
The dragon's harem

What makes dragons strong? It's not their power or magic, but their mind. Arrogance, greed, Iron Will, and the lack of human restraints. What would happen if you threw such a creature into human society? Would they understand humans? What does love even mean to them? This is the situation that our MC, Arad Orion found himself in. A newborn dragon bringing "Might make Right" to the humanoids, but why? Due to an abnormal condition, the mighty void dragons are on the brink of extinction. Their bodies have suddenly started rejecting their kind. Due to that, Arad's mother dropped his egg into a forest where he could hatch safely, leaving him with a fragment of her consciousness and informing him of the condition of their race. From that point, his goal became clear. To save their race by either finding a cure for their condition or going the second route of making more void dragons. But, sadly, nothing is ever that easy. Finding a cure is almost impossible. Arad is still practically a newborn and cannot tap into the terrifying might of his race, and his rarity makes him a prime target for mages and scholars seeking to study the dying race. Dragons are arrogant, proud, and vicious. Yet those feeling extends to those whom they love. You who touched a dragon's love, Retribution is an insult, and life is a crime. Beware as merely existing draws the dragon's wrath. Follow Arad on his journey as he grows from a naive wyrmling to a grown dragon with enough wisdom and power to stand with the strongest of the world. *** If you liked the story, please support it with power stones and comments! The story now has a Discord server. Please visit it to see character art by me and the community. https://discord.gg/CPJXDj6Adg *** You can contact me at Discord at any time Alen_Tanor#1599 And last. Please don't forget to leave a review, it really helps!

Alen_Tanor · Fantasy
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917 Chs

The dragon's new sword.

Arad stared at the dagger, "Is it worth all of that?" He couldn't believe such a thing was worth all of that money.

Ginger smiled, swinging the dagger at an incredible speed. Swosh! Swosh! "It's worth more than you expect. This thing is amazing."

"Can I give it a look?" Arad asked, and Ginger sheathed the dagger, "No, this thing is dangerous to hold. And I already attuned to it."

Aella looked at her, "At least tell us what the dagger's abilities are."

"It's an s-rank magic weapon and causes bleeds to start. This effect is all I will tell you." Ginger smiled, and Alcott laughed, "The weapon is her secret weapon now. She won't reveal it."

"Forget about the dagger. Pick your weapons." Delmear said, handing the longsword to Arad.

Arad took the sword and swung it around, "It doesn't feel different,"

"I fixed the weld between the blade and the handle." Delmear replied, "I need to make stolen weapons worth nothing."

"Is that how you make swords?" Arad looked at the pile of swords around him.

"Yeah, it's a dwarven method. Humans usually make the blade go all the way inside the hilt. That's bad." Delmear grabbed one of the swords, "Because I won't be able to enchant the swords that way."

Delmear showed a longsword to Arad. Directly on the cross guard, a large blue crystal sparkled. "As you can see, I already enchanted this sword for a customer."

There were two methods of enchanting a weapon, the magic crystal or the magic salt brining.

The magic crystal allows the blacksmith to enchant the weapon with spells, while the magic salt brining gives him the ability to change the properties of the metal.

"Your weapon is made with the magic salt brining. It should retain its edge for longer."

Delmear pulled a small blue orb and placed it on the blade's edge, "See, those are its stats."


{Delmear's Longsword}

{Item Rank: E}


[Deal 1~8 slashing damage+ strength modifier]

[Can be wielded with two hands and deal 3~12 slashing damage+ strength modifier]

{Special abilities}

{Magically hardened: The blade retains its edge for twice as long as regular swords}


"The modifier is half your stat. You can count your damage on your own." Alcott explained.

^I have 13 strengths, so my modifier is six and a half?^

{It's safer to assume your damage to be six. That way, you won't be surprised by a monster staying alive.}

^The I deal 1~14 slashing damage with one hand and 3~18 with two hands.^

"How much is this sword?"

"Fifteen silver coins. I didn't count the magical enchantment."

Alcott smiled, "Will take it."

Delmear stared at him, "You're paying for the young man? Fine, thirty silver coins." He opened his palm.

"You skimpy dwarf. You just said it's fifteen silver coins." Alcott screamed.

"The discount is for the young man, not you." Delmear replied, "But, just give me fifteen silver coins."

As Alcott was paying Delmear, Aella said, "There isn't a single good bow around here."

Delmear stared at her, "Of course, I'm a blacksmith, not a carpenter." He sighed, "I make metal weapons. Those bows I bought to resell."

Ginger smiled, "You can't deceive the eye of an elf,"

Alcott glared at his pouch, "does any of you need a new weapon or armor?"

"I'm fine, but I will take a few lockpicks and spikes if he had." Jack smiled, staring at a small bucket full of junk.

"I will take a small dagger," Aella grabbed one of the daggers on the counter.

Alcott looked around, "Do you have one of those one-handed crossbows with automatic reloading?"

Delmear stopped for a moment, "I have one, but it's a bit pricy. Ten gold coins."

"How much can it hold?"

"Ten bolts, and then you have to refill it again." Delmear walked to the back and brought it, "Two hundred kilogram draw weight, this tiny beauty pack a heavy punch."

Alcott looked at the crossbow, "How do I use it?"

"Strapped to your forearm and load it up with ten bolts. It will fire whenever you want it due to a magical enchantment." Delmear explained and helped Alcott equip it.

After paying Delmear and making sure all the weapons are working as intended. Alcott finally disclosed the quest details.

"As you know, our bath work off a hot spring." Alcott smiled, "Well, that is a lie."

Arad, Aella, and Jack froze, "What do you mean?"

"We only have a regular cold spring." Alcott smiled, "To heat the water, I threw a few salamanders into the cave system below."

"You did what?" Jack stepped forward, "How did you even get the salamander past the guards?"

"I did have a skilled rogue at the time."

Ginger spoke, "Those salamanders are living in the cave and multiplying rapidly. We need to trip them down each year." She smiled, "Let's just hope they didn't give birth to a queen."

{I just heard something important.}

"What did you mean by a queen?"

"Like ants, rarely a queen is born to the salamanders. She is massive and dangerous. People call them false dragons." Ginger explained.

Alcott stepped, "Don't worry. I killed one last year. It's unlikely for another to have been born." He explained, "But in case, I want you to run away."

{Salamanders are fire lizards. They look like a crocodile set on flames.}

"Aren't they fire monsters? Do you expect my magic to be useful?" Arad asked, looking at his staff.

Ginger stared at him, "It is common for a sorcerer to face disadvantageous situations. You will have to think of a way to survive this encounter."

Arad looked at his new sword, "And this is why you bought me this longsword. Want me to fight at close range."

"You should be fine against the salamander's flame," Alcott smiled.

{This man, be careful in the quest.}

"Should we head to the guild first?" Arad looked toward Aella, who was staring in the distance.

"No need for that. Let's head straight for the caves." Alcott replied, shifting his backpack, "I have all we need."

The five of them headed back toward the bath, "Is the cave entrance in the bath?" Jack asked, looking at the bathhouse.

"The entrance is inside the well in the backyard," Alcott replied as they walked inside.


Standing before the well, Arad looked around and saw the old withered rope hanging from a pillar nearby. "Don't tell me we're using that thing?"

Ginger smiled, "Worry not. The rope can handle even the heavy Alcott.

Arad doubted that, "Do you have another one,"

"No," Alcott replied immediately as he went to grab the rope.

Aella curled behind Arad with a scared face, "I'm with Arad. That thing doesn't look safe."

Jack followed Alcott and looked at the rope, "You don't have to worry. This rope can hold out." He smiled, "This thing is made from trolls' hair and is far stronger than any mundane rope."

"He's right," Ginger took the rope from his hand, "This is probably worth more than most adventurers can earn in a week."

"Trolls are strong monsters. Gathering enough of their hair is a tall endeavour." Jack explained, "You won't find anyone crazy enough to waste such resources on a rope."

"Then why do those two have it?" Arad sighed, holding his face while looking at the ground.

Alcott approached him and whispered, "I needed some solid rope to tie Ginger when I first caught her. She almost tore that thing apart." He smiled, "But she is stronger now. She could snap it easily."

{Is his wife some S-rank monstrous vampire?}

^I bet we she kill us all except for Alcott. Let's make sure to never get on her bad side.^

Alcott dropped the rope into the well and leapt first, landing at the bottom with a splash. "Cold!" He screamed, "But I got it, I opened the door," He sighed, "You can jump one at a time!"

Ginger leapt behind him without using the rope. She gracefully glided on the wall to the bottom of the well.

"Bury me in the western graveyard if I died," Jack smiled, gliding down on the rope.

"I will just throw your corpse in the forest," Arad yelled behind him.

"Arad, I'm scared to jump." Aella looked down with her hands shaking.

"Stop playing around and jump," Arad sighed, "I will leave you here if you don't."

Aella hesitated. She couldn't look down at the endless darkness of the well.

"Fine, I will carry you on my back? Is that fine with you?" Arad sighed, wanting to get into the quest as quickly as possible.

Aella smiled, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Just hop up." Arad sighed, turning around and giving her his back.

Aella climbed up, holding with her arms around his neck. Arad extended his hands and grabbed her butt, pushing her a bit up.

"Hey, where do you think you're touching?" Aella cried.

"Your butt. I need you to get up so you won't fall." He stared back at her. "Do you have a problem?"

"No, with that, but..." She gasped.

"No buts, just butts." He pushed her even higher, "Tie your legs around my waist tightly. Also, don't squeeze my neck so tightly."

Aella did as he said, "Fine, it's better than falling."

"Be grateful you're not holding from the front," Arad growled, approaching the well.

Carry her from the front!

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