

I opened my eyes to a loud bang which came from outside my room, I turned and looked at the clock on my head table,

" it is just four in the morning, where could that noise be coming from? I asked myself while getting off the bed still half asleep and opened my door, I noticed the sound coming from the old store room which has not been opened for quite some time now, I stopped to observe if the sound really came from there, and then another bang came from that same room which made me believe that the noise actually came from the store room,

I continued walking further and stopped at the front of the room as the door was a little opened, I glanced through the opened door and saw two men in black digging the middle of the room they've not gone too far in the digging, but at first glance you will know that it size will be able to take a person, I wanted to directly approach them but I stopped as soon as I heard the cold voice of brother Yue fang " dig faster you two or you've forgotten today is my cousin's birthday, I don't want her to have any complaint over this gift as she will be buried and sent to where her parents are residing ha ha!!! he said as he laughed,

"yes yes sir Yue fang, we can't wait for you to be the CEO of the Yue corporation" one of the men said,"

" you are very intelligent no wonder you could come out with such a cool way of eliminating your cousin, but as you know, your cousin is a very beautiful and pretty girl, she shouldn't die just like this at least let us taste her body a little before bidding farewell to her, we can't just waste such a beauty" the other said.

"both of you shut up did I tell you I want any ideas from you just continue digging and live those part for me I have other better plans on that", Yue Fang said,

"okay, but sir have you thought about what your parents and sister will feel when they will find out about this?? the first guy asked with curiosity all written on his face,

Yue fang reply with a serious tone " even though I am the one with most of the ideas, they are actually the master planners of this whole stuff I am only helping them putting their plans into action, so stop worrying about silly stuff and continue with what you are doing "

and then he added with a remorseful expressesion after looking at the faces of the two men " don't worry I love my cousin a lot and I'm also going to definitely miss her, that's is why we are having a surprise party for her this evening so as to show the world that my cousin is now of age and can now be in charge of the office,and of course later give her this sweet surprise as her birthday gift then we'll bid farewell to her foreverrrrr," he said making more emphasis on the "ever",

" now tell me isn't this just the best birthday gift ever ?? he asked,

"yes yes the best" the two said in unison.

After listening to all these rude things said by these people I stood there in shock, I mean I know all these people have never liked me, but they always parade themselves as the good family members outside this mansion so as to show the world they care about me and are taking care of me but they are actually devils with thick skins ,I never knew that they will one day reach the extent when they would want to kill me for the sit of the CEO. they could have just told me they wanted this and I would kindly give it to them as I was only obeying my parents wishes ,

but It seems to me that these people think they've written my destiny,

but No they can't as I am going to change their plan in the last minutes. I won't allow any of their plans to be fulfilled, I believe God wants me to change this that's why he made me see all these revelations and I wouldn't let this opportunity pass me by ,

with that hope I went back to my room and packed a small bag that I can escape with,I don't care to know where I am going to but I will definitely escape this place no matter what happens , I sworn to myself. Then took my bath before living the room to do the house chores, and pretended like I didn't see anything. after I was done with my chores and preparing breakfast I set the table and called everyone for breakfast , once they were done with their meals everyone went to their various room, I was not exempted I also went to my room to take a nap and wait for the drama that's gonna unfold itself this evening,

I haven't even shot my eyes for a minute when my aunt and Yue Rong came into room, I opened my eyes and sat up and looked at the both of them properly my aunty was holding a blue dress and a black pair of heels in her hands while Yue Rong was glaring at me like she wants to eat me up this instant, I wasn't even bothered by her expression,

"what do the both of you want from me, I mean what are you two doing in my room"?? I asked feeling really down,

"well I came to give you this dress and shoe for your birthday celebration that will be holding this evening"my aunt said,

I rolled my eye in a surprising manner and said "oh is that it"

you know you are a very stupid person Yue Ling, if you like don't behave well today and dress your best, you will only be disgracing yourself after all no matter how beautiful you are you will never be a match to my Rong Rong " my aunt said prasing her daughter

oh mother stop it Yue Rong said before living the room laughing, and blushing at the same time as they both left.

sorry I couldn't keep up to my promise of posting seven chapters a week,

I just forgot my exams are starting next week so I have to prepare for it

I squeezed a little time to write this chapter,

please don't forget to review and vote for my book I really do need your support


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