Karl thought but the answer was obvious, he may have heard through Austin or by the badge as their names were visible in the badge after forming their three person team.

"What are you talking about?" Karl said in response to the earlier comment.

"I am talking about the message about selecting a team leader" max said, and then Karl checked and saw a notification icon on the side of the 3-d map and information tablet that opened up after they formed a team.

'it is truly an amazing device' Karl thought, as at its full potential the badge showed them 3-d maps and information in form of a flat transparent screen, it reminded Karl of his system.

'But the system's screen seems more advance, more natural.' Karl then discarded his thoughts and touched the notification icon.

A new screen appeared which had the option of becoming the team leader for their team, Karl then looked at both Austin and max, they had selected him as a leader and now he had the option of accepting it, and he did it.

LEADER: Karl Locklan


Karl then show a keyboard appear on his badge to type the name, 'what should I name the team? Maybe, dragon…no' Karl thought that naming the team dragon was not a good idea as he didn't know if others knew of the race or how will they react, he was mainly thinking about high level mana user of the school who might know something and it the information about dragon's was just not public. Karl then thought of another name and typed it.

"Blue Team? I guess it is a good name." Austin said after reading the name, after naming the team another screen appeared which showed the points needed to pass.

"100! I knew that adding this idiot to the team will only put us at disadvantages." Austin said.

"Hey, you're the idiot and if I had not joined, we would not had gotten this much information." Max said, clearly annoyed at Austin.

"He makes a sound point" Karl stepped in before it got out of hand "and I think that the points are important part of the exam, it will benefit us if we collect more and we can collect points right now."Karl said and then turned around and walked to the body of the red-haired person.

Karl searched for the badge from the unconscious body, after finding it he connected his badge to the badge he had found and a message popped up on his badge.


Karl of course chose the steal option which gave them a numbers of points but it couldn't be multiplied by two, as the points were stolen, the information about it was provided after forming the perfect team.


The option Karl had before about multiply the points obtained by two had vanished and they had to collect 33 points, which meant that they had to defeat only 11 attackers on 3rd sector and reach the end location to pass the exam.

Karl then broke the badge he got from red-haired boy and said "It's time for us to head towards 3rd sector"

_ _ _

The blue team ran towards the third sector, while running Karl had used dragon's breath to restore his mana and used the skill Body Strengthening which got tricky because the MP cost was higher than the mana capacity so, Karl first filled the mana capacity and then continued to use dragon's breath and then activated Body Strengthening.


<User: Karl locklan>

<Race-Human (Dragon blooded)>

< Level-1 >

< 40/50 exp>

<HP 10/10>

<MP 11/11>

<Strength 5>

<Agility 5(+1)>

<Stamina 5>

<Defense 5>

[Body Strengthening Lv.1]

[The skill option being used: 20% of increase in agility stat for 30 mins]

Karl's speed increased a little and his exhaustion lessened too.

'it's does have that much of a difference as my base stat are low, does this mean that Austin's stats are better or his proficiency with the skill.' Karl thought as he restored the used mana by using dragon's breath.

After 20-30 minutes so they almost entered the 3rd sector, after just crossing a short distance Karl entered the 3rd sector as he was ahead he felted a thin layer of mana pass him or something like mana which shrouded the 3rd sector and then saw hundreds of big figures, all looking the same, all ready to attack.

"What the ----?" Austin and max said as they entered the 3rd sector.

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