
The Disappeared Heroine

Ariel, who dreamed of a beautiful life with her high school sweetheart, is shocked to know his true nature. Moreover, she gave up a bright future to be with her prince charming, whereas the prince charming is planning to marry his princess, which is not Ariel. Her love for him disappeared into thin air when he made her abort their unborn baby, which is a symbol of her love for him. The woman who lost her prime time to be a heroine will be able to get her revenge..? Or else like every other person who ignored their family will be left on the roads with no help and support.

deepu_ · Urban
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28 Chs

The last straw of hope

Ariel's grandfather reached Christian's house along with his butler. They both are waiting in the living room of the Christian's home.

Ariel's grandfather is an older man in her later 60's. He already lost his son and daughter in law, and he is not ready to lose this granddaughter.

Even though she never agreed on anything with him, he still loved her so much. After all, he only has this granddaughter to dote.

For ariel, the way seems too long to come. All the while she travels, Ariel thought about her life. The man she loved, his parents whom she felt like her own, were all fake.

All this while, it seems they were acting to make her a fool and get her property. She thought, at last, she got a family to be with alas all proved wrong.

She became a laughing stock in the society for the mistakes she had never committed. All the while they are traveling, her life became more clearer to her.

Her misty eyes became more transparent with the determination to get revenge for the days she struggled, looking outside the car window.

Only she knew who she survived in that dull room with no ventilator. Countless times she got suicidal thoughts, but still, her will power made the stay.

All the torture and humiliation she felt in that house is nothing compared to the feeling she got deceived by that scum bag.

All the hard work and struggle she did in the company is nothing now.

She even left her ambition of becoming one of the best actresses in the world to help him is a joke now.

The more she thought about all this, the more she felt how stupid and naive she was.

Ariel felt like she is traveling with no aim until she reached her uncle's house.

As soon as she came out of the car, there stood a big mansion which she buried under her memories long ago.

All the emotions she buried deep under her heart were brewing up all at once. The day she fought with her uncle and left the mansion is still vivid in her memories.

When she hesitated to walk more thinking up all these things, she held her hand and gestured her to move into the house.

Her grandfather is pacing to and fro in the living room. When she came into view, her grandfather felt flabbergasted.

He hurriedly went to her and inspected her. He clutched his heart, unable to bear the pain looking at her chaotic state, and he almost fainted with the pain opening up inside him.

The one and only granddaughter of his suffered like this in that house, the thought itself made him fare up with anger.

Holding her hand and making her sit on the sofa, he said, "finally you are out of that cruel man's clutches, Christian call the family doctor.

Look at her bruises; they need to treat as early as possible. You left your career wealth, even this older man, only to come back like this.

Aah, ariel, what have you done to yourself. I have been waiting for you to come back to me but never wished it to be like this."

Leaving her hand, he further added, "Christian I want that bastard to be out of the entertainment circle before he even understands what is happening with him.

And also that shameless rude woman with him, I want her to disappear from this city as well".

Novel coughed vigorously finishing his words, Christian was concerned with his health, so he rubbed his back-added, calm done uncle, its all fine as she reached us.

Could you take it easy there, how old are you? We don't want one more person to be bedridden now, don't we..? come on ariel, don't be like a docile woman.

She almost teared up with her grand father's words, but listening to her uncle's words, she understood it's not the time for all this. There's no use in crying over the spilled milk.

All she has to do now is to make her more potent, stronger to defeat them. With much tricky, she sat up on the sofa and moved towards her grandfather.

Wiping Novel's tears ariel said, "gramps, don't be so heartbroken at my situation. What all happened is for my good.

If something like this won't happen to me, I will not be able to stand up in this cruel society".

Listening to her words, her grandfather laughed and agreed to her. In the mean, while the doctor came and checked her. She informed her about taking more rest these days.

Importantly she shouldn't allow taking any stress over the upcoming days. The doctor looked at Christian and signaled him for a private talk.

Novel feeling happy that those wounds were not critical, he stayed to accompany his granddaughter.

The doctor and Christian went to his study, saying there is something important about business to speak. Then Novel didn't say anything odd in them and let them go.

He is more than happy to accompany his granddaughter after many years. Its been more than three years since she left their house.

As soon as they reach Christian's study room, the doctor said, "Mr, Evan i will directly come to the point, ariel's body is not in good condition.

"Christian, I don't know how to convey this to you, she recently went through an abortion, and I believe she is not married yet.

The way the abortion process had handled is quite rough.

Her body is also fragile, with no proper food and rest. It seems she may not be a mother in the future, and I am not sure.

I think she needs to see a gynecologist expert, once she gets her whole body checkup, we can only conclude.

It's up to you whether to inform her or not. Whatever you decide, keep in mind about her mental condition.

Her mental condition is also not quite right, and she may have suicidal thoughts here and there. Be careful and stay with her most of the time -- the doctor concluded.

Christian was blank for a second, but he recovered and said, "but she was fine just before the checkup. Fine, we will go for a checkup now itself."

Saying so, Christian called one of his friends to get an appointment for the checkup.

Christian has very trusted friends in the medical circle; it's not that difficult to get gynecologist to check up.

After fixing an appointment, he came into ariel's room. He saw Novel is taking to his granddaughter while ariel looking into emptiness. Christian is quite worried about looking at her.

There will be no use of blaming themselves; instead, they have to make sure about her cure before it was late. Compelling Novel to take rest for the day, he took ariel to the hospital.

The Larsen hospital is one of the best hospitals in the country and is best known for maintaining secrecy about the patients.

The equipment is already set up even before they reach the hospital.

The nurse and doctor were waiting for ariel. Arie didn't ask any questions while going to the hospital.

She is already on the verge of losing her sanity, thinking about those things.

It took more than an hour to complete all the tests on her body, and they shifted her into a VIP ward. The doctor asked Christian to stay back with her.

Christian waited calmly for the doctor to inform the results. Since their chairman recommended the patient, it didn't take long to get the results.

After one more hour, the doctor asked him to come into her cabin.

She greeted him and informed -- "Mr. Evans even though we don't encourage this type of urgency, but you made a good thing by bringing her to the hospital.

Be braver; the result is not good. It seems Ariel had a rough sex life, and her uterus ruptured due to abortion.

Abortion is also handled in an entirely unhealthy atmosphere under an inexperienced doctor's supervision.

I will be straight forward with you, and there are only 60-40 chances for her to become a mother. Precisely to say, there are only 40% chances to become a mother.

She is also not mentally stable, and I advise you to take care of her and arrange a psychiatrist treatment. It seems she was in an abusive relationship all these years.

Christian never thought he would listen such type of words for his niece. He was quite nervous to inform these things to ariel.

The man who never shook for any situation came towards him for is the first time being paranoid thinking of his niece's condition.

He went to her room in a daze, echoing the doctor's words in his mind. He doesn't even remember how he reached the VIP ward.

When he reached, ariel is still the same, looking into emptiness. He decided to end all her hopes of getting back with him.

Ariel, listen to me carefully; your body is not well due to the torture you have gone through. You will also not be able to become a mother in this life.

Stop hiding in the pretense of not being mentally stable. We can't change our past but not the present.

He shouted, "come on, get up, this is not the time to suffer silently, you have to make that scum bag suffer for all your hurdles. Your uncle and grandfather will back you up".

Caressing her face, "come on, stop being like this for god's sake." Saying, so he went and stood on the window".

He felt like all the women in his family are cursed to bear this unbearable pain.

Ariel shredded her tears silently for a long time, later on, she called him "uncle, I have decided this will be the last day I will shred tears for what happened to me."

Uncle from tomorrow you will see a new ariel, saying, so she gave an eerie smile.

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