
The Disintegrator

Drip Drop Drip Drop If you think it's water running down a tap then I must say that you're gravely mistaken. For this is not water that is dripping but blood, My Blood. Why? You ask. That's because I am currently hanged on a Cross with chains around my neck and limbs. And I have been on this cross for Nine….or is it Ten now?.... Anyway, it's almost ten days since I was hanged. My world has started to go woozy, Light is being replaced by darkness, slowly but surely. But there's one thing that is still not happening. That is, I still can't feel any pain, and no it's not because of blood loss or anything but it's an inherent trait in my race, we can't feel emotions at all. I tried a lot of things, so that I may feel some kind of emotion, but everything was for naught, and now I am taking my last breath. 'Well… at least I tried….' And the eternal darkness took me…..or that's what was supposed to happen but— "How long are you going to keep your eyes closed" .…...……………………………………........ This is my first book so it might be slow in the beginning and it might even contain a lot of mistakes, so please bear with it. The cover is not mine if the artist wants it I can remove it. *Special thanks to G.S.M*

IwRiTeWiThBlOoD · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: I’m Not The Same One You Were Bullying Just A Minute Ago.

With its head tilted to the side, the monstrous dog peered at the boy underneath him, perplexed.

If it had been a regular dog, it would have appeared fairly cute, but now looking at it, only one word came to mind–Hideous.

Panmich, who was becoming paler by the second, quickly regained his rosiness and abruptly opened his shut eyes.

The Chupacabra was startled, and before it could react, its left eye was already between Panmich's front teeth.



Blackish-red blood spurted like a fountain out of the beast's left eye.

The unexpected assault caused the beast to stumble and loosen its grip on Panmich.

Panmich didn't waste time and immediately grabbed the wooden plank lying on his side and—


Unlike the naïve and inexperienced Panmich who was ruthlessly murdered by the chupacabra, this Panmich, a.k.a. Desoreth was an old veteran, so he wouldn't make any novice mistakes.

He slammed the plank as hard as he could on the beast's left side of the face, causing the plank to splinter in half.

This led to the chupacabra further loosening its press on Panmich, allowing Panmich to bolt free from the chupacabra's firm hold.

Panmich staggered slightly due to him adjusting to his new and small body, but he swiftly regained his balance and locked gazes with the Chupacabra's right eye.

Blood trickled down Panmich's chin from between his teeth—not his own, but that of the filthy hound he had just bitten.

The chupacabra swayed and glared at Panmich, but did not strike right away.


"Don't get too excited, you fucking mutt; I'm not the same one you were sucking just a minute ago," Panmich stated coldly.

'I can't fight it head-on; I have to find another approach...' Panmich surveyed the situation: a half-finished wall behind him, a metal ladder on the side, wooden planks, bricks, cement, anything that could harm the chupacabra but nothing that could kill it.

'Let's see how this goes...' Panmich thought and began sprinting towards the wall behind him.

The Chupacabra didn't chase Panmich straight away because it detected a change in Panmich's demeanor, and its instincts were tingling and warning it not to mess with the human in front of it, but then the gouge in its left eye made it wince in agony, and it felt fury towards its perpetrator.

It was filled with rage, and the confidence it had acquired from taking down Panmich earlier overwhelmed its instincts, and it eventually began to chase Panmich.


Contrary to the previous Panmich, this Panmich brought forth a significant change in mobility and skill; as the saying goes, it all depends on the driver's skills. Using the same car as the others, a different driver may bring forward a completely different drive--play.

Panmich utilized the same vessel to ascend the wall and jump to the other side.

The monstrous dog followed close behind, leaping over the wall and landing on the other side, but there was no sign of Panmich anymore; it sniffed around confusedly, but Panmich was nowhere to be discovered; it was as if he had vanished into thin air.

Panmich, on the other hand, never jumped to the other side of the wall; he simply climbed it and dangled against it on the other side, away from the dog's eyes, or should I say eye now?

As soon as he saw the dog leaping above his head, he climbed again and took a position on top of the wall, as if preparing himself for a broad jump, which is exactly what he was trying to do.

The Chupacabra also sensed Panmich behind it, and being deceived infuriated him even more; the dog took a couple of steps back before sprinting and jumping.

Panmich jumped at the same time and barely grasped the metal ladder. The Chupacabra was right behind him; it grabbed Panmich's shoes and the bottom of his pants in its jaws, and Panmich could feel some of the beast's fangs sinking into his ankle, but that didn't make him let go of the rod.

The Chupacabra was suspended by Panmich's garments for a few seconds before they shredded and it fell to the ground.


"Argh…" Panmich could feel the horrible pain in his right leg, and blood flowed like a stream, but he dismissed it and continued to climb the ladder.

Once he ascended to the top, he propped himself on the building's roof and lay there, breathing like a pregnant woman in labor.

Now that there were no footholds for the dog to climb and pursue Panmich, he was practically safe.

Panmich could wait and catch his breath before going, but for some reason, he didn't want to. Instead, he wanted to kill the dog that had caused him so much agony and had taken the little boy's life.


The Chupacabra detected that Panmich hadn't left yet, so it kept on barking from below with its front paws against the wall.

Soon after, Panmich reappeared on the roof and peered down at the beast, thinking, 'One wrong move, and I may say goodbye to my new life...'

Panmich was about to make a dangerous decision. He could easily leave and steadily increase his strength later, but he wanted to see this fucking dog die.

Panmich stood on the roof ledge, toes in the air, his hair flapping in the night breeze.

He held a pointy metal rod and a square wrapping cloth in his hands.

He gazed down at the reptilian-like dog, which was constantly barking at him, slobber flying everywhere. It stared at Panmich with venom in its eyes.

"Huuu..." Panmich breathed deeply before diving from the 50-foot-tall structure.

The Chupacabra was also prepared, and it opened its jaws wide, preparing to tear Panmich apart in mid-air.

Panmich spread the sheet halfway down to hide his landing spot from the chupacabra's vision.

Panmich was scraped by its fangs as the Chupacabra closed his jaws and tore the square cloth to shreds, but it helped him parry the onslaught, and he thrust the rod toward the beast's uninjured eye.