
The Doctor: My Super Benevolent System

Qin Feng was admitted to the hospital for an internship and unexpectedly obtained a world-class medical system. After three months, his usual life was changed. A family member of a deranged patient slits the doctor's throat with a knife. Her blood was splattered all over the floor, and it was serious. The injured is Deputy Director Chen Yuan-fang. At this time, the hospital could not find a suitable person to operate on her. It's about to miss the best first aid time! When everyone was helpless, a rescue that shocked them began. ...... I am a contract writer for China Literature (Yuewen). If you want to read the Chinese version, you can go to QiDian. It's more updated than the English version.

LiBinBin · Urban
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354 Chs

Gastric lavage

As soon as the words fell, Qin Feng felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his expression was ugly!

Paraquat, Paraquat again!

That's right!

It is the paraquat that is famous all over the world for "giving you time to regret, not giving you a chance to regret".

Paraquat, chemical name 1-1-dimethyl-4-4-bipyridine cation salt.

It is a fast-killing herbicide with contact killing effect and certain systemic effect.

And it is extremely toxic to humans, and there is no specific antidote, and the mortality rate of oral poisoning is extremely high, and 5ml of the stock solution can be fatal.

The fatality rate is 50% to 70%, the fatality rate of severe poisoning patients is over 90%, and the fatality rate of fulminant cases is 100%.

According to statistics, the incidence of paraquat poisoning has been increasing year by year in the past ten years, and it has replaced organophosphorus pesticides as the first acute pesticide poisoning. It has been banned or strictly restricted by more than 20 countries.

In 2016, the state stopped the domestic sales and use of paraquat water solution.

However, paraquat is still favored by the market because of its cheap price and superior herbicidal performance. Therefore, in the past few years, clinical cases of paraquat poisoning still occurred.

Later, the state issued a policy, stipulating that only manufacturers with a production license for paraquat master drug and pesticide registration for overseas use can produce paraquat products.

At the same time, the paraquat products produced can only be used for export and cannot be sold in the country.

But the domestic ban does not mean that all problems are solved!

After all, it is cheap and effective in weeding, and it is also very friendly to the environment.

It has outstanding advantages that other herbicides cannot match, and there is a market where there is demand. It is inevitable that some people will illegally produce and trade for personal gain.

Qin Feng glanced at the bottle in his hand. If the small bottle was full, it would already exceed 50ml.

This is a guy who planned to kill the other party and not leave himself a way out!

How to do?

There is no other way now, but to try to save it first!

It has only been a few minutes since the man was taken down. According to this time, if he vomits in time, there should be a chance to bring him back.

"Here comes the water, here comes the water! Here comes the soapy water!"

The policeman who left finally ran back quickly with a bucket of water, shouting loudly.

"Quick! Turn him over."

Qin Feng took the bucket and pointed at the man.

The policeman got up and wanted to turn the man over, but he refused to cooperate and struggled desperately.

Even though the two policemen turned him over at the same time, they just kept their mouths shut.

Qin Feng pinched the man's chin with his palm, trying to make him open it, but the man clenched his teeth tightly, with a face of resistance and ferocity.

"How to do?"

The two policemen held down the man who was still wriggling desperately, and they were also a little anxious seeing this scene.

"That can't be helped."

Qin Feng glanced at the woman who was not far from them, who was still slumped on the ground, and kept watching in fear, but he didn't intend to get up at all, and his heart sank.



The man couldn't help howling, and his jaw was directly removed by him.

Finally, the closed mouth finally opened a small opening, and water can be poured into it.


Qin Feng picked up the bucket and saw that the man's mouth was pouring into it little by little, but the man pushed it out with his throat and tongue desperately, spitting out the water.

He had already made up his mind to die, and he refused to turn back.

In fact, it can be seen from the fact that he drank paraquat, and he bought the real paraquat pesticide on purpose, which shows that he has been mentally prepared.

Water can't go in!

Even though he couldn't help taking a few sips, most of it was still spit out.

There is also no way to intubate here, and gastric lavage cannot be performed.

"You are dead, what about the child?"

Qin Feng stopped, looked serious, and looked at the man's stubborn and angry eyes for a few seconds.

Immediately afterwards, he turned the man's head away, looked at the woman not far away, and said in a deep voice,

"Do you think a woman like her will really treat your son well? Don't be stupid!"

And when the woman saw the man looking over, her whole body trembled, her face became flustered again, she kept shaking her head, tears streaming down her face.

The man looked at the woman, and the expression on his face gradually became complicated and sad.

He hates it!

He hated why this woman hooked up with his best brother and betrayed her feelings!

But he doesn't hate either~

Because the woman in front of him is still his son's mother, so he can't kill a woman, he can only kill his brother!

"Woo woo woo~"

The man was unable to speak because of a dislocated jaw and had to whimper.


Qin Feng raised his hand and put his chin back directly, and then he was able to speak.

"I don't know, but a child can't have no relatives~"

The man looked at Qin Feng, his eyes were dim, his voice was hoarse, and his breathing began to speed up obviously.

"Cough cough cough! Vomit~vomit~"

Immediately afterwards, the man suddenly began to cough and retch.

When Qin Feng discovered this situation, his heart couldn't help but become more urgent. If he didn't effectively induce vomiting and cleansing, there was really no chance at all.

Because the vomiting symptoms are caused by the emetic ingredient in paraquat, in order to prevent everyone from eating paraquat by mistake, the manufacturer will add emetic during production.

However, after taking such a large amount of medicine, the man must have experienced a burning sensation in the oral mucosa, throat and esophagus, and a cough caused by sore throat.

From taking the medicine to the present, about 15 minutes later, the man had obvious symptoms of poisoning.

This situation is very bad!

Woo woo woo woo~~~~

Beep beep beep~~~~

At this moment, there was a sound of sirens and ambulances in the distance, and everyone stepped aside one after another. Qin Feng saw the ambulance getting closer and picked up the man.

"Please take off his handcuffs first, and follow me to the hospital!"


The two policemen also understood, took out the key and unlocked one of the handcuffs, and then held them by hand.

Because the man murdered, although he was not convicted and was still a suspect, but the facts are clear and he can't escape.

Just when the ambulance and the police car arrived, the three had carried the man to the cordon.

The ambulance stopped, the door opened, and a familiar picture appeared in front of Qin Feng.

"Director Qin! Why are you here?"

The person who came was Wang Yang, the attending doctor of the emergency department, and said in surprise after seeing Qin Feng.

"Lift the person up first. The patient took a large amount of paraquat of more than 50ml 15 minutes ago and needs gastric lavage immediately!"

Now is not the time to chat, he saw that the person who came was a colleague from his hospital, and immediately ordered,

"Intubate him, hurry up!"

"Xiao Zhang, get ready for intubation and gastric lavage!"

Wang Yang was shocked when he heard his words!

The way he looks at the man has changed!

Is this guy crazy?

Take more than 50ml of paraquat at one time!

Seeing that the man was still wearing handcuffs on his blood-soaked wrists, anyone could tell what was going on.

Immediately, the man was carried into the ambulance, and the man on the ground was out of breath and completely cold.

It's not their business, it's the forensics.

What the ambulance needs to be responsible for is to do everything possible to save this life!

"I don't need you guys to save me! Let me go!"

Seeing this posture, the man became angry again, hissing and trying to escape.

It doesn't cooperate at all!

"Lie down for me!"

When Qin Feng saw this, he became angry immediately, raised his hand as a palm, and hit the vagus nerve on the man's neck.



The man's body softened, he rolled his eyes and lay down without moving.

There are a group of people around, even the two policemen are stunned!

This, this, this... This is too martial arts!

"Intubation gastric lavage!"

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng and Wang Yang began to lavage the man's stomach, while two police officers sat beside them and watched them busy, burning with anxiety.

After all, this is a murder suspect, and it's no small matter if someone dies.

Everyone wants to save him, only he doesn't want to live.

No, there might be another person...

In the hospital, in the emergency room,

"2000ml of 30% kaolin water, add 200g of activated carbon, rinse repeatedly!"

"Furosemide 20mg, intravenous injection, speed up diuresis!"

"Vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B1, niacin, superoxidase intravenous drip!"

"Do a blood gas analysis immediately and check the blood gas data! Prepare for hemodialysis!"

"Methylprednisolone 80mg...Dexamethasone...Propranolol 10mg..."

Qin Feng distributed the medicines one by one, and all the nurses were frantically busy.

Because paraquat is a pesticide that seriously damages the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, lungs and other organs, it will cause erosion and ulceration of the oral cavity and esophageal mucosa in a short period of time.

Gastric perforation, pancreatitis, hepatic edema, dysfunction or failure followed.

Continue to damage the central nervous system, including headaches, dizziness, hallucinations, convulsions and coma.

The serious ones are kidney injury, acute renal failure, and the most terrifying pulmonary fibrosis.

Therefore, it is now necessary to carry out comprehensive treatment on the patient's stomach, kidney, digestive tract and lungs to expel the absorbed paraquat toxin from the body as soon as possible.

Once pulmonary fibrosis occurs, people are basically hopeless, and the most painful thing is in the following time.

The patient will endure continuous torture and finally die of suffocation!

Qin Feng frowned as he watched the nurse carry away the pungent gastric lavage solution bucket by bucket.

All that can be done now, they have done.

The rest is left to fate...

Half an hour later, the pungent pesticide smell finally faded a lot, but there was still some residue, because part of the paraquat had been absorbed.

Gastric lavage is useless now, start hemodialysis!

At the same time, the patient's blood gas analysis, blood routine and other tests came out, and the obvious abnormalities in the data corresponded to the symptoms of paraquat poisoning.

So far, the patient has developed obvious ulcers in the mouth and esophagus, and abnormal gastric mucus.

This is obviously related to the huge amount of patients taking too much!

Qin Feng has been able to declare the patient's death by virtue of his rich experience in system rewards.

The hope of survival can be said to be very slim, and even if it is temporarily saved, it probably won't live for more than half a month.

Now is the time to give him an account of his funeral.

Because, in the following days, he will usher in the most painful trial!

It wasn't until early morning that the police finally notified the man's parents, who were in their fifties, to rush over.

But now they are not allowed to meet, and when she learned that her son had killed someone, her mother fainted on the spot.

"Doctor...doctor, please save my son."

The man's father held Qin Feng's hand and begged bitterly.

"We'll do our best."

Qin Feng's mouth was a little dry, and he turned and left after only 6 words.

Because besides this, he didn't know what else to say.

In the emergency room, the man had been in hemodialysis for 3 hours, Qin Feng glanced at the time.

"Wang Yang, continue hemodialysis for 10 hours, pay attention to observe the patient's condition, and must be closely monitored.

There are still people in my family. I have to go back and come to pick up the patients tomorrow morning. "

"Okay, I know."

Wang Yang nodded and agreed,

"Director Qin, please go first, leave this to me."

"Thanks a lot."

After speaking, Qin Feng turned and left, and took a taxi at the entrance of the hospital to go home.

In his mind, the images of the murderer, the murdered man, the woman, and the man's parents emerged a few hours ago.

A tragedy appeared before his eyes again...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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