
The Devil Swordsman: One Piece

Rizzler007 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: Liebe D. Asta - Age 0->1

A/N: Just to be clear, the name is "Asta" and this ff is a Black Clover x One Piece, BUT, the MC is not Asta, if you get what I'm saying. I couldn't think of another name for the MC that matches with the One Piece world and goes well with 'Liebe'. And like, his looks will be like Asta, so the name makes sense. Personality won't be the same though, similar, but not the same... ;)

Actual A/N now: Slight AU - Ohara Incident will be later, and Robin will be slightly younger. The Incident date change is actually for the plot, Robin being younger is just 'coz I wanna.


- Year 1497 (23 Years before Timeskip) -

Drifting along the vast, deep blue ocean was a small boat.

The boat rode the waves of the sea, until eventually being blocked by a field of sand, freezing the boat in place.

An an elderly man with a shaved top, and green hair adjusted jutting on the sides and the back top, combined with a large beard, all in the shape of leaves, wandered down onto the field of sand, spotting the boat.

"What the...?" Approaching the boat steadily, the man could hear the cries of something.

"Oh.. you poor thing..." He arrived at the boat, and peaked inside, to see a baby wrapped up in a blanket bawling its eyes out.

He hushed the baby gently, picking the child up with care.

Having picked him up, the man could see a piece of paper on the baby's blanket, and read aloud

"Liebe D. ... Asta?" His interested seemed to peak suddenly after reading the name. He then looked at the boy who stopped crying and had a smile on his face.

"Asta, huh? I'm sure you'll be loved by many here" The man muttered with a warm smile.




Upon walking to the outside of a house, the man - holding the child - entered his residence.

"Let's make you nice and comfortable..." He whispered, not wanting to wake the baby.

He walked up a flight of stairs, and opened the door to one of the rooms, containing a relatively large bed.

Carefully placing the fragile child, the man silently left the room, closing the door behind him, and went back downstairs where he made himself some coffee.

"It's be quite a nice day so far..." He smiled, stirring his coffee.

His expectations of having a peaceful, quiet morning however came to an end by a knock on the door, followed by shouting.


Hurriedly, before the shouting continues, Clover (The old man) rushed to the door; opened it; grabbed the black-haired child; pulled her in to the house, and silently closed the door before looking at her with slight anger.

"SHHH! BE QUIET OR YOU'RE GONNA WAKE UP THE CHILD!" He whispered quietly, scaring the girl who covered her mouth with both hands and nodded rapidly as a sign of being quiet.

"Good... now, what do you want, Robin?" He asked, with the girl's face beaming with a smile.

"Can I go to the library nowwwww!?" She asked excitedly, earning a sigh from Clover.

"No" He replied bluntly, earning a gasp from Robin, and a crying response of annoyance(?)

"But WHY?! I turned TWO today!"

"And THAT'S exactly why. Wait another year, then I MIGHT allow it" He said bluntly once again, emphasising the two words.

"Hmph!" She pouted in response.

'Giving up' on the idea of going to the library with permission (For now), Robin decided to ask Clover

"So, Uncle Clover... what was that about a child?"

He said nothing in response and simply headed to the stairs and walked up them, signalling Robin to follow.

Leading her to the room of a sleeping Asta, Clover opened the door and both of them entered the room.

"It's a good thing you didn't wake him up..." He whispered, his previous anger now gone.

Robin ignored his comment and simply looked at Asta with stars in her eyes.

"Woahhh! He's SO cute!" She fangirled, also whispering similarly to Clover in order to not wake Asta up.

"Yes yes... now let's go" He said, having to forcefully drag Robin away from the sleeping child and out of the room as she wouldn't leave willingly.

Being back downstairs, Clover and Robin sat at the dinner table, Clover with his coffee and Robin with some milk that he gave.

"So can I go library now-"

"N. o." He said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Awww, I thought that would work..." She pouted again, sipping some of her milk.

"You're 100 years too young to try that on me, girl." He smirked

"So, Uncle Clover, what's his name?" She questioned with interest.


"How old is he?"

"A few months old" He replied, remembering how on the back of the piece of paper on Asta's blanket was the date of his birth, which was about 6 months ago.

"Can he be my friend?"

"That's for him to decide when he's older" He then added "Now that's enough questions, I don't know anything else, so you can ask him yourself when he grows up a little.

"Fineeeee..." She sighed, rolling her eyes, and finishing her glass of milk.

"Anyway, it's quite late now, it is time for you to go now, Robin"

"Okay..." Her face saddened slightly, which went unnoticed by Clover, who misunderstood her response as being caused by tiredness.

She left the house shortly after, leaving Clover alone with Asta fast asleep upstairs.

"Let's hope my life doesn't become slow and boring much like now..."

- 6 months later -

'Okay, this was a bit TOO fast' Clover thought, looking at a 1 year old Asta who was currently crawling and giggling whilst chasing after Robin who was 'running' away from him in his house.

After a few more minutes of running around in circles, Robin eventually stopped and turned around to an energetic Asta and picked him up, going to a chair to sit him down on her lap.

"Nowwww... say 'Robin'!" She demanded with a big smile on her face.

"Robin, you ask him to say your name Every.Single.DAY! It's not gonna happen, he's only 1 years old-" Clover facepalmed.

"Today is different! It's his birthday today, so his comprehension and speaking skills are better!" She disputed with Clover in response jokingly, to which Asta watched and laughed in amusement... even though he had no idea what was going on.

"Say 'Robin'~"


"If you love me, you'll say 'Robin'" She cooed playfully.

"Rogaaaa!" Asta exclaimed.

"SEE?! He was close!" Robin screamed in excitement at Clover with how close he was to saying her name.

"Right..." Clover huffed.

"So closeeee, now say 'Ro-bin'"

"*BURPPP*!" He responded with a nice, BIG, stinky burp in her face, causing her face to turn into disgust, whilst Clover fell on to the floor and rolled in laughter.

"HAHAHAHA!" He kept on laughing, tears threatening to fall out.

"SHUT UP, MEANIE!" Robin shouted at Clover, who was now crying with how hard we was laughing.

"Gyahaha..!" Asta giggled.


A/N: Just a nice, little, chill babyhood. For this fanfic I actually want to try implement a little backstory/childhood for the story. It won't be slow though, hopefully/maybe, don't worry (depending on what you view as 'slow').

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