
Ancient Forest Town, Mu Family!

A formidable momentum erupted from Mu Xue's delicate figure, shaking everyone present! At the Sixth Stage Foundation Building Realm, Mu Xue could be considered a prominent figure even within the Mu family's younger generation. Moreover, Mu Xue was just a twelve-year-old girl!

Mu Xue turned around, her face stern, and her ice-cold voice carried astonishing pressure. "My brother said he is the one who found the Lingzhi first, and you guys are the ones stealing. If you keep bothering us, then..."

At this point, Mu Xue's tone suddenly intensified, glaring at Mu Yan. "Then, don't blame me for disregarding family ties!"

The scene fell silent. Including Mu Yan, who was sweating from the stare, no one dared to speak a word.

"Hmph!" Mu Xue snorted lightly, then, under the astonished gazes of everyone, she supported Mu Yang and left the place. Everyone saw that when Mu Xue looked at Mu Yang, her expression immediately softened into a gentle and charming one, like a lovely sister.

After Mu Xue and Mu Yang left, Mu Yan stomped his foot in frustration, shouting, "How can Mu Yang, that useless guy, have such a good sister?"

"And Mu Xue treats him so well, is it because she likes him..."


Before the words could be finished, Mu Yang immediately slapped the speaker.

"Is he worthy of Mu Xue? If you blabber again, I'll cut off your tongue!" Watching the person who got slapped, covering his face and daring not to say a word, Mu Yan was even angrier.

Accustomed to being domineering, how could he endure such humiliation? Moreover, Mu Yang was a useless guy without spiritual energy!

Looking at the direction where the two left, Mu Yan stomped his foot again and cursed, "Mu Yang, the next time I catch you, I'll definitely cripple you!"


A boy and a girl walked on a path in the woods.

The girl, though was still a teen, had the potential to become a beauty. The boy she supported, on the other hand, looked disheveled and forlorn.

"Brother Mu Yang, you can't cultivate spiritual energy. If you encounter such things in the future, tell me, and I'll take care of you!" The girl suddenly spoke.

Yes, the person being supported was none other than Mu Yang!

"I'm fine, just a minor injury." Mu Yang forced a smile, and in the depths of his bright eyes, there seemed to be a hint of emotion passing through. Then, he sighed, "It's just a second-grade spiritual herb, but they took it for nothing."

"Just a second-grade spiritual herb, Brother Mu Yang, don't get hurt because of such things again." Mu Xue suddenly flicked Mu Yang's straight nose.

This scene was completely unlike that of a older brother and younger sister; it looked more like an older sister protecting her younger brother! At this thought, Mu Yang shook his head helplessly. Looking at his fists, Mu Yang's face became even more dim.

"Xue." Mu Yang suddenly spoke.

"Hmm?" Mu Xue blinked her beautiful eyes.

However, before she could react, her delicate body was tightly embraced by Mu Yang.

"Brother Mu Yang, you..." Mu Xue's heartbeat accelerated, her pretty face blushing, feeling a bit caught off guard.

"Thank you for your years of caring for me." Mu Yang's magnetic words sounded gently in Mu Xue's ears. There was no other emotion, just deep gratitude and touched feelings. With these words, Mu Xue, who was initially a little resistant, suddenly fell silent.

"I know, Brother Mu Yang will have great achievements in the future. Even if the whole world opposes you, I will by your side." Mu Xue patted Mu Yang's back. For so many years, Mu Yang had suffered a lot because of his innate unsuitability for cultivating spiritual energy. She understood this best. It was precisely because of this that she vowed to protect him!

"Let's go, mom and dad are waiting for us." Mu Xue reminded.

Mu Yang nodded, and with Mu Xue's support, he slowly walked towards the spacious courtyard ahead.


A path paved with green bricks, people coming and going. The huge gate was like a city wall, isolating the outside world. Two large characters were inscribed on the gate: the Mu Family.

The Mu Family, one of the four oldest forces in Ancient Forest Town, and no one dared to disrespect them. At this moment, a young girl supporting a young man walked in. The girl was none other than Mu Xue.

When the gatekeepers also saw these two people, their faces changed, quickly walking towards them. "Fourth Miss, what happened?"

"My brother suffered a minor injury. Please take him to the medical room," Mu Xue instructed the gatekeepers.

However, Mu Yang interrupted before the gatekeepers could nod, "It's just a minor injury. My resistance to attacks is strong. Just help me back to my room."

"Brother Mu Yang, you..."

"It's okay. Don't you trust your brother?" Mu Yang turned around, touched Mu Xue's head, and smiled warmly.

Mu Xue blushed a little, speaking hesitantly, "Well, then, Brother Mu Yang, I'll come to see you later."

Handing Mu Yang over to the gatekeepers, Mu Xue immediately left.

Mu Yang smiled faintly. Then, as if remembering something, his eyes immediately dimmed, and his fists at his waist unconsciously clenched.

Over a decade ago, during that great battle of the heavens and earth, he had already come to another world.


Passing through various paths, Mu Yang finally returned to his room.

The room was not large, but the items inside were placed unusually neatly. The head of the Mu family was Mu Jingtian, Mu Yang's grandfather. Next were Mu Jingtian's four sons. Mu Yang's father ranked the lowest but had the strongest power. Although not as powerful as Mu Jingtian, he far surpassed the other three brothers.

However, three years ago, without any signs, Mu Yang's father's strength began to rapidly decline. In just a year, his strength dropped by a whole level!

Mu Jingtian searched for the best doctors in the empire but couldn't find the cause. Now, after two years without any competitions, no one knew to what extent Mu Yang's father, Mu Qingyuan, had declined in strength.

However, Mu Yang didn't care about this. After all, Mu Qingyuan was not his biological father.

His real father was named Mu Rufeng, the supreme commander of China's military. So far, Mu Yang had not even called Mu Qingyuan "dad" once.

Nevertheless, Mu Qingyuan treated Mu Yang as his own. Shaking his head and not dwelling on it further, Mu Yang sat cross-legged and began to cultivate.

By all accounts, everyone in this world could cultivate spiritual energy. However, Mu Yang was an exception.

Half an hour later, Mu Yang opened his eyes, cursed, "Damn it! Why ?! If I can't cultivate, how can I go back to save my dad?"

Taking a deep breath, he began to cultivate again.

The same result, the same attempt.


He slammed the bed, his breath unstable, a fierce expression on his face.

"Mu Yang, what are you doing?" A delicate voice came in. The door opened, and Mu Xue entered the room.

Mu Yang, who was in the midst of cultivation, suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes, as if capable of killing, stared directly at Mu Xue.

Mu Xue was startled.

"Don't you know you should knock before coming in?!" Mu Yang angrily shouted.

Mu Xue trembled, not expecting Mu Yang to get angry with her. She stammered, "I-I..."

"What are you trying to say? I'm cultivating right now. What if you disrupt my breakthrough?!"

Mu Xue didn't expect Mu Yang to be so furious. In an instant, tears welled up in her eyes.

Then, she raised her teary eyes and shouted, "I didn't know, why are you yelling at me? Clearly, it is your own problem that you couldn’t cultivate, since when it has become my fault?"

With these words, Mu Yang's body trembled. Right, what was the point of scolding his own sister? Just as he was about to speak, Mu Xue had already run out of the room in tears.