
The Doctor: My Super Benevolent System

Qin Feng was admitted to the hospital for an internship and unexpectedly obtained a world-class medical system. After three months, his usual life was changed. A family member of a deranged patient slits the doctor's throat with a knife. Her blood was splattered all over the floor, and it was serious. The injured is Deputy Director Chen Yuan-fang. At this time, the hospital could not find a suitable person to operate on her. It's about to miss the best first aid time! When everyone was helpless, a rescue that shocked them began. ...... I am a contract writer for China Literature (Yuewen). If you want to read the Chinese version, you can go to QiDian. It's more updated than the English version.

LiBinBin · Urban
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354 Chs

Defrauded surgery fee

Early the next morning, Qin Feng drove to the hospital after seeing off Qiao Changping's family on the plane.

From 1:30 a.m. yesterday to now, the man with paraquat has been hemorrhage for 7 hours.

Based on the calculation of severe poisoning, it is estimated that the inspection data of the development of toxicity in the body should also come out.

He doesn't know how many days he can last~

After arriving at the hospital, Qin Feng went straight to the emergency room.

Sure enough, the man was still undergoing hemodialysis, and he had already woken up.

The first time he saw Qin Feng, there was an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Director Qin, you are here."

Wang Yang, who stood firm all night, handed him all the latest inspection reports.

Qin Feng took it and looked at it carefully, and immediately frowned.

Sudden edema of the lungs, severe ulcers in the stomach, mouth and esophagus also developed.

The examination of other organs and blood gas analysis are also very bad.

Clinical data show that after oral absorption, paraquat hardly binds to plasma proteins, reaches the pharmaceutical peak after 2 hours, and slowly decreases the plasma concentration after 15-20 hours.

Paraquat seldom degrades in the body, and is often excreted in feces and urine as a complete prototype, and a small amount can be excreted in breast milk. About 30% of paraquat is excreted in feces after oral exposure.

However, the concentration in the patient's lungs reached 80 times the plasma concentration!

Next, he can only continue to live...

"How about the hemodialysis?"

"Currently he has undergone hemodialysis for nearly 7 hours, and there is no poisonous component in the blood."

Qin Feng nodded when he heard this, and put the report on the table: "Pay attention to observe whether the patient has hematuria, local bleeding points and other bleeding signs within 3 hours after the end of the perfusion."

"Okay, I see, don't worry."

Wang Yang nodded, and then the patients in the class were handed over to Qin Feng.

He walked to the man's bed, looked at the pale face from the rescue, and sighed helplessly.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, cough cough cough ~"

The corner of the man's mouth curled up, and he said in a hoarse voice,

"I know how much I drank, it's useless, don't save me."

Qin Feng shook his head upon hearing this.

"I don't intend to continue saving you, because I can't bring a dead person back to life."


The man smiled immediately, with a look of relief on his face.

"But your mother fainted because of you, and now she lives in the observation ward less than 20 meters away from you."

Qin Feng looked at his smile and said calmly.

After the words fell, the man's expression froze and became a little ugly.

"Don't worry, you still have a few days to explain your funeral, take care of your parents and children, think about it, and don't let yourself regret it."

After speaking, he turned and walked out.

The man stared blankly at Qin Feng's leaving back, and then his eyes were complicated and sad.

From yesterday to now, he was lying here alone, thinking a lot about his wife, children, and brother who was killed.

But before he took paraquat, he had already learned about the drug.

He also knew that it was too late for him to regret...

After handing over the patients, Qin Feng went straight to the orthopedics department.

Today, he has another operation, the third operation for the little boy Zhao Ranran who suffered a degloving injury to his left foot last time.

This is the last time too!

Everyone is amazed by the current recovery situation. Not only the feet are preserved, but the nerve perception has also recovered very well.

Only the foot part still needs skin flap transplantation for final repair.

"Director Qin, you are here."

When he walked to the office, Director Gu Yong of the Orthopedics Department was already waiting for him.

"Director Gu, this time it's a simple skin flap transplant, I'll take Xu Tiantian to do it."

Qin Feng nodded and smiled.

"Okay, then I'll be happy to be free, hahaha!"

Gu Yong laughed, and agreed without the slightest hesitation.

Although this is a patient of the orthopedics department, Qin Feng performed the operation from the very beginning, and this time also left a valuable operation case for the orthopedics department.

Almost perfect suturing video for degloving injury!

Not to mention ordinary doctors, even the two directors and the leaders of the hospital were shocked when they saw it!

With the power of the naked eye, it was able to suture accurately and perfectly some capillaries and nerves, and the survival rate reached 100%.

This has exceeded their cognition!

Perhaps, this operation should really create a myth in the orthopedic industry!

"Director Gu, Director Qin."

At this moment, Sun Haibin who was sitting not far away immediately stood up and shouted.

Hearing the sound, the two looked at him in unison, with puzzled eyes.


Sun Haibin scratched his head and said in embarrassment,

"Can I be your second assistant?"

When the two heard this, they immediately understood that this person wanted to go on stage.

In fact, Dr. Sun is already the attending doctor, and general orthopedic surgery is no problem, but this time the degloving injury made him a little excited.

The first time he was Qin Feng's assistant, and the second time Director Gu was Qin Feng's first assistant.

This is the last time, Sun Haibin is afraid that if he doesn't grab it, he will lose his chance!

"Hehehe~ okay, if Dr. Sun has nothing to do, come on stage with me, Director Gu?"

Qin Feng nodded and smiled.

"You've already spoken, no problem."

Director Gu immediately agreed, and immediately looked at Sun Haibin,

"Doctor Sun, learn from Director Qin well, do you hear me?"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Seeing that both of them agreed, Sun Haibin was overjoyed and said loudly.

In the operating room, Zhao Ranran has been pushed in, and Qin Feng is cleaning and disinfecting with Xu Tiantian and Sun Haibin.

Walking into the operating room, when the nurses saw Qin Feng, they all called out respectfully. Qin Feng nodded in return, and everyone's joy could be seen from their eyes.

This operation, after all, is the most perfect degloving operation in the orthopedics department up to now.

It had a huge response!

"Then let's get started."

Qin Feng put on the dust-free clothes, looked at the crowd and said,

"Start the anesthesia."

After the anesthesia was over, he did not go to the chief surgeon's position, but stood on the second assistant, looking at Xu Tiantian and Sun Haibin who looked puzzled.

"Today's operation, you will do it."

Qin Feng said with a smile,

"Doctor Sun, you come to take the skin, Tiantian, you come to transplant."

After the words fell, the two looked at each other, and then became excited.

It's not that they are excited about the operation. They can become the attending doctors, and they have experienced 80 operations if not 100.

But being able to perform surgery with Qin Feng is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

In fact, the doctors and nurses in the entire hospital have acquiesced to a fact.

It is Qin Feng's medical skills, which is enough to single out the chief physicians of all departments!

Even Director Zhang Fan of the Cardiac Surgery Department, Director Zhou Xianren of the Emergency Department, etc., as long as they follow Qin Feng on stage, they all have a learning attitude.

"How? Can it be done?"

Qin Feng asked curiously when he saw the two of them standing there in a daze.

"Ok, Ok!"

The two nodded at the same time, and immediately went to the chief surgeon's position.

After Zhao Ranran was anesthetized, Sun Haibin took the skin first, and half an hour later handed over the flap to the nurse who had already prepared it.

Immediately, he stepped aside, and Xu Tiantian stepped forward with a serious expression.


Cut off the bandage and release the entire foot.

The entire left foot is densely covered with stitches and sutures, which looks a little scary.

On the surface of the foot, there is a piece of skin that is somewhat blackened and almost necrotic.

Of course, this is also a normal situation, and in the last operation, Qin Feng found that Zhao Ranran's instep was seriously damaged, so he performed a second stitch.

This skin graft is just to allow the wound to heal faster and better under the skin.

So necrosis was also in his plan.

When the necrotic skin was removed, the underlying muscle was bright red and healed very well.

When the two saw this scene, their eyes were filled with joy.

"Director Qin, you are the best! Until now, I have never seen such a serious degloving injury healed to this extent, it is simply perfect!"

Sun Haibin couldn't help saying excitedly, his face was full of shock and ecstasy.

"Basic operations."

Qin Feng smiled and pressed his hands, which immediately made everyone very happy.

But everyone knew in their hearts that Qin Feng was not joking!

The scariest thing is that you think it's a joke, but others are really awesome!

"Director Qin, do you know something?"

After Xu Tiantian started to sew up the flap, Sun Haibin looked at Qin Feng.

"What's the matter? I have a lot of things recently, and I didn't pay attention to the hospital."

Qin Feng shook his head, he didn't know much about gossip in the hospital, because he had too many things to do every day!

In addition to the two departments of the hospital, the training of the general practice outpatient center, daily surgery, and other assets, drug research and development, etc.

So apart from Liu Yan'er and Qiao Changping's family, there were only Chen Dong and Lin Xiaoxiao who were so busy recently that they didn't have time to eat with him.

"Oh, isn't Zhao Ranran's mother also in our department? His family was cheated out of $150,000."

"What? 150,000?!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng was stunned, extremely surprised,

"What's the situation? Tell me carefully!"

Immediately afterwards, Sun Haibin told the whole story, which made everyone very angry!

On the night of the accident, the child's father returned to the hospital the next day, paid all the medical expenses, and saved $10,000 for the child.

The child's mother was very moved when she found out about this incident. Although the relationship between the two had cracked, the child was still his son.

Therefore, the child's mother's emotions towards the man have eased a little and let him come to see her son.

But what is unexpected is that the medical expenses for degloving injuries are not cheap, and neither of them has so much savings.

So the man proposed to ask netizens to mobilize love and donate some.

The child's mother agreed, and the man took a few photos, took a full set of medical certificates, and went directly to open the child's fundraising account.

In just one week, with the help of caring people, $200,000 was quickly raised.

But what everyone didn't expect was that!

The man actually withdrew all the donations except the $50,000 deducted by the platform, $150,000, and completely disappeared!

He is missing!

The mother of the child who learned of this incident was so sad and indignant that she almost fainted.

"Fuck! Is this still a human thing?"

Qin Feng was so angry that he only felt a burst of anger in his heart, and cursed angrily.

There are still such fathers in the world who use the serious injury of their children to deceive the society to raise funds.

It's crazy!

"What's going on now?"

Qin Feng ignored his anger and hurriedly asked.

"Well, what can they do when they meet such a person?"

Sun Haibin sighed, also indignant,

"Because the medical expenses of the two of them are indeed quite a lot, Zhao Ranran's family is going to sell the house now, and the child should be cured first."

It's unbelievable that Qin Feng didn't speak after hearing the words.

Anyone with a bit of humanity can't do this kind of disgusting behavior without a bottom line.

Two hours later, the operation was over and Xu Tiantian finished suturing.

The next step is a complete recovery period. It can be said that except for the scars on the child's feet in the future, at least the basic physiological functions will be preserved.

This is also a rare and happy thing!

Qin Feng left the operating room, returned to the ward and told the child's mother and grandmother about the operation.

Both of them were also very happy, and they didn't feel the slightest sadness of being cheated out of money by a man.

Perhaps, for them, as long as the child is healthy is more important than anything else.

But Qin Feng didn't intend to let it go, he wanted to seek justice for the child.

Give this child who almost lost his left foot and became disabled, and was framed by his biological father, for the justice he deserves.

"Director Qin, what are your orders?"

"Show me a team of lawyers for civil litigation. There is a case that needs to be accepted."

Qin Feng heard the voice from the opposite side and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, Director Qin, I will make arrangements now, and I will arrive in Jiangcheng tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng left directly.

At this time, in the outpatient department, an old man in an old military uniform that had been washed to gray, walked to the window to register with the support of another old man.

"Hi, what subject do you study?"

"Hello, I want to join the oncology department."


The nurse at the registration office raised her head and looked at the old man at the window in surprise.
