
The dragon's harem

What makes dragons strong? It's not their power or magic, but their mind. Arrogance, greed, Iron Will, and the lack of human restraints. What would happen if you threw such a creature into human society? Would they understand humans? What does love even mean to them? This is the situation that our MC, Arad Orion found himself in. A newborn dragon bringing "Might make Right" to the humanoids, but why? Due to an abnormal condition, the mighty void dragons are on the brink of extinction. Their bodies have suddenly started rejecting their kind. Due to that, Arad's mother dropped his egg into a forest where he could hatch safely, leaving him with a fragment of her consciousness and informing him of the condition of their race. From that point, his goal became clear. To save their race by either finding a cure for their condition or going the second route of making more void dragons. But, sadly, nothing is ever that easy. Finding a cure is almost impossible. Arad is still practically a newborn and cannot tap into the terrifying might of his race, and his rarity makes him a prime target for mages and scholars seeking to study the dying race. Dragons are arrogant, proud, and vicious. Yet those feeling extends to those whom they love. You who touched a dragon's love, Retribution is an insult, and life is a crime. Beware as merely existing draws the dragon's wrath. Follow Arad on his journey as he grows from a naive wyrmling to a grown dragon with enough wisdom and power to stand with the strongest of the world. *** If you liked the story, please support it with power stones and comments! The story now has a Discord server. Please visit it to see character art by me and the community. https://discord.gg/CPJXDj6Adg *** You can contact me at Discord at any time Alen_Tanor#1599 And last. Please don't forget to leave a review, it really helps!

Alen_Tanor · Fantasy
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917 Chs

The Classes

"I will go with you," Arad nodded. It wouldn't harm anyone to get some experience fighting with an S-rank.

Arad approached the counter to pay, but Alcott stopped him, "No need for that. Let's go to the blacksmith and get a weapon."

Arad glared at him, "At least let me pay."

"No, this our bath. You and the girl can use it for free." Alcott declared. "I find it hard to believe you." Arad sighed.

Alcott approached him, whispering, "I'm trying to build a good relationship with a dragon. At least play along." He smiled.

{This man.}

"You're talking with that dragon. Is that alright?" Arad whispered back.

"Dragons usually ask for millions of gold coins in exchange for protection. If doing this will get us a friendly dragon, then I am all for it." Alcott whispered again.

Arad sighed, dropping his shoulders and looking down, "Fine, do what you like."

"Hehe!" Alcott smiled, having struck a deal with a dragon.

"Arad, should we go now?" Aella approached him, looking at Alcott and his mother.

"Yeah, I'm a bit exhausted. Let's find an inn." Arad replied, walking toward the door with Aella behind him.

"Hold a moment," Ginger called them, "You can spend the night here," She suggested.

"Sorry, but I wouldn't feel right." Arad rejected her offer immediately.

{Still scared of the vampire?}

^I'm sure she is a nice person. But I don't want to sleep under the same roof as a vampire.^ Arad replied, glaring back at Ginger and imagining her attacking him at night.

"Then let me recommend an inn for you." Alcott approached them, pointing outside.

"From the northern gate, walk for south and then turn right at the large boulder. Just behind the blue ally, you can find a large tavern named the moon sparkle. Tell the bartender I sent you, and he will allow you to stay in his inn free of charge." Alcott explained, and Arad looked at him with one eye and a lifted eyebrow.

"Anyone can use your name," Arad said.

"The bartender is smart, But in case he missed you, tell him to remember the explosive nipple knife," Alcott said, and Arad got more confused.

"Hold up on the free rent. What is this explosive nipple knife?" Arad couldn't help but feel more and more confused.

"It was a magical weapon, a knife. When you strike a mammal with it, its nipples fall off automatically and then explode." Alcott explained, "The bartender put on a quest twenty years ago to hunt a thrive who used that weapon and attacked him, causing his nipple to explode."

{Magic items can get ridiculous and dangerous. Make sure to inspect before using.}

^Yeah, I see that. Will I go through all of those crazy events as I rank up?^

{Most likely, yes, get prepared.}

"Fine, I will go there." As Arad turned to leave, Alcott called him back.

"Tomorrow morning we'll go to the smithy. Make sure to come to find a weapon."

Arad stared back at him and pointed at the mage staff on his back, "I already have one,"

"That's an old walking stick? It won't hold against a heavy impact. I will get a sword. You can't call yourself an adventurer without a sword." Alcott lifted his sword that rested at the wall, "Do you remember the bandits?"

Arad remembered how Alcott fought at full power. Fighters are terrifying.

"Is it needed? I could use other weapons." Arad lifted his palm, referring to his draconic claws.

"It's how you can't be a wizard without loving fireball. Wizards love blowing shit up. We love slicing and dicing." Alcott smiled.

"Are you saying the class had specific personalities? I can be a mage but use my magic to fix things."

Alcott shook his head, "It's fated. One day you will blow what you're trying to fix." He approached Arad, "Advice from someone with more experience. Make sure to keep classes in your mind."

Fighters like to cut, smash and stab things. Be ready to face them a lot.

Barbarians are savage with anger issues, don't test their patience. And let me tell you, they are hard to kill.

Bards are sweet talkers and singers. They don't know when to shut up. If they keep talking after you tell them to stop, they are trying to cast magic with their words. I usually punch them in the face in self-defense.

Druids are nature-loving bastards. Make sure to stay away from them. They will eat your head whenever you try to hunt for food.

Clerics are religion-loving, hard-headed, annoying problem seekers. They won't let you kill anyone, break anything or go anywhere without monitoring. But they can heal, so they are a hard pill to swallow.

Monks are cool. All they want is peace and calm. But if you interrupt their meditation, they will start throwing hands everywhere.

"I had a monk friend. Her nickname is the slap queen because she slapped her way to A-rank. No punches and no kicks, only slap."

Paladins are the holy child of a cleric and a fighter. If you find one, take them instead of a cleric. They can heal and fight with weapons, but they can't fully master anyone.

The rangers are also good. I can't get enough of how good they are at scouting and hunting. But they have a strong love for animals, making them picky about killing wolves and bears.

Rogues are what you expect, walking scandals and thieves. Hired killers and heartless criminals. And everyone loves them for it. No party can be whole without a rogue. That is because most high quests will get into shady deals, and they are the masters of those.

Sorcerers are people who were born with magical power. Their personality change depending on their bloodline, but expect some unforgettable moments with them.

"I remember a sorcerer who knocked a whole guild in the west by farting. He had a poison-type bloodline." Alcott burst out laughing.

Warlocks are just like the clerics, but they are more reasonable. You hear them crying about the power behind their eyes or the beast sleeping within. They are warlocks, and they are serious.

Wizards are what all magic enthusiasts become, stinky bookworms that can blast a whole castle. But they are calculated and usually like to plan for everything. You can rely on them to shift the flow of battles.

There is a reason why each country has an archwizard or an archmage.

"What's the difference between an archmage and an archwizard?" Arad asked, pointing out the last line.

"Wizards study magic and focus on instant spells. They love fireballs and call lightning. You can hear them laughing from their tower as the elements blast everything below." Alcott then looked toward Arad. "Archmages focus on ritual spells and alchemy, and most can't cast spells as quickly as wizards. But they can cast spells with more intricate effects. Usually, they can result in more than just killing their target."

Alcott finished explaining, and Arad thanked him, "Thank you for the information." He smiled, waving his hand as he left for the moon sparkle tavern.

"What will we eat for dinner?" Aella asked.

"Whatever we found at the tavern, I can't cook, can you?" Arad stared at her.

"I can only cook plants. We elves don't eat meat or anything related to it." Aella replied with a smile.

Which class do you want to be? And if you wanted to create a party, who would you pick?

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