
5: Sudden Pain

[Sir, we have three hours before we enter the galaxy. I advise that we begin the Cerebral Chip implant now] Core said.

"Alright, I guess we can begin the transplant now." answered Edward as he stood up and headed to the hospital deck. "I am already sterile so we can begin the operation immediately."

[Certainly Sir. If you would please lie down while I administer an anesthetic]

Edward lied down on the cold metal table in the middle of the room. Numerous robotic hands began to appear from the walls and the floors of the room. When the anesthetic was administered, Edward was put into a deep sleep. Then, the robotic hands began to make a quick incision on the back of Edward's head. The skin was quickly cut and lasers made a small opening on the center back of Edwards skull. A small microchip full of nanobots was inserted to Edward's head and it quickly began to integrate to his brain.

Because of the nanobots in the chip, the moment the cut part of Edward's skull was returned, it began to heal in an instantaneous speed. The skin was then sewed together and an ointment was applied to the wound that made it close incredibly quickly.

After another hour of resting, Edward was jolted awake with slight electrical current he felt in his brain. It was the AI Chip successfully connecting to his brain.

"Oh God, I really do hate that sudden jolt of electricity in my brain." Edward thought to himself as he stood up the metal table. "Where are we now Core?"

[Sir, we are near the Earth-like planet. In about 5 minutes, we will enter the planet's orbit]

"Good. When we enter the orbit, activate the Satellite Mode I installed in the software yesterday. Also, keep a copy of yourself on this ship so I still have contact with it. And prepare my Landing pod for launch."

[Certainly Sir]

Edward walked towards the screen of the ship. "Would you look at that, there are landmasses and the surface is blue. It really is like Earth! I do hope there are some animals. I don't think I can survive on plankton and vegetation."






[Sir, we have reached the orbit of the planet. Initiating Satellite Mode now…]

The space cruiser suddenly turned off its artificial gravity and it turned up. It looked almost like a boat with its bow upright. As soon as the ship entered Satellite mode, it began to take the course of the planet's orbit.

[Satellite Mode successful. The Landing pod is now ready for you Sir.]

As soon as core said that, Edward immediately floated off to the Landing Pod. He was feeling very exited and slightly nervous.

When Edward reached the pod, he was a little surprised. The windows of the pod was completely covered with thick metal. All the glass were reinforced and there was a thick black tint coating the glass, making it impossible to see outside.

"What did you do to the Landing pod Core?" Edward asked.

[I reinforced the entire pod Sir. Because the sun-like star in the middle of the galaxy has not been studied fully well, it is better not to risk having any UV Rays coming into the pod and harm you.]

"I see. Thanks for that."

[Sir, please wear your space suit. The planet is not like our Earth. It is better to be safe.]

"I know, I know…" Edward answered. He has already worn the space suit, which was similar in appearance to a scuba diving suit with a oxygen mask attached.

Edward entered the landing pod and strapped himself in before giving the order.

"Deploy the pod!!!" Edward shouted.

The Landing pod was immediately deployed and started to descend down the planet to a random spot in the landmass.


The smoking hot Landing pod had made contact to the ground. Landing successful!

As soon as Edward opened the pod door, sunlight began to shine directly on his eyes revealing the surroundings. A lush green plain can be seen with gigantic boulders littering the area. An ocean of trees, each nearly hundreds of feet tall borders the edge of the plain.

"Amazing! Even back at the Andromeda galaxy, only one or two planets were as healthy as this one here!" Edward was incredibly thrilled. Usually with trees like this, signifies the existence of animals at least something of mammalian or reptilian characteristics. "looks like I wont be going hungry after all"

In spur of the moment, Edward had suddenly removed his oxygen mask, knowing that the existence of trees means the presence of oxygen in the air. However as soon as Edward removed his mask, he suddenly felt a strong pain enter his head.

It was absolutely excruciating!


Edward struggled to get back to his pod. As soon as he closed the pod door, his vison suddenly went black and fainted.







AutarchAsuracreators' thoughts