
The Devil Swordsman: One Piece

Rizzler007 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3: Ohara Incident

A/N: These childhood chapters will begin to speed up a little. This is because One Piece ff's are typically long (thanks to the long ass show), so no point wasting TOO much time with the childhood arc imo.


- Year 1500, 20 years before Timeskip - (Asta, Age 3. Robin, Age 5)

A boy with pitch black hair, horns protruding from his head, with red eyes and black marks starting from his cheek and going past his eyes could be seen reading, along with a black haired girl with blue eyes.

These two were Liebe D. Asta and Nico Robin.

It had been a year ever since that 'incident', and fortunately, Robin's injury had recovered fully, and the bullies were dealt with in their own way.

Unfortunately, not all was good. Similarly to Robin, Asta was too viewed as a demon by the Ohara residents, but it was worse due to his features that couldn't refute there words respectfully.

As a result of this, Clover figured it was best to allow the two children to be isolated from the islanders (This was their choice/wish), and allow them to access the massive, main library anytime they wanted.

Another fortunate event, which was a lovely accident, was Asta and Robin meeting an ex-marine that, similarly to Asta, washed ashore on Ohara.

This allowed for Asta and Robin to now have 2 members they viewed as family: Clover and the ex-marine, "Jaguar D. Saul".

Sometimes, whenever the 3 would chat normally, Saul would mention his view on the corrupt side of the marines. This in turn would affect how Asta and Robin view the marines and others associated to it in the future.

- Present Day, Clover's home -

It was currently night time.

Robin, having ran away from her 'family' (Which she explained everything to Asta about them), crashed the night at their house.

Her and Asta were currently in his bed cuddling each other to sleep.

Suddenly, much to her shock, Asta's voice turned quite depressing as he randomly asked

"Hey, Robin...

Promise you'll never abandon me?"

He begged, clutching onto her PJ's tightly and bringing his body closer to hers wholesomely.

In response, Robin hushed Asta like a mother to her child and hugged him, bringing them both nice, warm comfort.

"Of course, Asta. I promise..." She smiled, both of them not retracting from the hug.

And with this, the two cuddled each other to sleep.

- Year 1501, 19 years before Timeskip -

Nightmare inducing screams of terror could be heard all over the island.

Mothers were screaming and running for their lives, with their children in hand along with them.

The men could only accept defeat as there was no way for them to fight back.

Confused children could barely understand what was going on, until their consciousness was gone one way or another, whether it was due to shots, stabbings, being frozen alive, or being burnt alive.

The surviving residents of Ohara that managed to outrun the attacks managed to make it to the port of Ohara, where boats were set up in order to flee.

In a very small boat, fitting only 2 people coincidentally, were Robin and Asta.

"Why...Why..." Asta kept on repeating quietly, with tears streaming down his face.

Scenes of Clover, his family, his 'father', replayed in his head constantly.

The stern face of a marine wearing a white cap under a dark grey hood that managed to have lava flowing out of his hands, burnt Clover alive and started saying bullshit about "absolute justice"

Asta wasn't able to see who he was fully, but he made sure to never forget about this event and this man, and vowed to get his revenge one way or another.

Running away from the scene and the marine, Asta eventually bumped into Robin, who dragged him to where they are now, the ports.

"Snap out of it, Asta!" Her voice trembled, but she had to snap him out of it, otherwise he would just be equivalent to useless baggage on the boat.

"B-But... Clover..." The never-ending tears kept flowing.

*SLAP* "MAN UP AND STOP CRYING ALREADY!" The slap seemed to wake him up, but it also added some more fuel to his anger. This came to a stop however when

"But... you're crying aswell, Robin" He stated, seeing how the girl in front of him was also crying slightly.

"Huh? Oh... haha... I guess you're right" She wiped her tears, a useless action as they seemed to not stop either.


Looking in the direction of the noise, Robin and Asta could see a marine boat being lifted in the air by a giant.

"SAUL!" Robin shouted, managing to reach his ears somehow.

Turning around to the sound of her voice, Saul threw away the ship with all his strength and ran in their direction.

"ROBIN! ASTA! GET AWAY FROM HERE, NOW!" He ordered, arriving in front of their boat on the sand, and turning his back to them in order to protect them.

"B-But what about you..-" Robin managed to barely let out

"THAT DOESN'T MATTER. NOW, GO!!" With no hesitation in his voice, Saul finalised his order, to which Robin and Asta finally had the motivation to stop crying and weakly row the boat with the little strength their petite arms could produce.

Having rowed to a safe distance, Robin and Asta's eyes wandered back to the island where they saw...

A huge block of ice, with... Saul encased in it.

"SAUL!" Asta and Robin cried.

Next to the ice block, came out a man wearing a dark blue bandanna with a white Marine symbol on it, as well as a pair of black round sunglasses, as well as an indigo coat with the Marine emblem on the left chest and the back.

Not knowing what he was thinking exactly, Asta and Robin watched as the man seemingly let the two of them escape.

A minute later, with the distance they were at from Ohara, they could finally see it: How the island seemingly turned into a huge forest fire.

The screams were now silent, and all that was heard on the boat was the sobbing of the two, poor children that watched as their home island, and family (Clover and Saul, as well as Olvia), had been wiped out, with them two being the only survivors.


A/N: Just to be clear, YES, everything in the one piece canon happened, i just couldn't be asked to mention it properly here, since I wanted to speed up a little.

Next few chapters (About 2/3 maybe) will be the final part/second half of the childhood arc, and then the actual main story (Pirate journey) will start.

Thanks for reading

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