

"Such petty tricks." Sean curled up his fist and wind gathered around the man. The draft in the arena changed as the wind moved and weaved around Sean. The wind formed a protective barrier around Sean and the man was standing in the middle of it like a person caught in the eye of a tornado.

Frankie's daggers slashed forward but before they could injure their target, they came up against a solid wall. The daggers bounced back from the collision and the rushing wind cut Frankie.

The pain from the cut seemed to power the man's will for he did not give up but flex his fingers as he launched yet another round of attack at Sean. All of Frankie's shadows attacked at once.

They held the daggers together in their palms and pierced forward. The friction between the tip of the daggers and the circular rushing of the wind created an echo that could be heard reverberated through the arena.

The attention of all the adventurers were focused on the battle, their hopes weighed on their corresponding party. The hearts for one of the parties sank while the other soared as the daggers slowly inched forward towards the man who was standing in the middle of the wind barrier.

Sean turned to look at one of the Frankie's. Frankie's face was locked in determination as he tried his best to puncture the wind barrier. Sean merely smiled and to the man, he said, "You're just wasting your time, just admit to your fate and serve us."

Frankie gritted his teeth but he did not waste his breath to come up with a retort, instead, he channelled all of his energy on his attack.

Sean shrugged and he twirled his fist. The wind gathered in intensity and it had gotten so fast that the howl of the wind alone was about to cut through stone. The daggers were flicked away from Frankie's grasp and the wind swallowed him. The man winced as he somersaulted backwards to avoid the gale.

At the same time, all the other Frankie's disappeared and only the real one remained. Frankie was kneeling on the ground and he gasped hungrily for air. His chest rose and fell in quick succession.

"The usage of so many [Shadow Step] must have exhausted him greatly." Someone in the crowd commented.

The wind inside the arena was literally changing and it carried the crowd's support with it. The people who were afraid on Sean's behalf when Frankie utilized [Shadow Step] regained their confidence.

"Of course, no one will be able to cut through Brother Sean's [Wind Barrier], but thumbs up for the fella for giving it a try."

"This is a good learning experience for the guy. It is good to know that there is a wall that he cannot scale so that he can learn some humility."

"He should be thankful towards Brother Sean because if this has happened in the wild, he would not have been alive to tell the tale."

People on the opposite camp was totally silent. Some of them had even turned their heads away like they could not bear to see the fight.

However, Frankie had not yet given up. He picked himself up from the ground.

Sean leveled his gaze at his adversary and his brow went up like he was saying, "You're not done?!"

The smile on his face was failing. The man was losing his patience. The next round was going to be the last, he did not have all day to exhaust on Frankie.

It was Frankie who made the move first. He once again charged at Sean and the people in the crowd leaned forward, wondering what sort of tricks they would be shown this time.

Previously, Frankie surprised them by utilizing a skill that should be beyond his mastery in [Shadow Step] so they wondered what other tricks he had up his sleeves.

Frankie hopped into the air, just like what he did when he was facing Arthur. Right when he was above Sean's head, he reached into his sleeve to pull out something that looked like a piece of paper.

The paper glowed and seconds later, multitudes of hidden weapons appeared in the air above Sean's head. There were shooting stars, shurikens, explosive runes, kunai and many more that materialized. Pulled by gravity, they made a downward fall towards Sean.

"That's a hidden weapon seal! Who would have thought the man has such a thing hidden in his sleeves!"

"If those things hit Sean, he'll definitely be seriously injured."

Arthur was familiar with this form of magic. After all, he had just came back from a space that was locked inside a series of paintings. This was a form of space magic, it was more of a magic of convenience than an offense magic. It was used to manipulate space to store stuff that would normally be too troublesome to carry around.

It was typically used to store one's luggage or weapons like in Frankie's case. To create a space that was large and stable enough for human being to enter, that was only achievable by the most expert of mage in this school of magic or powerful artifacts like the paint brush.

While his friends were worried about him, Sean handled the situation with the same ease he had displayed since the beginning of the battle.

As cruel as comments were, one of them was right, no matter how hard Frankie tried, this was a wall that he would be unable to scale. The difference in experience was too large.

Sean gathered the wind barrier around him again and the weapons were bounced off before they could even hit the man.

Then, Sean turned his hand and the wind pushed forward, knocking into Frankie who was still in mid-air. He was slammed against the ceiling but that was not all.

Some of the hidden weapons that he had unleashed earlier were still falling towards Sean. As the man used the wind to blow back against Frankie, the wind also carried the weapons with it.

Coupled with the increased velocity from the wind, they struck right into Frankie. The man's echoes of pain could be heard throughout the arena.

"Stop this match, you'll kill him!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

The wind eventually petered off and Sean walked away from where he stood. Seconds later, a large human body collapsed to the ground but Frankie did not even make a grunt from the impact.

"Jesus Christ, is he dead?!" Some of Frankie's friends immediately rushed forward to check up on him. Someone sighed in relief, "Thankfully, none of the vital organs have been hit."

Sean did not even turn to acknowledge his adversary, instead he turned to the remaining adventurers and said, "Well, is there anyone else who wish for some tough love? Or shall we wrap this up already?"

The arena was quiet. The group of new adventurers looked at one another with defeated expression on their faces. None looked like they were going to say anything.

Sean smirked and was about to announce his own victory when a voice said, "Wait a minute. If we're handing out lessons, I do have a few that I wish to impart."

Might go into hiatus for a few days. Cause I'm trying out something new for the upcoming arc. I'm tweaking my plot. Previously, it's mystery-heavy but I'm trying to write an arc that is action-heavy.

Lonelytreecreators' thoughts