
The Devils Salvation

Slight frights Grave fates Twined by the strings of despair Her demise was their personal entertainment Her blood they thirst for Her agony they craved And her pain brought them peace Her tears they strived to achieve Ever so close, yet so far Her release was inevitable And that was the only thing They wished they could control Slowly, yet painstakingly they strived to pull the devil out They punished her for things she never did Starved and whipped her And as she breath her last A new era was born For the devil they south after Awoke in a calm tremor That shook the earths very core And they scrambled to find shelter For they knew the world could not face his wrath Yet their guilty hearts shun like fireflies in the dark Seeking attention from their impending doom Ever so lightly his lips twitched With a calm deep breath He pulled them into his personal hell And their screams of agony and pain Brought immense joy to his soul Delicately he caressed her soft ample skin Tracing every curve on her face Her luscious lips and those pretty eyes He smiled warmly at his little angel For the first time in centuries Pain tugged at his heart Although unfamiliar with the feeling He embraced it For he knew his angel was gone Albeit painful His dark empress would be born And with a soft kiss to bade her farewell from her life of pain and suffering She awoke in a new light For she was now his demonic angel His dark empress His happy place She was his salvation, His addiction, His only obsession! Similarities to people and places are all coincidental! Happy Reading.

Samaelia_Mccarthy · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Devils Is Scared?!{14}

Third person POV

Malcolm finally left after swearing profanities ceaselessly and cursing at them when Despair almost bit his arm off taking with him a half dead man.

Taking back their weapons Hades and Sam merged back into one with Hades in control and Sam laying dormant.

Patting Despair on the head, Hades creates a portal and steps into it leaving behind the massacre and destruction they just caused with no remorse whatsoever. It's not like anyone could access this place without his permission. He was going to come back and turn it into a pet dimension. Yes. He's been wanting a pet dimension for a while now and an opportunity just graciously presented itself so he was going to do just that. A pet dimension.

He steps out from the portal into a field of ursine shadowlocks. His favorite flower. Breathing in the unique calming sent wafting off of them in thick waves he finally relaxes his tense shoulders. This was his happy place. The only place he could let his inner child or inner demons out to roam free without a single worry. The faintest hint of a smile on his lips. Seeing as his mother wasn't there yet he decides to take a stroll through the denser part of the flower filled forest ahead.

As Hades walked ahead he felt more and more relaxed with each step he took. Humming a tune he didn't even realize he was doing yet. He plucked one of the flowers and tucked it into the inner pocket of his suit and continued with his lazy stroll through the forest until a strange flower caught his attention.

Not more than twenty steps from where he was standing there was a white ursine shadowlock flower with black glittering tips.

Walking towards it he touched the flower lightly, smiled and whispered "Come to me" as his eyes glowed black.

Golden black shimmering light tore through the skies and struck the flower. Hard and aggressively uprooting it from the ground with such brutal force one would think the flower would have turned to dust.

Rising high into the sky, the flower glowed brighter and brighter till a blood red liquid began pouring out from it, within mere seconds a bloody cocoon was formed and with each passing second it got bigger and bigger. White, black and gold streaks could be seen swirling around the cocoon like angry snakes. Swirling angrily and splitting into more streaks.

Hades hummed lowly as he stared at the cocoon wondering what would come out of it once it's transformation was complete. Not wanting to spoil the surprise he decided against taking a peak at what was inside. Snapping his fingers once, he stretched his arms out while a bed was being formed rapidly from the flowers around him. Taking a deep breath he relaxed into a comfortable position and fell asleep. By the looks of things, whatever was in that massive cocoon would take a while to come out seeing how the size kept increasing at a ferocious pace. Hades and Sam slept peacefully for four hours and would've kept sleeping had it not been for the wet sloppy massive tongue that licked them wet. Leaving behind a trail of hot saliva.

"Go away Despair. Find something else to play with till I wake up." He grumbled in his sleep. He almost fell asleep again when that scorching hot tongue licked him for a second time. Ughh why is Despair so hot? Wait.. Despair shouldn't have that size of tongue nor should her slobber feel so hot.

Turning around to face what was licking him, he sprang up from his sleeping place now fully awake. In front of him stood a humongous white dragon looking at him with its huge head lowered to the ground. Hades smiled in delight. The wait was definitely worth it seeing as this was what was in the cocoon.

He walked around it. His smile getting bigger and bigger until it turned into a full blown grin.

The white dragon was magnificently beautiful. It had black, red and gold swirls twirling intricate patterns on its body. One wing was white and the other was black with two bloody red horns at the tip top of each wing. Floating off the ground he took a better look at the dragons head where a gold crown pattern was engraved into the scales on its head. Humming in approval he whistled and the dragon turned its head towards Hades until he could see its full face. The dragons eyes were a unique combination that pleased Hades more than he would like to admit. It's right eye was a crystal white that looked like a glass with white clear light trapped behind it and it's left eye was an abyss black and had the faintest red glow to it.

Rising high into the sky, Hades whistled a short brisk call to it and it immediately flew after him. When he was high enough he could see the underside of the dragon and it looked just as majestic as it's whole body. Mesmerizing white scales covered most of its underside with a few swirls of black, red and gold. He was fawning over the dragon soo much he didn't realize he had company until he heard a soft chuckle from behind him.

Turning his head so fast one would thing he would get whiplashed, he flew backwards and hugged his mother so tight she could've sworn she heard a crack.

"I know you miss mommy so much you almost died but it won't please your father if you hugged the literal life out of me." Sighing loudly because he refused to let her go, she smacked the back of his head. Hard.

"Let go you idiot. If you don't I'm taking her away." Not less than a second after those words left her lips he released her.

"Come on mother what did I do wrong? I just love you so much I want to hog you all for myself. You know I would have merged you into my skin if I could. Father would have to deal with his lonely life alone. I hate sharing you. Even with father." Hades whined like a spoiled brat.

"Oh please, like you would be able to keep me away from my isekai."[1] she replied with a taunting smile.

"Now back to why we're here. You're late. Hades." And just like that, the smile on her face was gone and her lips set in a thin line.

"Oh fuck."

Isekai pronounced as I-sa-kay means soulmate

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