
4: Preparation for Landing

As the space cruiser slowly move towards the galaxy, Edward began to dismantle and reassemble parts of the space cruiser from the inside.

[Sir, What are you doing?] Core asked, while Edward was busying himself on the lower decks of the ship.

"I am trying to reassemble the cruiser" Edward answered bluntly

[I can see that, but what are you trying to make sir?]

"I am going to turn this space cruiser into a space satellite." He said "Even if we found a planet that is habitable, I am not going to land this space cruiser there. This cruiser is my last chance of getting back to Earth or at least a human inhabited planet, and I am not risking this ship getting damaged down there"

[I see. So you will be landing using the Landing Pod? Will we have enough fuel for the Landing Pod to make the trip?]

"That's why I am also going to disassemble the pod so I can change the main power source from fuel to solar power." answered Edward. "Honestly, I don't feel too confident about being able to go back home. But, you never know. A miracle might happen."

Edward returned to what he was doing. After a few hours of disassembling, reprograming, and welding, the cruiser has been modified into a quasi-satellite.

"Core, how far are we from our destination?" Edward asked.

[Estimated Time of Arrival to Unknown Galaxy : 25 HOURS]

"Good, were almost there. Send an advance reconnaissance drone ahead of us. Start to look for a suitable planet to land on, we don't want to waste the cruiser's fuel searching around for a planet." Edward ordered while he was going into the dining room. "I'm going to have some dinner while we wait."

[Sir, the drone has been sent. Would you like me to prepare the Landing Pod?]

"Yeah, you go do that" he said. "Also, prepare a cerebral chip, I am going to bring you with me."

[Certainly Sir]

As soon as Edward left, the space cruiser's hospital deck began to automatically function in preparation for the insertion of the cerebral chip.

With the advancement of medical services on Earth, it was now possible to insert an AI to your brain. However, not all people were too keen to have an AI connected to their brain because of the paranoia that someone might hack into their personal AI and see their memories.

There was once an incident on Earth where the Italian President's personal AI was attacked by a terrorist hacker. As a result, personal data about the President was released, including his contact number, bank accounts, passwords, addresses, and many more information. The event almost lead to the collapse of the AI industry.

It was Edward Bentham's father, Corvinus Bentham, who was a famous mathematician and engineer who created a digital algorithm that ensured that without permission, only the owners can have access to their own AIs. It was also Edward's father who conceptualized and researched the "Cerebral AI Chip". However, Corvinus Bentham was unable to finish his research because the medical technology during his time was not able to extract the human brain safely. Corvinus Bentham passed away at the ripe old age of 97, one week before the success of Edward's "Life Extension Project".

It was Edward who continued his fathers research and created the first successful Cerebral AI Chip. He named his father as the owner and creator of the Cerebral AI Chip in his honor.






18 Hours Later

[Sir, the drone has arrived at the unknown galaxy]

"Core, temporarily name the unknown galaxy as "October Galaxy" said Edward.

[Is it because we discovered the galaxy this October? How uncreative Sir…]

"Hey, stop roasting me!"






4 Hours later.

[Sir, we have calculated two planets within the "Goldilocks Zone" of the October Galaxy. The drone cannot go too near the planets because of safety features, but from the footage, one of the planets seem to be similar to our Earth, and the other is similar to our Mars.]

"Then, we will go to the one similar to the Earth." Said Edward. "Set our coordinates to the Earth-like planet. We will land there immediately"

[Certainly Sir]

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