
The Double Life

Jayden_Granaham · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

"Mr Qinston" it's an honour to have you in our school.

"Thank you, Mr Klien, Is he here?

"Yes, here he is" Mr Klein replied.

I was a bit confused as to who he was and why he was there. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir."

"Mr Anderson, kindly sit we have a lot to discuss about."

"I summoned you here to inform you about the current issue with the royal family of Dunksonburg. The fact is, they need an heir to the throne of Dunksonburg. And since you are related to the royal family, You have been chosen to take up the responsibility of becoming the next king of Dunksonburg."

I was dumbfounded when I heard this I mean me as king. Man, this is huge!

"I don't mean to be disrespectful sir, but I am not related to the royal family of Dunksonburg more or less I'm not fit nor ready to become the next king."

"Above it all, I'm not a prince," I replied.

"Oh, but you are Mr Anderson. You're the son of the missing King Andrè."

"King Andrè you mean Andrè vin Andreson my father. I'm sorry sir but although my father was a king, I can never be. Good day sir, " I said as I left the office.

What a day man! John tried to ask me about what happened in Mr Klein's office.

I just told him to shrug it off and let's head off to class. During class, I was thinking about what Mr Quinston had said so much that I was deep in thought and I forgot I was in class until I heard Mr Daniel shout my name. Immediately, I came back to my senses. Man, where was I?

"You'll have to take my class seriously if you want to pass the exam, Mr Anderson."

"Sorry sir, I will make sure it won't happen again."

Just then, I heard someone mimic my voice, followed by a roar of laughter it was Brad and his gang. The absolute jerks of the school.

"Sure, we hear that every time nerd will you stop being such a mummy's good boy?" Brad commented.

"No one spoke to you Brad, mind your own business," I replied

"You'll regret it, Andreson," said Zac one of Brad's gang members.

Brad came closer and whispered, "You're dead meat, Anderpunk."

I ignored him and just focused on my lessons. The class was surprised since I stood up against Brad and his gang for the first time.

After school, I was blocked by Brad and his gang. "Where do you think you're going nerd? I'm not done with you yet. Listen stay away from me Anderpunk. Otherwise, you're gonna let my fist do the talking."

"I'm not afraid of you doing your worst man."

Brad and his gang laughed and finally, Brad said "C'mon dudes, let's bounce. See you later Anderpunk."

Man, putting up with Brad is a piece of work. As I walked home with John, He couldn't stop talking about how I stood up against Brad and his gang.

Soon enough, we parted ways as we reached home since John and I were close neighbours. I immediately got changed and rushed downstairs to my dad's office. But surprisingly he wasn't there. I asked the mum about his whereabouts.

" Sorry, Dan I haven't seen your father since I arrived from work," Mum replied.

Thus hearing this I rushed upstairs to begin my homework and prepare for school. But I was still concerned about the whole king issue. Just then my eyes fell on a letter nearby that addressed Anderson Jnr. I carefully opened with curiosity as it was from Dad

Hey Bud,

I would like to inform you that my travel to the kingdom of Dunksonburg begins today. As you know my brother Carmen passed away, and as you know already I have been summoned by the royal family council to discuss the future of the people of Dunksonburg. It would take two months for my return. Don't inform your mother about my travel. The Duke of Dunksonburg, Mr Quinston would look after you since I'm gone. Put up your best behaviour towards him. Best of wishes towards your upcoming exam.

Your father,

Crown Prince Andrè.

After reading the letter I had so many questions on my mind as to his sudden voyage to the kingdom of Dunksonburg to attend a meeting with the royal family of Dunksonburg.

Man, this is a lot to take in, in a short time. I hurriedly ran downstairs to attend to my mum who needed help setting the table for dinner.

The silence during dinner bothered my mum a lot so she decided to ask about how my day was. I replied by saying my day was fine.

After dinner, I headed towards the kitchen to wash up when suddenly the doorbell rang. Mum opened the door and saw Mr Quinston standing in the doorway. Oh man, he's about to ruin the situation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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