
The Devil In Guise

(WARNING: MATURE CONTENT) Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, A marriage alliance was arrange between a king and a witch to save his kingdom. After the deal was done., the king decided to kill the witch and her family in a cold blood. However, before she died, She laid a curse on the king, a curse that will bring disaster to the entire kingdom. Over time, the curse was thought to have been forgotten until the time of the prophecy, a warring time like no other, kick-started, ushering in the birth of a new age. The devil had come to earth in guise of man and disaster… STRUCK! ***** He, Sargon was an emperor, rumoured to be the devil in disguise of a man with his reign bringing nothing but terror and violence to the people. Ariadne…After the death of her parents, was taken to the castle to work as a slave girl. At the age of twenty she was forced to replace the princess in order to marry the Emperor. Through certain events, a fated encounter occurred and a love sprang forth. Now, Sargon and Ariadne faces an impossible battle one of toils, betrayal and disappointments. Will their love survive the trials brought their way by their enemies to keep them apart forever or would they fight strong for the love they had come to cherish? ************ THIS WORK IS PURELY FICTIONAL AND AN ORIGINAL! Cover not mine, all credit goes to the original owner. Discord server: Instagram: Author_ella Discord: Ella_Dominic#9871

Ella_Dominic23 · Fantasy
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304 Chs

What Have You Done To Me, Witch?


Queen Ariadne's POV.

The village became crowded when we started sharing the items. People were to attend if they wanted to, but I didn't expect them to be this much. Anne said it was the gifts that attracted those who were not at the temple. It could be true. If I were in their positions, definitely I will come to collect mine too.

Apollo and the guards followed me everywhere I went. They said that the Emperor told them to protect me against any force. These people were innocent to me and they don't look like they were going to harm any moment.

I was stubborn in my way, maybe the Emperor was yet to Know that. Anne was still sharing the item, so I joined her. The people thanked me a lot, and I wish they stopped. The most important thing was that they all gave their blessings to me. It was the best part for me.

All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my right leg drawing me. I turned around to see who wanted me to fall. It was an old woman with a short walking stick, who looked like she was in her early eighties. Her clothes were shabby and worn out. It seemed as if, she had been wearing that dress all her life.

"How may I help you, grandmother?" I asked.

Calling the old woman, grandmother was a way of showing her respect. Maybe, being familiar would make her open up to me.

Instead of answering me, she dragged me to a corner where no one could see us. Washed clothes were hung on the rope and closed to a tall building that was not too far away from the crowd. This act of hers made me quite suspicious as to why she dragged me here!

"You are of no help to me now, but maybe later" she smiled reviewing the four dirty teeth in her front jaw.

"Who are you and why did you bring me to this spot ?" I asked, turning around to look at the building again.

"I don't want anyone to see us" the old woman replied, with her hands holding firm to the walking stick.


"Because the Emperor doesn't like people like me?"

"I don't understand".

"Am a witch!" She smiled again.

"A what??" I almost laughed. Witches don't exist, this old woman was trying to scare me. She was wasting my time. Life was real and not a fairy story.

"A witch. The Emperor hates us a lot and the guards wouldn't spare me if they see a shadow that resembles mine."

"If you are done talking, you let me Know" I pretended.

I was afraid of the woman, the place was tight and I was trying my best to move backward without letting her know. What a creepy Woman!

"Take this" she took out an old bracelet and gave it out to me. I wanted to hesitate but I stopped. Maybe she wasn't out to harm me. What was there to try?

"Thank you" I received the gift.

I felt a burn on my hand. Its was red with a little wound, close to my wrist. The pain made me shout for help. Its spread up to my arms fast than I thought.

Hahahaha …

Came a laugh from the old woman. She was the cause of my pains and here she was, laughing while I was trying to render help to her.

"What have you done to me witch?" I bawled.

"Tell the Emperor, that this is my message to him. She laughed again and disappeared in thin air. This woman was truly a witch, I didn't believe her at first, that was why she inflicted this pain on me.

I became angry with myself for being so stupid, to trust a stranger. But the scar on my hand disappeared too just like the old woman. The whole situation became confusing to me.

I was so lost, that I didn't Know when Apollo came with the guards. He didn't look happy, his face showed that he has been looking for me for a long time. They heard my scream.

"What happened to you, Queen Ariadne? we heard you scream" he asked.

"I was here with a stranger but she left before you came" I was still staring at the spot, where the old woman disappeared.

"Did she do anything to you?"

"Nothing really, just my hand but I am fine" I replied.

"You should be out here alone, it isn't safe for you"

"Okay," I uttered checking the hand, again to see if there was any scar left.

"I hope you are fine?"

"Yes I am okay" I dusted my dress and followed him.

"My lady, we are all going back to the palace. The time Emperor Sargon gave me is over" he said.

The maids and Queens went back to their various carriages. The journey to the palace began again, it reminded me of my first day in Akkad, though most of the journey I slept.

When we reached the palace, mother was waiting for us with some of the Emperor's aunts. I was tired but, happy. They all missed me. That was why they came out to welcome me.

Immediately, the carriage halted. I came down and went to where mother stood. She was waiting for the offering the priest gave to me earlier-the dry wood. She collected it and asked me how it went there. I told her everything except for the witch's story.

The Queen's mother said she was going to burn the wood in the palace temple and make sure that the smoke doesn't stop. This was a tradition, the people of Akkad respected so much except for their emperor who refused to honor his father. It was said that if the smoke stops before the second day, my parent's spirit will become restless.

After giving the mother the wood, I headed off to my room. It was a little bit scattered when I got in. Today was indeed a stressful day for me and I was exhausted. Anne entered with a few of the maids and they started arranging. As for me, I went straight to my bed to take a rest.