
The Divine Mage System

Cassy had always felt different from others as if she didn't belong anywhere, and if it was because she didn't belong here but in another world, as if her destiny was more important than just going to college and getting a job after graduation. After a solar eclipse and apocalyptic visions, Cassy's destiny will be revealed to her, will she be strong enough to face the danger that will come her way. Fortunately, she won't be alone, her soulmate will always be there for her and so will her friends and her family, together they will learn to fight and become strong enough to face the Demon Lord and his army that threaten not only their world but the whole universe. ......................... If you like fantasy novels about mages, warriors, shapesfithers, dragons, demons, travel between different worlds, systems, weak to strong, family, this novel is for you. .........................   Extract : Cassy tried to struggle to stay conscious and listen to the doctors but it was as if her visions were calling to her and tired of struggling, she decided to focus on them and that's when she heard a voice. [The Divine Mage System has been activated. Introduction: The Demon Lord has been reincarnated and the Universe is once again threatened. Your Mission: Find the seven power stones and forge a weapon that can kill the Demon Lord once and for all. Find the strongest Warrior, he will be the only one capable of using your weapon and stand up to the Demon Lord. If you failed, worlds will be destroyed, humans will be enslaved, entire races will disappear. Do you accept your Mission? Yes/No] ………………………….. EXTRA CHAPTER EVERY 1,000 POWER STONES, 100 GOLDEN TICKETS, AND EVERY SUPER GIFTS WARNING, the main couple will be a straight couple and one of the side couples will be a gay couple (BL), you have been warned, also it isn’t a slowburn romance and the pace of the story will be rather slow but never boring. There will be R18 content and all chapters with it will be marked by (NSFW) If you like this novel please add it to your library and vote with power stones and golden tickets :) My other novels : My Mage System (BL) - ongoing The Celestial Phoenix and His Guardian (BL) – ongoing Reincarnated to save the universe (GL/BL) completed

CeliaNaya · Fantasy
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401 Chs


It wasn't only her head but her whole body that hurt like hell and she was sure she had a high fever.

Doctors came to her, all dressed in white uniform that made them look like cosmonauts, and they explained to her that she had a high fever of unknown origin and that she had already been unconscious for two days.

These doctors explained to her that her parents and family couldn't come to see her because they didn't know if this fever was contagious or not and so until they learnt more about it, she had been put in isolation.

Cassy tried to struggle to stay conscious and listen to the doctors but it was as if her visions were calling to her and tired of struggling, she decided to focus on them and that's when she heard a voice.

[The Divine Mage System has been activated.

Introduction: The Demon Lord has been reincarnated and the Universe is once more threatened.

Your Mission: Find the seven power stones and forge a weapon that can kill once and for all the Demon Lord.

Find the strongest Warrior, he will be the only one capable of using your weapon and stand up to the Demon Lord.

If you failed, worlds will be destroyed, humans will be enslaved, entire races will disappear.

Do you accept your Mission? Yes/No]

Was it a joke? Cassy couldn't help but think.

A Divine Mage System…what was that?

The voice repeated the question and she saw the message appeared in her mind.

She didn't know what's going to happen but she still accepted the mission… As if she had any other choice anyways, this voice just said that the Universe was doomed without this weapon she had to forge and this best Warrior she had to found.

Hell, how was she even supposed to start her mission?

And that was when she heard again this voice in her head.

[Your soul will be transmigrated into the world where the strongest Warrior is, your first mission is to find him.]

What the fuck!!!


Astoria World 2-01

Cassy, after this last message, woke up and she was suffocating and drowning...drowning?

Fortunately she was an excellent swimmer and after only a few fathoms she resurfaced and after coughing and spitting out the water that was in her lungs, she realized that she was in a river with a strong current and so instead of fighting the current, because she was really at the end of her strength, she decided to let herself be carried by it and as soon as she could find an opportunity she would return to dry land.

This opportunity presented itself very quickly and while the current was dragging her towards the shore she took advantage of it to seize a big root of a tree and she was finally able to pull herself on the dry land.

Cassy then laid down on her back exhausted and pensive, she was totally unaware of where she was, in a forest apparently but where exactly she had no idea, there was no forest around the place where she lived and why had she woken up drowning ...

It was then that suddenly, without any warning sign, an unbearable pain at the level of her temples appeared and she could not help but moan and swear while pressing her hands on each side of her head hoping to decrease the intensity of this pain.

Of course it didn't work and as she felt her head being crushed by an unknown force, she was invaded by memories that didn't belong to her.

She immediately realized that this world was not her world and that she was now in Astoria, a world filled with magic where mages, who must be the equivalent of witches and wizards on Aurora, were respected and could become very powerful beings.

She realized that the girl whose memories she had received had not had an easy life. They were the same age but she had no family, she had grown up in an orphanage that had fed and housed her but she had never been happy there.

At school it was even worst and she was bullied by the other students, in fact it was the group that bullied her that threw her in the river, which eventually led to her death, because she suddenly remembered what the voice said to her.

That her soul will be transmigrated into the world where the strongest Warrior is, and that her first mission was to find him.

So the strongest Warrior should be somewhere in this world, she couldn't see any other explanation for her coming here otherwise.

And in order to be able to transmigrate, she probably had died because of this mysterious fever that she had caught in her world and her soul had entered the body of this girl when she too had lost her life.

Her headache was gradually diminishing, and she now felt totally exhausted.

She was also really cold, the water of this river was icy and every part of her body was numb with cold.

So she did what she had always done since she was a little girl when she was cold, she conjured a flame in her mind, and when she saw it, she was relieved to realize that she had not lost her powers.

It would have been a shame if she had finally found herself in a world where she could use her powers freely and she couldn't use them anymore.

So she concentrated on the red flame that appeared in her mind and she immediately felt her whole body warm up.

Her clothes also dried and she finally regained some strength, this flame was not only there to warm her but to give her energy when she was exhausted like now.

After that she sat down and decided to start by looking at what she looked like now, the flood of memories had been so fast and she had seen so many new faces that she wasn't even sure which one was hers.

So she approached the edge of the river and leaned forward to see her new face.

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