
Letting Go is Gaining

The girl's crying still echoed in Mu Yang's heart. Just now, he was anxious because he couldn't cultivate, and Mu Xue happened to barge in without permission, leading to his outburst of anger.

However, she was his sister. Every time he was bullied, it was her who protected him. This bond, even without blood ties, surpassed many biological siblings. Although he couldn't cultivate spirit energy, in this world, Mu Xue was the only person he could trust. She was his closest friend. Was he still a man losing his temper in front of the person he loved most?

Exhaling a long breath, Mu Yang got off the bed. The soreness in his body gradually faded, and he felt a hint of surprise. From childhood until now, he had endured countless beatings. However, every time he got beaten, he recovered faster than others, and the speed of recovery was increasing!

Could it be that enduring so many beatings made his physique robust? Mu Yang smiled, but immediately dismissed the thought. It wasn't that his physique became robust; it was initially much stronger than others.

Without dwelling on it, Mu Yang took a swift step out of the room.

In the living room.

A couple was sitting and chatting, laughter filling the air. The man looked pale, coughing incessantly while speaking, as if suffering from a serious illness. The woman, in her thirties, still had an enchanting charm.

"Mom, Dad, have you seen Xue?" Mu Yang's voice came from outside the door as he entered.

"No, isn't she with you?" the gentle-looking woman named Yun Yan asked, looking at Mu Yang.

Yun Yan was Mu Xue's mother and Mu Qingyuan's wife. The man beside her was Mu Qingyuan, once the strongest among the young generation of the Mu family, who had reached the level of the Minor Profound Yuan Foundation Realm.

"Okay," Mu Yang nodded and turned to leave. "Mom, Dad, I'll be outside for a while."

Yun Yan nodded.

However, Mu Qingyuan's expression had not been quite right. He felt that Mu Yang seemed a bit unusual today.

After a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he exclaimed, "I know!"

The sudden sound startled Yun Yan, and she immediately punched Mu Qingyuan's chest, complaining, "You scared me!"

"Just now, Yang'er called us mom and dad!"

Hearing this, Yun Yan's expression changed, and a complex look appeared on her face.

It had been twelve years, an Mu Yang had never called them mom or dad. Sometimes, they even felt that Mu Yang was just an accessory to this family, an existence that could be there or not.

However, everything was silently changing today.

Mu Yang was not someone dispensable; he was an indispensable part of this family, a member of this household!


The reason why it was called Ancient Forest Town was due to the forest behind it, the Magic Beast Forest.

The Magic Beast Forest was vast enough to cover the entire empire. Ancient Forest Town was located on the edge of the Magic Beast Forest, hence the name Ancient Forest Town.

As one of the four major forces, the Mu family naturally obtained territorial rights over a portion of the forest.

And now, where Mu Yang was heading to was exactly the Magic Beast Forest.

Though not a cultivator, Mu Yang's speed was not slow. It took him only two hours to enter the vast forest, stretching endlessly into his sight.

Running quickly on the main road, Mu Yang suddenly turned and directly plunged into the nearby bushes. After running in the bushes for a long time, it took him two hours to break through. Then, he arrived in an open area.

The land was somewhat devastated, as if it had experienced numerous battles. Mu Yang scanned the surroundings and walked forward.


Suddenly, a beast's roar echoed. Mu Yang was startled; he pushed off with his hind legs and pounced forward.


A massive tiger paw directly smashed the ground, opening a one-yard-wide crack. It was a red tiger, standing as tall as a person, with crimson eyes flashing a murderous intent.

Feeling his attack miss, the red tiger roared to the sky, and its figure shot like an arrow, swinging its huge tiger paw viciously.

Mu Yang was surprised, but he blocked the tiger's paw with a punch!


A dull impact echoed, and Mu Yang's face changed as he was blasted back ten steps. Barely stabilizing himself without any pause, Mu Yang activated his speed to the extreme, instantly appearing behind the red tiger.

Sensing the situation, the red tiger quickly turned around, opening its mouth to bite. However, the red tiger miscalculated; at this moment, Mu Yang had already reached above it.

Performing a beautiful front flip, Mu Yang grabbed the back of the red tiger and forcefully threw it several meters away in the blink of an eye.

A ten-meter-long mark was etched into the ground.

The red tiger whimpered, shaking its dazed head and clumsily standing up. It glared at Mu Yang and pounced again.

However, this time, Mu Yang neither dodged nor defended. The red tiger directly tackled him, and in the next moment, a surprising scene unfolded.

Instead of biting Mu Yang, the red tiger kept licking him, behaving like an obedient pet.

"Alright, alright." Feeling uncomfortable being licked like this, Mu Yang spoke, and then suddenly remembered something. "Little Red, did you see my sister?"

The humanized red tiger nodded.

"Take me to her!"

The red tiger stood up, then swiftly ran towards the east. Seeing this scene, Mu Yang quickly followed.


By the clear lake, a young girl played with the water in a vexed manner. Around her, numerous spirit beasts, including spirit lions, battle bears, and azure eagles, were present.

"Silly brother! Stupid brother! Clearly, it's his fault, yet he blamed on me!" The girl complained with a dissatisfied expression.

However, while she was playing in the water, she didn't notice that the spirit beasts behind her quietly made way.

"Silly brother!" Playing with the beautiful reflection in the lake, Mu Xue pouted and mumbled to herself, "If you don't apologize to me, I won't talk to you anymore! But if you really stop talking to me, what should I do? Clearly, it's your fault! No, I won't compromise. If you don't admit your mistake, I won't..."

However, before she could finish speaking, a familiar aura, a solid arm, suddenly wrapped around her.

Mu Xue's delicate body trembled.

"Silly little sister, it's my fault, everything is my fault."

The same voice, the same person.

Mu Xue widened her eyes, and tears uncontrollably flowed down.

It took quite a while before Mu Xue finally stopped crying.


The next moment, she bit her lower lip, sharply raised her right elbow backward.

Without any suspense, Mu Yang was sent flying ten meters away!


Turning around, one hand on her waist and the other pointing at Mu Yang, who was massaging his stomach, Mu Xue complained in a coquettish tone, "If you treat me like this again, I won't talk to you anymore!"

However, despite Mu Xue saying this, Mu Yang continued to rub his stomach, and the pain on his face did not diminish.

Seeing this scene, Mu Xue suddenly panicked. She took a step forward and anxiously asked, "Brother Mu Yang, are you okay? I didn't use much force. Could it be that there was already an injury here? But that's not possible; you can endure a lot of beatings. Let me take a look, I..."

Mu Xue's words kept pouring out.

At this moment, with his head lowering, a mischievous smile appeared on Mu Yang’s face.

Then, he raised his head, and his smirking face was exposed.

Mu Xue startled, immediately understood that her brother was making fun of her!

“You lied to me!”

Her complaint was followed by another punch.


The two continued their frolic as before.

Although it hurt very much to play with Mu Xue, but Mu Yang’s heart was still happy. After all, his sister didn't really blame on him.

Over the past decade, revenge had consumed his whole life. In every moment, he yearned for the scenes of the interstellar war, and incessantly contemplated revenge to erase his lingering grievances.

The war had killed his father and transported him to another realm. However, amid the war's brutality, it bestowed upon him another father and a mother.

Then there was her—the girl who had steadfastly accompanied him.

At times, perhaps the person before one's eyes was the most precious.

At times, perhaps the current circumstances were the easiest to neglect and the most prone to regret.

It was now time to let go of certain matters.