
Just One Day

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"By the way, its not Mister, the name's..."

Of course even without him saying it, you knew exactly who he is...





"RM," he confidently introduced himself.

I mean, its not too much to say that one of the reason you're here, in this beautiful country, is because of him. Well, maybe not the entire reason, but mainly for.

You've decided to stay in Korea for half a year because, if for most people Disney is the happiest place on earth, this is yours. This is the land of your K-Drama, where K-Pop is and where BTS would held their LOVE YOURSELF: SPEAK YOURSELF WORLD TOUR FINALE, which you cant miss and luckily got tickets to, after winner the Fan Raffle Event.

And you thought you've used up all your wishes when you got the tickets, so your not really hoping for more. You are gonna be satisfied with just seeing them on stage performing their songs.

But actually meeting him like this, yes it was an awkward, but very rare chance encounter. You were so scared and embarrassed about what had actually took place on the train, that you didn't recognise it was him!

Until you calm down and finally got to look more closely in the cafe earlier. You still remember what the memo said about not disturbing their private time with family and friends, that's probably why, it never really sink in that it really is... RM!

You snap back to reality when he ask for your name.

"Huh? Y-Y/N...my name's Y/N,"

"Nice to meet you, Y/N..." his hand still held forward to you when you finally noticed and took it. He shake hands with you, your legs now jelly, very thankful your still on your seat.

"So about your question, ahm... what do you mean, exactly?"

"Oh that," he lean forward, bent so he can level with you. Faces now closer than ever he whisper this "I wanted to checkout the restricted area of this library, care to join me?"

You almost choked on air feeling how close you two were. But, as he pass you by it brings you back to reality and not really disagreeing to what he wanted to do, you stood up and went with him.

Both of you now standing at an area that has a big plank on top stating...


"Remind me again, why we are doing this?" you asked, shaking your head in disbelief. You and RM are making your way inside the restricted section, opening the big wooden door that separates it from the public area of the library.

"Sometimes, restricted sections of a library are filled with rare, delicate and historical one of a kind materials, that I would love to take a peek." RM said, while strolling along the hallway stopping from time to time on each aisle admiring the artefacts or books on close shelves, lock air tight.

Its art admiring art, you cant help saying to yourself while looking at him.

"Im pretty sure they would let us in, if we asked them to grant us entrance properly."

"Im pretty sure you're right, but," he turn around to face you, then with a smirk on his face he added "where's the fun in that?!"

RM didn't notice there is a brass stanchion separating one artefact to another and as he turn his back on you, he stumble upon it making it fall. Resounding echoes of a loud thud vibrates into the room.

You both freeze for a moment. But hearing footsteps towards the area, RM quickly grabs you and hide on one of the aisle far end corner. Held against his chest he positioned you. Both of you breathing heavily. Nobody's saying a word. All you could hear is your pounding heartbeat. You both are holding your breaths, as the footstep comes nearer and nearer.

"Somebody there?" the librarians voice echoed through the walls.

You closed your eyes tight, waiting for the inevitable, then suddenly... He just pick up the fallen stanchion and headed towards the door.

Both of you let out a huge sigh of relief.

"That was close" RM snickers.

"You think?!" you retaliate, earning a grin from him.

"We should probably get out of here" he said.

"Yeah, we probably should"

In front of the library you surprisingly notice how it is dark already. RM seems to be surprised as well while he stands beside you, adjusting his mask and beanie. It's too much of a risk seeing a famous idol like him in such a public place and without anybody-- like a bodyguard or something. You're starting to worry.

What if somebody other than me recognises him?

It seems like you're not the only one who thinks that way, seeing how he's checking his surroundings and looking down, so as to avoid meeting people eye to eye.

RM knows he better get going. He is well aware that there's a big chance his cover could be blown, soon. But something inside him wants to stay. He enjoys your company. That he can't deny. He knows you recognise him and he appreciate the fact that you still treat him like how you would treat anybody... normally.

Not squealing, not screaming, not sobbing hysterically, not clinging and definitely not taking unsolicited pictures of him.

Not that he doesn't understand why fans are doing that. He totally understand where ARMY's are coming from. He knows sometimes they can't help it. He already accepted the fact that it comes with the package.

He would never get the chance to live a life of a normal simple guy in his twenties.

But with you, even if it just for today...

His thankful he gets to.

He's about to say his goodbye to you when he heard


You ARE so embarrass! You wanted the floor to just open up and swallow you, right there and then. I haven't really eaten anything today, you suddenly remember.

When you heard him chuckle, that made the realisation hit more. He just heard your stomach growling. You know your face is now crimson red in embarrassment, so you turn to the side not being able to face him.

RM looks at you and smiles because he find this look of yours really cute. Then being the gentlemen he always is,

"As a thank you for going in the restricted section with me, would you like to have dinner?"

Your heart skipped a bit.

This guy would definitely be the end of me.

"I would love to, but, at this time, I don't think will be able to find a restaurant with just few people in it," you still manage to respond.

"Well-- there's a place that I know. The only question is, do you like meat?"

"Are you kidding me, I love it!" your eyes shine bright at the mention of meat. Which in turn only makes your stomach rumble a lot louder, earning a laugh from you both.

"Then I guess... samgyeopsal for dinner," RM said triumphantly. He was worried you wouldn't want to eat meat and just request for salads or greens, because if that's the case he has to suppress his cravings for meat today. So hearing you say you love it, he excitedly tug your hands and you jolt at the feeling of having his big hand wrap around yours.

Upon entering the said BBQ place, you smell the savouring scent of meat being cook, you cant help but sniff to take it all in. Now you're sure dinner would be so good! Place is a bit secluded, just a few older patrons are in.

Sitting in front of each other, RM starts to cook the meat. He is very careful not to get it burnt. And making sure to put the cook ones on an empty plate right after.

To be honest, right across you is a whole buffet.

His hair, which glisten in the moonlight illuminating from the window, was now combed back. And his face carefully structured, small sweats forming on his forehead because of the heat of the grill. His strong arms, slim yet muscular, those long fingers. RM if anything is fitter looking than expected. His face tells of a lean body beneath his simple tee and his expression while serious is not unkind.

Tsh, I think Im full. Your mind cant help but say.

When he notices that you're not touching the food he ask,

"Suddenly not hungry?"

Which snap you back and you start picking up your chopsticks. That you're not at all good at! You tried to pick up first, the meat, then while chewing, you grab the lettuce and rice.

Whether it's because of the way you use the chopsticks or something you don't know. But, RM grins and shakes his head, then lowered the fire and put the tongs aside.

"That's actually not how you eat these. First you grab a lettuce, wrap the meat in it, put some kimchi, and say ahh"

You flinch, as he's about to place the food in your mouth. You hesitated for a bit, before shyly opening your lips as he proceeds to hand fed you the wrap meat. Your cheeks are red in flame, burning.

He continue to cook while eating, mumbling, "Ahhh , masisseo," from time to time. Both of you feeling very much satisfied with your dinner. You're enjoying your time with him very much, and you're happy seeing him feels the same.

As if on cue though, right after finishing the last served meat. His phone rings so he has to excuse himself. And you knew...this would soon come to an end.

When he comes back, his hand scratches the back of his head while, "Ummm I-I...annnoohh..."

That made you giggle. It's a sight to see! The leader and Bangtan's spoke person is now stuttering, trying to come up with words. Truly is fascinating!

"It was a perfect day, its an honour, spending it with you," you said standing up, you held your hand out, and say your thanks as you give him your most sweetest smile.

He took your hand, held it firmly,

"It was perfect for me too," locking his beautiful orbs with yours.

RM is now seated in the car that his manager sent to get him. He wanted to stay, but his manager is already looking for him saying there are already pictures floating online, about how fans caught sight of him. Not wanting to make matters worse, he reluctantly leave.

He made sure she's okay though, fetching a cab and seeing her off before leaving.

His heart feels warm. He close his eyes and replays the events of the day in his mind.

A smile never leaving his lips.

Later that night, he can't sleep. There's something in his mind that's bothering him. When he figure out what it is, he pull out his phone and start typing...


Hyung, you know how we kinda followed Boys In Luv track with Boys with Luv?




I wanted to do another follow up track


which track?


Just One Day