
The Diamond In The Rough✔

||Book 1 of the Diamond Series|| The world had fallen into chaos a long time ago. Creatures came and enslaved the human race: Vampires, Lycans/Werewolves and Demons. They took and slaughtered thousands of innocent people. Men, Women and Children. After suffering for ten years, another set of beings came. They had enormous wings and a shining silver rings floating above their heads. Rings that could be used as a weapon if necessary. These creatures were called 'Angels'. They were kind and honestly the opposite of every supernatural creature that existed in that era. They built their kingdom protecting as many humans as they could but the dark creatures had other things planed. There was a war that broke out. Every man for themselves or more specifically, every creature for themselves.The war went on for almost 500 years. Then there was a woman. She wasn't an Angel or Vampire or Lycan or Demon. Turns out she was a hybrid of all four. More powerful than anything. No one knows for sure how this hybrid was made and at some point, no one cared. Her name was Elaka. She was seen as a priestess. Elaka was the savior of all humans. She created a boarder and the world was divided in two: The Land of Light; was so peaceful that it had to be shielded from the world. Elaka had put a protective hidden wall around the kingdom so no one would come in unless brought in by the citizens. There were humans that lived there and their lives were a paradise. And total peace. And there was the Dark land. Where every other creature lived. The three major kingdoms tolerated each other for as long as they could. Years passed without war. Until Elaka suddenly vanished. Without her, the world would become chaotic again. The crystal was lost in the forest. So many have searched for it but never succeeded. Even if they ever found it, the legend says it was set in stone. It was glued to a tree and only 'The Diamond in The Rough' could pull it out. That person was never found.

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The fight became tougher and tougher as time went by.

Jackie was in a bit of a pickle; she wasn't exactly in the best state to fight but she had to.

Her pace was slowing down as she began panting heavily to catch her breath.

She should have told someone but there was nothing much to tell.

Besides watching family march into certain doom; not knowing if they would come back was enough to make her follow them.

Then there was a shooting pain at the back of her knee forcing her on one knee before another hit was delivered behind her neck.

She planted her arm as steadily as she could on the ground and tried to stay strong and not pass out as it would result to her death.

But she couldn't see herself getting up any time soon.

It felt like this was the end for her.

"DIE!!!" she heard someone scream behind her and expected a sword to pass though her at any moment but only felt warm liquid in its place.

She turned around to see that Sam had been impaled.

"SAM?! NO!!!" Jackie's scream shook the battleground attracting Lyra, Eri and Imogen to the scene.

Faster than anything known to man; Imogen ripped off the head of Sam's killer and Lyra held up a shield to protect all five of them.

Jackie had placed him to lie flat on the ground while holding his hand; watching Imogen and Eri try to stop the bleeding and rescue him.

"stay with me please" she did her best to choke back the tears as he coughed up blood and howled like a wounded animal.

"it's bad isn't it?" he managed to cough with a weak smile playing on his lips.

All the girls were sniffling at the sight of their friend; their brother and lover.

Jackie's body began to tremble as she watched his eyes try to stay open to the best of their ability.

"y-you're not meant to die here! Not now! What about our future? Who is going to protect them?! You can't leave me like this" she wailed; running her fingers through his hair.

Her vision was beginning to blur and seeing became a challenge; adding more to her panic.

"h-hey Jackie" with his dying breath, he slowly placed his hand to cup her cheek and used whatever energy he has left to pull her close so their lips would make contact one last time.

She pulled away, trying her best to look into his eyes but she still wasn't seeing properly no matter how many times she wiped the tears.

"d-don't forget me" there was a ghost smile still on his lips before his hand dropped from her face.

"N-NO! SAM?! SAM WAKE UP! YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP! DON'T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS PLEASE!" Eri and Imogen could do nothing but weep at the sorrowful display before them.

And to make matters worse; it was becoming darker and darker or so Jackie saw until she saw nothing at all.

Lyra's magic had faded and she was blind again.

Jackie's breaths became labored as she began panting; trying to calm herself down.

"g-guys I don't think I c-can hold it much longer" Lyra's arms visibly trembled as tears fell from her cheeks.

She didn't have any more in her.

"Jackie? C-Can you fight?" Imogen asked; drying her tears.

Jackie was silent for several seconds as her pain and sadness turned to rage and pure anger.

Lyra couldn't hold up the shield much longer and they were taking heavy enemy fire.

Just before the shield went down; Eri transported Sam's body back home.

Lyra was on the verge of touching the ground when Eri caught her as well.

Hellen and her comrades were charging towards them.

Hellen now had a huge axe with her.

Jackie and Imogen couldn't let them get to Lyra so they moved forward and tried to stop them before they got too close; while Eri looked for the potion she had brought earlier from the tree.

Just as she was about handing them over; she was knocked down by Jackie's own body bumping into her causing her to drop the bottles.

Eri was lucky enough to dodge the first swing of Hellen's axe but Lyra wasn't.

It collided with her arms in a weak attempt to block but still did a bit of damage.

Just as Hellen was about to cut off Imogen's read, Eri ran into her sending them both to the ground.

Jackie came in; picking up the two potion bottles on the floor while blocking attacks from the swordsman.

Before she could retreat; the witch gave her a series of kicks that sent her and the bottles flying in different directions.

Imogen quickly caught them; not letting them break but was cut short when Hellen's axe hit her in the back and sent her to the ground.

Miraculously; Lyra was back on her feet and caught the bottles just as they were about touching the ground.

Staying down any longer would cause them to lose the war and that wasn't an option so she kept on swallowing the pain.

The swordsman came in winging her sword at Lyra who dodged and ducked.

Lyra then threw one potion bottle at her which she sliced open with her blade then kicked her way.

As for the second bottle; the witch tried to land a punch on her so she broke the top of the bottle on her face; sending millions of shards into her skin.

She tried drinking it at that moment but one of the undead stumbled towards her which she simply kicked away.

Hellen used the opportunity to hit her again but this time hitting her side.

The impact pushed Lyra a few feet away and she turned both bottles into her mouth and drank as fast as she could; ignoring the pain in her ribs.

"DON'T LET HER DRINK IT ALL!" Hellen commanded and they all made their way towards her.

The sound of them running was getting louder as they got closer.

The witch tried jumping on her but she brought the bottles and moved out of harms way.

Just as the swordsman tried to hit her, Lyra broke two potion bottles on her face and used her shoulder to hit her aside.

She could feel her strength come back and was easily taking down three enemies at a go.

Not like they weren't challenging but now it was endurable.

Hellen tried to dodge the fight by taking off to the sky.

Lyra obviously went after her.

She needed a plan and the only one she could think of was keeping Hellen grounded.

The only way she could do that was to rip off those wings.

It would be difficult and she couldn't do it alone.

Cyrus sensed her distress and took off to join her.

She smiled at him before becoming serious and faced her enemy.

Hellen knew that two against one was unfair and everyone was basically pre-occupied with one thing or another.

"Cyrus honey let's talk about this" she fakes begged making him growl with anger.

"I'm going to enjoy this" he cracked his knuckles.

He was going to distract her for me while I come from behind and rip out the wings.

Though she hadn't figured out how she'll go about it but she'll have to think of something quick.

They did our best trying to distract her and throw her off balance but she was too fast.

Hellen was flying towards a near by forest when Cyrus blocked her from going any further.

He held her arms and tried keeping her still but obviously, she put up a fight.

Lyra was prepared to shoot but Hellen moved too much and she didn't want to hurt Cyrus.

Going closer might make her loose the element of surprise.

Flying as silently as she could, she landed on Hellen's back and tried freezing the base of her wings to make them brittle.

It was quite a difficult task with the person beneath her throwing a tantrum but she succeeded.

With one strong and harsh tug; Lyra yanked the wings off Hellen and sent her crashing through the trees.

Half the problem was solved; she said to herself and disintegrated the wings.

Letting them spray in the wind like dust.

Hellen was in shock and pain. It was strong enough to make her cry.

The wings she worked so hard to get were now gone!

Watching Lyra burn them to a crisp broke her heart beyond measures and rage washed over her.

Her hands became hotter and hotter as a ball of fire grew larger and larger.

Lyra had her back turned against Hellen which was to her advantage.

She aimed and fired at Lyra who couldn't sense the danger on time.

"LYRA LOOK OUT!" Cyrus yelled, pushing her out of harms way and took a hit for her.

He wrapped his wings around himself and thy absorbed the shock but still left him scared.

Cyrus was burnt, badly and fell from the sky.

Tears began to well up in her eyes as she flew as fast as her tired body would permit and caught him.

His injuries were terrible and she immediately tried to heal him.

It would be devastating if she lost him right here.

His eyes fought to stay open.

Even for a vampire king this was too much for him to handle.

She had to keep him alive.

"LOOK AT ME! CYRUS DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE ME! PLEASE" she begged, tears flowing down her cheeks the second time today.

She couldn't lose anyone anymore.

The sounds of a powerful blast hit her ears and she saw a tree falling towards them.

Using a magical barrier to block it; the tree scattered.

Hellen wasn't going to let her tend to Cyrus and fight her at the same time.

There was only one thing she could do.

Taking a deep breath, she took a leaf from outside and chanted some words before letting it levitate above Cyrus.

It would keep him safe and protect him until she was done with her foe.

Taking one last glance at him, she stepped outside to face Hellen.

"it's just you and me! The show down that was always meant to be! If you're lucky I could let you reunite with your mother and send everyone you love after"

Hellen grinned.

This was it!

This final fight was going to determine the fate of the world.