
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 11: \(;´□`)/

Heavens, in many myth, it is the highest authority, something which even Gods can only obey.

There are people who defy it, yet all failed, and in the end, they end up as its toy to play with.

Immortals, Gods, Transcendentals, Beyonders, no matter how strong, no matter how powerful, all of them will fall with just whim of the heavens.

So, what will happen once you took control of Heavens? Won't you have the highest authority in existence?

And that was Aizen Sosuke's dream. To stand at the top of the world. No has ever stood on the top of the world, not Gods, not Transcendental, not Beyonders, none!

And he will be the first one. He will be the first to stand on the heavens, and end the unbearable vacancy of the world's throne.

Sitting on his throne in the depths of Hell, Aizen was observing the floating orb on top of his palm with an amused face. Its the Hogyoku.

Of course, this is a fake, because the real Hogyoku was already fused with him a few days ago. In fact, there wasn't even anything on the top of his palm.

The reason why he's doing this? Because he don't trust anyone but himself, so of course he won't just show it to anyone.

Suddenly, he looked up, where a crystal ball showing a group of people rushing towards his castle can be seen.

He couldn't help but snort in amusement. He looked at the young man that was leading the group, he has an orange hair and wearing a Gotei 13 uniform.

Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends. Aizen smiled in amusement. They are a good assets for the Gotei 13, and by kidnapping a friend of Ichigo, he is basically ridding them off of a powerful assets.

Not only that, with Ichigo being an important asset to Gotei 13, the old man Yamamoto would surely send someone to take him back.

And the only one who can go to Hell with a lesser chance of dying are the lieutenants and the captains, if that happened Aizen would even weaken the Gotei 13 more.

And that will be the perfect time to confront the Gotei 13, no, the world! Gotei 13 is strong, even if it was compared to other group in other countries.

But it wasn't the strongest.

During his years of research, Aizen has found something. The closest thing to standing at the top of the Heavens.


The fruits that came from the Tree of Life that forms the world. They carried the Aspects that keeps the world in order.

That's right, his goal wasn't the Gotei 13, nor was it the Hexagram, but the Sephira. He knew that they aren't really free, they are still a slave to their own power.

After all, why has none of them even thought of taking this world as theirs? Because hey are good? Kindhearted? Lazy? Status qou?

He doesn't think so. Because power corrupts. Aizen himself has experienced that. His Spirit Weapon allows him to manipulate the Five Senses of every being, this power is so intoxicating that he lost his trust.

He became someone who is cautious to anyone that wasn't hypnotized by him.

So how could the Sephira, who holds enough power to literally just cause the world to explode, wasn't doing anything and are just hiding?

Because they can't. Plain and simple.

Shaking his head, he just observed Ichigo and his group of friends trying to invade his castle. He really finds enjoyment in watching people dance at the palm of his hand.

Once the Gotei 13 sent people to pick up Ichigo, that will be the time where he and his Espadas will invade. And he will seal the "gap" that connects Hell to the World of Living, trapping Ichigo and the others there.

He can already feel victory in his hands.


Alex couldn't help but roll his eyes. He was "watching" Aizen using his Magic Sense, and even used Soul Magic to read a little bit of his thoughts.

He got to say, those top of the world and heavens crap monologue really made him wince....oh gods, wasn't he doing it before?

.....well that's embarrassing.

Though he got to praise the man for his brain, and his strategic planning.

Alex was currently standing on top of Tokyo Tower of the Fake Tokyo made using the Bounded Field.

Two day has passed since the Chuuma Festival, and Alex and the others decided to stay there.

It turns out that the next day, the Gotei 13 already set up the Bouded Field and are just waiting for Aizen to go and invade.

Alex already called both Lucifer and Ashiya and it seems like they are already on their way here.

If Aizen did not come and invade even after tomorrow, Alex will definitely leave for the demon world for sure. Its a good...bad?....thing that Aizen decided to not delay his plans.

"Hm? What do you want?"

Alex said with an annoyed voice as he turned his head to the side, where a grinning Kenpachi could be seen.

"Hahaha, come on don't be like that! How about a little spar? Alright here I go!"

Alex rolled his eyes when he saw Kenpachi pulling out his sword and bolted towards him.

"Oh?" Kenpachi's eye widened in surprised when his sword was stop just an inch away from Alex.

Alex frowned, something's not right. He used Magic Sense and observed Kenpachi, and there's nothing wrong with hin, he's perfectly fine and even healthier than before!

So why...

"...why are you weaker than before?"

Kenpachi blinks, before he grinned and sheathed his sword, "....You noticed that huh?"

Alex nodded, "As far as I can see, just in physical strength, endurance, and spirit power alone, you are the strongest of all Captains not counting the old man, but certainty higher than that woman."

Kenpachi lost his grin as he thought about the "woman" that Alex is talking about, though he immediately recovered, "Do you know the disadvantage of being too strong?"


Kenpachi grinned, "For someone like me who lusts for battle. Being too strong is a curse. There are only a handful of people that I can fight. Really, this power sucks for someone like me..."

Alex blinks, "...so you're holding back, give yourself so much disadvantages just so you could prolong and enjoy the fight.....you're fucking insane."

"HAHAHA! You're not the first one to tell me that. I'm going to get myself killed, they said, I'm crazy and insane, they said...they just don't understand that for me, fighting is my life. Injuries? Death? As long as I had a good fight, none of those matters."

Alex rolled his eyes. Maniacs. These battle hungry freaks are really way too much for him to handle. They are completely illogical. They will fight whoever they think can give them a good fight.

Consequences? What's that? Is it strong? Can I fight it? If not then why should I care? That's their thought process.

"...Anyway, I should probably go back now. I still need to go to Hell to pick up a troublesome kid...I just hope I won't be late in this fight."

Alex watched as Kenpachi disappeared beside him and sighed. Kenpachi is strong, and in pure brute force alone, he might even be a match to Adramelech, the strongest of all his generals...physically.

It was because of that incident when Kenpachi punch him that Alex decided to once again strengthen his human body. He might have infinite magic, but he doesn't have infinite strength.

Right now, even in his human form, he was pretty sure that he can be a match to his generals in their...

...Wait, now that Alex thought about it, aren't his generals the strongest in their own field? Alsiel with Defense, Lucifer in Speed, Adramelech in Strength, and Melacoda in Magic.

So that means in the Demon World, even in his Human Form, he has the toughest defense, the fastest speed, the strongest strength, and the greatest in magic.

"You two seem to get along."

Alex looked behind her, where a beautiful woman smiling at him can be seen. Its the Captain of 4th Division, Retsu Unohana.

"As if." He spat out.

Retsu giggled as she stood beside him, watching the Fake City down below. "Where are your friends? Oh, and wife and daughter as well."

"Emi went back to the Inn with Alice, after all we are having a war, she doesn't want to involve Alice in it. As for Suzuno, well, she seem to like staying in the Ameno Mansion with Sagiri. As for Genshiro...well, he seem to enjoy spending time with Sagiri's cousin."

Alex couldn't help but snort in amusement. Of course he knew that their relationship is fake, but it seems like Genshiro has no idea that Hibari is already starting to fall for him.

That guy, he wanted to find a wife, but when a girl finally wanted to be his wife he was too dense to notice it.

"Have you noticed it?"

Alex raised an eyebrow. He thought for a moment and answered, "That you're even more insane than Kenpachi? I'm pretty sure that the number of people you killed is ten times that of the people you healed."

Retsu giggled. She wasn't offended by that comment in the slightest. It was true after all. She has been alive for many years, after all people like them can use Spirit Energy to delay their aging.

But it cannot stop it completely. The longest they can live is only around 300 years for Transcendental, and 500 years for Beyonder.

She was already more than a hundred and fifty years old. She is as old as the Captain Commander. Back then, she was a killer. She fight people, then kill them if they are defeated.

"...Indeed, you are right. Though I like to think that I've mellowed down compared to my younger years."

He beg to differ. Alex knew that she hasn't mellowed down, she just suppressed her bloodlust, and he was damn sure that right now, she could barely control herself.

Retsu seems to notice Alex's expression and knew what he was thinking and just giggled. Right, maybe she hasn't really mellowed down.

"Anyway, it seems like Captain Commander has changed his plans."

Alex raised an eyebrow as he looked at Retsu in confusion.

Retsu continued, "...He wanted to bring the fight to Hell as to not affect the World of Living due to the fight of several Transcendentals. A couple of Captains and Lieutenants will be sent there, to not only retrieve Ichigo but to also weaken Aizen's forces."

Alex remained silent. He wasn't really interested in this fight. And he also doesn't find it within himself to inform them that going to Hell is all part of Aizen's plan.

After all, no matter what plans Aizen has, Alex can solve it by dropping a meteor, or firing a sunlight convergent laser, which he honestly didn't use yet.

He suddenly looked up, as did Retsu, and saw a black portal appearing on the sky, as three person came out of it.

Alex grinned, as Retsu just smiled with her eyes narrowed.

They are Alex's Generals. The Black Scorpion, Alsiel, the Fallen Angel Lucifer, and the Hero Emilia.