
The Disguised Love

James, a respectable Investment Analyst crosses paths with Sophie, a woman already scarred by lost love. Sophie's heart had been ensnared by Gabriel, a mysterious stranger she'd conversed with for three years never glimpsing his face or knowing his true identity. When Gabriel abruptly vanished, Sophie's world crumbled. It's precisely at this juncture that James enters her life. Intrigued by Sophie's unwavering devotion to an enigmatic figure, James delves deeper. He discovers that Sophie, a confident 23-year-old, is also the daughter of a billionaire. Driven by curiosity and perhaps something more, James resolves to help Sophie find Gabriel. Along the way, an unspoken love blossoms between them. Simultaneously, two significant events unfold. First, Sophie's beloved mentor, whom she considered an admirer, is brutally murdered. Second, a reclusive tech giant known for residing in a digital fortress, communicating only through screens and masks gains fame in Los Angeles City due to his benevolent deeds. Sophie senses an inexplicable link between her professor's death and the tech geej. Amidst the chaos, Sophie grapples with her own and James involvement in this intricate web. Will Sophie decipher her connection to the 'Tech Geek' ? Can she unravel her mentor's murder mystery? And most importantly, will she find solace in James's presence, leaving behind the ghost of Gabriel?

Sensuous_ink1503 · Urban
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79 Chs

Chapter 57

Sophie quickly messaged James informing him that Brenda wanted to meet him,They suggested meeting at a café.

James was caught off guard by this sudden request. He couldn't understand why Brenda, who had always shown a bitter and suspicious attitude towards him, would suddenly want to meet.

His mind was filled with anticipation of possible questions she might have for him.

At the same time, he couldn't help but think about the opportunity to enter Grant's house and plant more microphones.

He quickly messaged, 'Hey, I'll be there in an hour. Let's meet at your home—I'm not in the mood for a café.'

The thought of gaining more intel on Grant excited James, but he also knew that meeting Brenda could potentially be a trap or a way for her to gather information.

Nevertheless, James decided to take the risk and meet with Brenda, hoping that it would lead to further progress in his mission.
