
The Devil of One Piece

A descendant of the devil is taken in by Silvers Rayleigh. eventually he sets out to get revenge for his ancestor against the Celestial Dragons and their leader Im. to get his revenge he will change the world and fight against those who oppose him. ( Disclaimer: I don't own one piece or any of its characters only the OC. I do not own the book cover)

Draeko · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

The Devil's history lesson

Lucifer sits back down in his chair "when I was alive there were many Gods who lived in relative peace we fought here and there but not too much, contrary to the belief I wasn't a bad or all evil god. There is one thing you need to know which is that we had a class system so it means we had high gods and minor gods the difference between us was our power and accomplishments, naturally I was one of the High Gods because of my vast powers and vast knowledge of the world.

The other thing you need to know is that the Celestial Dragons were Minor Gods that always complained that they deserved better but they never proved to anyone that they actually did. They would always enslave people for their amusement and most times kill so when their transgressions were discovered they were cast off out of our Holy Land where all Gods lived.

I always said that we should have killed them because they were disgusting beings and would later pose a threat but the other gods said they should be given a chance to repent but I was always the one who didn't believe in second chances for everyone.

Then in the near future, my premonition was proven right. The Celestial Dragons made the humans believe that we High Gods had become corrupted so we had to be killed. Those foolish humans believed them and stood with the celestial dragons then invaded our Holy Land by using secret passages that the celestial dragons knew of.

A bloody long war ensued where many humans died and the celestial dragons slowly were losing so as a last ditch effort they uncovered a forbidden weapon which we sealed away because it corrupted anyone who used it and gave the user unlimited power at great costs which were a sacrifice of 1 million lives.

So when they sacrificed those humans lives who were not apart of the war they blamed their deaths on us so then all humans would side with them which they did. We were quickly defeated after that, We put up a damm good fight but with the Celestial Dragons newfound unlimited power and their numbers which now included all humans.

I was the last God to die as they feared me the most for a very good reason when the war started I slaughtered entire legions of their armies I felt sad for the humans but it didn't mean I had no qualms fighting because I knew the Celestial Dragons was using them as meat shields so us High Gods wouldn't kill them as most gods loved them too much to hurt them. I on other hand didn't I have problems because I could sense some of the humans were fighting for selfish reasons like greed and envy of our power and thought they could take it for themselves.

I knew I wouldn't win against them but the Devil doesn't bow down to anyone so I killed many celestial dragons and humans until I was covered in their blood but then their leader finally revealed himself who wanted to the most powerful so he killed all the others so he could be the most powerful with no one left able to threaten his dream of being emperor of the world.

When it came to me though I was one the most powerful of the High God's so he didn't dare go against me in a one on one fight so he was able to surpass my powers by performing a ritual using my blood he was able to get from past battles and when it was finished he became a High God himself who had the ability to absorb his enemies powers if he digested a large amount of their blood but he could only gain one power. After digesting my blood he went to every High God's corpse to withdraw their blood and then gained one ability from each of them. The power he gained from me was the ability to nullify any incoming attack from one opponent at a time, any more and others would be able to strike him.

After gaining all those powers he was unstoppable so we fought in a vicious battle that lasted for 6 days which resulted in the Holy Land bearly being destroyed but his new powers were too much and he killed me . Now when he gained those powers I knew that most likely he would kill me so I devised a plan which was to leave a message in the form of a stone tablet for my descendants where it would tell them what really happened in the war and to spread the truth and eventually fight against the Celestial Dragons and their leader who killed me, Im.

Those descendants all spread my message and all had a characteristic that honoured me and reminded them of the true history of the world which was the letter D as a middle name. Sadly as time went on my message was forgotten and my descendants forgot as well. Even though they forgot the devil in their blood always made them challenge authority.

I had lost hope that the Celestial dragons and Im would pay for their actions. The last time I had hope was when Gol D Roger created the pirate era I thought he would go on to challenge them but he died from the Cipher Pol poisoning him on orders from the 5 elders to stop pirates appearing but they never expected him to send out a challenge before his death hahahaha. Then you came along and after watching you these past 10 years you've given me hope again".

I'm still in shock from all the information that Lucifer just told me I mean who knew that I was loosely related to Gol D Roger. Then I remembered what he said about Im " how can I win against Im with his power"

Lucifer just points at my head "I'm not going to tell you because I don't know my self but remember what I said that nature likes balance so when he took powers that weren't his he didn't know that he gave himself a weakness because during the ritual he used to transcend into a High god he used The Holy land as a medium to channel the power used for the ritual. Using the Holy Land meant he was affecting nature by adding a foreign power so nature retaliated and altered the ritual to give him a weakness which once exploited will leave him vulnerable. you just need to use your head to figure it out".

Listening to lucifer I was trying to find different ways nature affected Im's power but at the moment I couldn't think of anything. Lucifer could see what I was thinking " Samael don't get disheartened it will take you time to figure out so, for now, concentrate on growing your strength."

Lucifer is right if Im weakness was that easy to figure out then it would have already been figured out. I then remembered about the devil fruit " to be able to fight Im I'll need to have every possible advantage so is there any way you could tell me where the devil fruit made from your power is located?".

I wait a couple of seconds for him to respond then he stands and starts walking away " my time with you is nearly finished so I'm not going to tell you where it is because I'm not that kind hahahaha so I'll give you a hint use your blood it has traces of my power so it can lead you there".

Then he disappears, I just stand thinking in what possible way can I use my blood to find the devil fruit.