
The Diamond In The Rough✔

||Book 1 of the Diamond Series|| The world had fallen into chaos a long time ago. Creatures came and enslaved the human race: Vampires, Lycans/Werewolves and Demons. They took and slaughtered thousands of innocent people. Men, Women and Children. After suffering for ten years, another set of beings came. They had enormous wings and a shining silver rings floating above their heads. Rings that could be used as a weapon if necessary. These creatures were called 'Angels'. They were kind and honestly the opposite of every supernatural creature that existed in that era. They built their kingdom protecting as many humans as they could but the dark creatures had other things planed. There was a war that broke out. Every man for themselves or more specifically, every creature for themselves.The war went on for almost 500 years. Then there was a woman. She wasn't an Angel or Vampire or Lycan or Demon. Turns out she was a hybrid of all four. More powerful than anything. No one knows for sure how this hybrid was made and at some point, no one cared. Her name was Elaka. She was seen as a priestess. Elaka was the savior of all humans. She created a boarder and the world was divided in two: The Land of Light; was so peaceful that it had to be shielded from the world. Elaka had put a protective hidden wall around the kingdom so no one would come in unless brought in by the citizens. There were humans that lived there and their lives were a paradise. And total peace. And there was the Dark land. Where every other creature lived. The three major kingdoms tolerated each other for as long as they could. Years passed without war. Until Elaka suddenly vanished. Without her, the world would become chaotic again. The crystal was lost in the forest. So many have searched for it but never succeeded. Even if they ever found it, the legend says it was set in stone. It was glued to a tree and only 'The Diamond in The Rough' could pull it out. That person was never found.

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I woke up this morning, recalling everything that happened yesterday.

I had to try to win Lyra's heart starting today.

Though I didn't have the faintest idea on what I'm meant to do, something still needed to be done.

A maid came by and told me it was time for breakfast.

Nothing major happened, just everyone having small talk and like yesterday, Yura began to talk to me.

She seemed like that chatty type and I didn't see her like an irritation at all.

"sorry about my sister; she's just really hyper" Rayhan spoke to me as I walked to my room.

"there's no problem; beats being alone" I shrugged and there was an awkward silence.

"so…urmm the Dark kings don't normally come here or know this place exists so do you mind me asking why the sudden visit? I know it's none of my business but-"

"it's alright" I smiled and told him my main reason of being here and everything that had happened.

"that's messed up buddy" he patted my back and I couldn't help but shake my head remembering how much of an idiot I had been.

"well if you need help, feel free to talk to me; I'm an expert with the ladies" he poked my ribs with his elbow.

"what're you doing today?"

"well our schedules here in the castle mostly involve us training in the arena but other than that; nothing. You can come watch if you want but once you live in the city, you have to dress like us" he waved goodbye as he entered his room and I did the same.

I can't spend all my time here in my room.

The endless hours I spent shut away in my own castle was enough.

I noticed a pair of pants on my bed and quickly changed into it and was totally shirtless.

Their clothes felt strange but there was nothing I could do and hopefully get used to it over time.

After that I made my way to the arena and found everyone there; including the triplets.

Imogen explained the rules and how they're not allowed to go too hard on the triplets yet; but anyone is off limits.

"alright I'm ready to start the day" Lyra and Eri walked through the thick doors in their outfits.

It was difficult not to gawk at her.

Lyra's beautiful legs were on full display due to the structure of the outfits all the girls wore.

Her arms were open as well as her chest and I could see a little bit of her cleavage.

Her brown hair was wild free with little trinkets in it here and there making her look like she was born here.

'now's not the time Cyrus, focus' I told myself and tried to calm down.

I wanted to tell her she looked nice but I felt it was too soon.

Her eyes met with mine and she gave me a look of hatred and disgust before softening when she looked at everyone else.

I guess Imogen, Rayhan and even Eri noticed and felt sorry for me but I guessed I deserve it.

"urmm hi" Eri shyly approached me.

It must have been awkward for her to speak to me though we didn't interact much when we were in my castle.

"hello" I replied and there was a sudden awkward silence.

"f-for you to be there means you really care about her. Rayhan told me everything and why you're here. I can try to calm her down and give you a chance"

This shocked me to the core.

"why would you do that for me after everything my brother did to you?" she should hate me just as much as Lyra did.

"well it's the least I could do; after all you prevented Xander from having me whipped the day Lady Hellen arrived" she gave me a small smile.

"alright; who wants to go first?" Rayhan asked as he stood by the weapons cabinet.

"I'll go first; I've got a lot of steam to let off" Lyra walked to the bottom of the arena with anger laced in her voice.

She was obviously referring to me.

Lyra stood down and Imogen faced her.

I didn't know what to expect from two girls fighting but it was like nothing I had ever seen before.

Lyra took the first move swinging punches and Imogen evading them.

She wanted to attack but Imogen knocked her off balance and she landed on her back and a genuine look of pain was all over her face.

Imogen was about to punch her but she rolled out of the way and quickly stood on her feet.

Then Lyra used magic to make something like a whip and tried using it to hit Imogen.

She was fighting with a staff and twirled it around, keeping the whip at bay, while slowly coming forward.

Then Lyra lunged the whip forward again and it tangled with Imogen's staff.

With a smirk on her face, she pulled the staff towards her and kicked it aside.

"alright; hand to hand mode" Imogen ran towards Lyra and tried to kick her ribs but she held Imogen's foot and pushed her away.

She punched Imogen's chest and was quick enough to run to her back, hold her arm and flip her over.

The punches they swung at each other were heavy and I could feel it from here.

"Nice one sis(!) You're weak!" Rayhan commented sarcastically and Imogen rolled her eyes as she got up.

"come down here and say it to my face" she glared.

"gladly" he jumped into action and they immediately began to spar.

My attention eventually shifted to Lyra who was busy talking with her friends.

"that was amazing! I didn't know you could fight like that" I complemented her.

"well I have to know how to defend myself against monsters like you" there was no emotion at all in his voice.

I had been called a monster before and couldn't care less about it but hearing it from her really touched a nerve.

After calling me a monster, she walked out the door.

Eri noticed my distress and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"lemme try and talk to her" she smiled before running after her friend.

Lyra's POV:

He should stay away from me.

I don't want to even look at him,

The main reason why I decided to spar first because I wanted to calm myself down but seeing him there again infuriated me all over again.

I might act brave but the fear of everything he did to me haunts me and whenever I'm around him.

I had to fight the urge to cry when Imogen knocked me to the ground.

"Lyra?! Where're you going? What happened? Can we walk?" Eri asked slightly out of breath.

I was glad that she came to me; I needed someone to talk to.

"sure…anytime" I smiled.