
Chapter 10: (╥_╥)

"No! You're doing it wrong!"

"Ah? Ahaha, sorry sorry."

Chitose and Albert are currently in the kitchen inside the Yuragi Inn, with Chitose teaching Albert how to cook.

But this muscle for brains doesn't even know how to peel carrots and always turn it into a finger sized stick.

Its the fifth time already. Even though peeling carrots isn't really necessary as long as you wash and scrub it well to wash of the dirt, there are some people in the Inn who doesn't like it as it has bitter and unpleasant taste, so Chitose always opted to peel it.

Albert was wearing a frilly pink aipron which is too small for him, since Chitose only has these he didn't complain.

"This is already the fifth carrot you wasted." Chitose pouted while looking at him.

Albert just smiled and ruffled her hair as she swatted his hand with a huff, "Please don't treat me like a child! Even though I look like this I'm older than you you know?"

"Then please don't pout, it makes me want to do it more you know."

Chitose glared at him and sent a kick to his shin as Albert winced in pain. She then took out a frying pan, "If you don't take this seriously I'll smack you with this! Now hurry, hurry, peel these carrots until it becomes smooth!"

"That's impossible!"

Chitose glared at him. Albert also glared back, only to sigh and nod his head, causing Chitose to smile at him.

"Fine! You win!"

"I know, now hurry!"

"Okay! Okay! Jeez, you're a slave driver."

Koyuzu, who was watching from behind couldn't help but stare at Chitose in amazement.

Her onee-sama completely has "her" man wrapped around her finger, and Albert couldn't do anything about it.


Nonko was drinking with her Editor, Rui Harashima, a young woman with short hair with so much bad luck with men that she and Nonko got along really well.

Tomorrow is the deadline for this month, and Nonko's assistant was hospitalized, so Nonko asked Rui for help.

If Alex was here Nonko would've asked him, he's a great help after all. But he's with Sagiri.

Fortunately, they managed to finished everything and they drank. But Rui has low alcohol tolerance and she passed out after one bottle.

Nonko looked at her editor and smiled before she took out a blanket and covered her up.

After that, Nonko stood up and grab a bottle of Alex's wine and poured herself a glass. Honestly, no matter how many times she smelled this, its always intoxicating.

She stood beside the window and looked up at the night sky with a serious look.

"...a few days left." She muttered as she took a sip of her wine.

She's talking about the war between the Gotei 13 and the Hollows. She was friends with Yoruichi after all, and she knew a thing or two about it.

She also knew that Alex and the others are planning to interfere in it. And Yoruichi also asked her for help, being a Beyonder and all.

A Beyonder are beings above the Transcendental. If God class are those who have more than a hundred thousand Spirit Power, and Transcendental are someone who have more than a million.

Then a Beyonder are beings who have more than a hundred million Spirit Power. The current Beyonder Nonko knew are; her father, the current head of Tenko, the Hero of Gotei 13, and the leader of Ashigaru.

And perhaps Ashiya, Hanzo, Emi, and Alex counts too. She wasn't sure, because she don't know how strong they are, but they are certainly stronger than her.

"If they truly decided to fight in this war....well, there's nothing to worry about." Nonko smiled, "...I'm also quite excited for some reason. Is it because its been so long since the last time I fought?"

Finishing her wine, she brought the glass back to her storage space before slowly taking off her glasses before flipping her hair as she grinned.

She felt like she was back at those old days, during her teenage years. When she was wild and arrogant. Killing monsters, fighting, satisfying her lust for battle.

Its in her blood. Fighting and Drinking, those things were what's keeping her alive.

But when she almost died when her father decided to send assassins after her due to his fear of her growing power, she lost all her passion for fighting and began to rethink her life.

Knowing that life can be easily lost any moment, she decided to do everything that she finds interesting, to live her life to the fullest.

But now, thinking about the war makes her excited. Her side that was asleep for too long is starting to wake up.

Grinning at the moon, a manic glint appeared on her eyes for a moment.


"You're late."

"Sorry, a bird was annoying me."

Hisui was lazily rolling around in her and Lucifer's room, she appeared to be annoyed, since Lucifer was late.

When Lucifer finally arrives, she shot him a glare and said those words. As Lucifer lazily apologize with an annoyed look while mentioning the word "bird".

Hisui just observed him for awhile, and noticing that he doesn't seem to want to explain, she just let it be. If its really important, she was sure that Lucifer would tell her anyway.

"You bought potato chips?" She asked.

Lucifer nodded and raised the plastic bags on his left hand, "Yeah, got it right here. Three bottles of 1.5 liter of Cola too, I know you love those."

"Hmm~" Hisui lazily nodded, "Well, what else did you buy?"

"Aside from potato chips, there are other junk foods too, a couple of instant noodle, and some coffee, oh I also bought some energy drinks."

Hisui moved her eyes and observed the things that Lucifer bought, as she nodded, "....These will last us for a night or two I guess."

Lucifer sighed, "We should really keep our spending in control. The money we earn from games are barely enough, and the "equipments" we are using doesn't even belong to us. If we continue like this, we won't be able to pay this month's rent, even though its so cheap."

Hisui just raised an eyebrow, "...Hmm, you're NEET level is going down Hanzo~ You know, a first-class NEET like us won't care for little things such as rent or whatever, you know that right?"

Lucifer's eyes turned sharp as he nodded. He cursed himself, because of that faker his mind is a mess. And he almost degraded to a Second-Class NEET, that's no good.

Hisui continued, "For a first-class NEET, rent or whatever is meaningless because we have people to leech off."

Lucifer and nodded and put down the plastic bags as he added, "That's why we have to toe the line for people we leech off. Kind of like a sport. We gauge how much they can stand and work within those rules."

Hisui nodded, "To be a first-class NEET, we needed to know those stuff. Because if we broke those rules, and the people who we are leeching off decided to kick us out we'd be homeless."

Lucifer added, "Only those uncultured people doesn't know how much dedication, determination, and diligence you needed to be a first-class NEET. We literally have one foot down our grave, because one mistake can end our current lives."

If you need to be genuine first-class NEET, you need to go through it—all the way! Being half-ass about it means your end. Only a true NEET knows how much hard work they needed to put just so they could survive!

Determination, Dedication, and Diligence, these three things are needed to be a true NEET! If you decided to be one, you can't half-ass it, because a single mistake will cost you your life!

"Hn, my mind is a mess because of that bird. I remember now. So let's go and place. I think we were being sent to another planet right? Put on your Full Dive VR glasses and let's play."



"So we are alone in your house right now?"

"Yeah, my dad is on a business trip overseas, and my mom won't return until three days later."


"We can..."


Yuuna and Chisaki were currently alone in Chisaki's room. Since Yuuna decided to spend some time with her friend and thought about sleeping here.

Yuuna has been here since morning, they spend time shopping, playing and many more. Yuuna really enjoyed her time here.

Chisaki even taught Yuuna how to cook Italian dish since she is really good at it.

"By the way, how is Koyuzu?" Chisaki asked as she was now in her sleepwear, with towel on her head as she dried herself. She just took a bath earlier.

"She is fine, she really enjoyed spending time with Chitose-san though." Yuuna answered.

"Really? That's good." Chisaki smiled before she suddenly shot Yuuna a curious look, "By the way Yuuna, do you like Alex?"


Chisaki actually got to meet Alex a few days ago. And she has to admit, that she was the first man she ever met that she didn't fear, aside from her father of course.

He was kind and polite, and really cared for his daughter, his wife is very beautiful too. The reason why she asked this is because she has seen the way Yuuna acts around Alex.

Her smile was brighter, she couldn't take her eyes off of him, and she keep twirling her thumbs which Chisaki knew that Yuuna only does that if she's embarrassed and happy about something.

She was worried about Yuuna, after all, the man she likes already has a wife and a daughter.

"Eh?" Chisaki blinks her shock when she finds herself floating. Looking around, she saw her sheets, pillows, dolls, and other things floating too.

For a second, she panicked. Thinking that she was haunted again, but then she saw Yuuna covering her red face as she floated around with a blue aura surrounding her.

She immediately knew that it was Yuuna who caused this.


Yuuna seems to not heard her as she just covered her red face. She was embarrassed. Suddenly, she looked towards Chisaki with teary eyes.

"Y-Yuuna? What?"

The tears wasn't because Yuuna was sad, well maybe a little, but most of it was because she was just so embarrassed that her eyes teared up. After all, Alex already upgraded her body and it functions more and more of a human. So tears and the like is now added.

"W-W-Well, I may have, kind of, have feelings for him," Yuuna spoke with a quiet voice that was barely heard by Chisaki, "Its just...he was the first one to show me this much gentleness and care, giving me a chance to enjoy my life again."

Chisaki remained silent, just listening to her friend.

"He has given me more than I could ever imagine...to a ghost like me, someone who can only wait to be exorcized, someone who can only wait to be a hollow...he has given me things I wouldn't even dream of having."

Yuuna turned towards Chisaki with a smile and tears started falling from her eyes, and she spoke with a sorrowful voice, "Someone like him...someone like him who showed me this much kindness....how could I not like him?"

Chisaki's eyes widened, "Yuuna..."

"I know already! I know it that he already has someone else! And if he doesn't, I'm still a ghost! I know we can't be together! But still..."

Chisaki looked at her friend and pulled her to a hug.

Yuuna cried on her shoulders, "...am I terrible friend? Emi has treated me with nothing but kindness...but what did I repay her? Liking her lover...I'm really a terrible friend am I?"

Chisaki sighed and caressed Yuuna's back, "No, Yuuna is a great friend, I'm sure Emi-san and everyone thinks so too, so don't think like that."

"B-B-But...I like....won't Emi think that I'm a terrible friend?"

Chisaki smiled, "I know, and no, I'm sure Emi won't. Its just that...you can't reason with love. It will come so suddenly and explosively, and before you know it...you have already fallen. You like someone, that's fine. That doesn't makes you a terrible friend."


"Sshh." Chisaki caressed her back with a smile, "Don't think of yourself like that. How about this, once you are ready, why don't you have a talk with Emi-san, everything will start from there."


Chisaki smiled. As for what will happen that? Well, let's just leave it up for the future.

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