
The Devil In Guise

(WARNING: MATURE CONTENT) Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, A marriage alliance was arrange between a king and a witch to save his kingdom. After the deal was done., the king decided to kill the witch and her family in a cold blood. However, before she died, She laid a curse on the king, a curse that will bring disaster to the entire kingdom. Over time, the curse was thought to have been forgotten until the time of the prophecy, a warring time like no other, kick-started, ushering in the birth of a new age. The devil had come to earth in guise of man and disaster… STRUCK! ***** He, Sargon was an emperor, rumoured to be the devil in disguise of a man with his reign bringing nothing but terror and violence to the people. Ariadne…After the death of her parents, was taken to the castle to work as a slave girl. At the age of twenty she was forced to replace the princess in order to marry the Emperor. Through certain events, a fated encounter occurred and a love sprang forth. Now, Sargon and Ariadne faces an impossible battle one of toils, betrayal and disappointments. Will their love survive the trials brought their way by their enemies to keep them apart forever or would they fight strong for the love they had come to cherish? ************ THIS WORK IS PURELY FICTIONAL AND AN ORIGINAL! Cover not mine, all credit goes to the original owner. Discord server: Instagram: Author_ella Discord: Ella_Dominic#9871

Ella_Dominic23 · Fantasy
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304 Chs

The False Allegation....

Queen Ariadne's POV.

"Anne, do you know why the Emperor summoned us to the courtroom?" I asked.

"Am not sure my lady, but I fear what is to come" she answered. Anne was shivering already, if this frightened her this much, then there is no need for her to come along.

"You should stay back, I will go alone," I said.

"You haven't seen the king's anger, that's why you are this eager to go"

"Stop scaring me Anne" I put on my gloves.

Not long after, we had breakfast, the king's chief announcer informed us that, the king required the presence of every member of the royal family.

Many were afraid of what will happen in the courtroom. The last time, he summoned us we were told about the king's Ball. Today wasn't a different day, am sure it was just an announcement.

"Let's go, my lady, am ready," Anne said.

I nodded and led the way.

The courtroom was filled with members of the royal family. The female gender had the highest population, because of the numerous wives the Emperor had.

We stayed close to the door. There was no empty seat around, all the benches were occupied. I wasn't angry that I couldn't sit because, all the women here, were older than me when it comes to age or marriage.

The door slammed open. The Emperor entered the court with a face like, he was going to kill someone today. I wondered what happened that made him, this angry.

Queen Valeria followed him behind like a Mother Hen. The look on her face showed that she was aware of the whole situation. The emperor sat down and Apollo went to him.

"Your majesty, should I read the case?"

"It is yet to be a case except if the suspect wants to make it one," the king said in an angry tone.

"I don't understand, your highness" Apollo asked.

"Am going to ask you all a question. If you are guilty, come forward and accept your punishment the Emperor demanded. He was referring to everyone's present here, today.

Guilty?? That meaning was right all along. Someone had offended the Emperor and today, he or she was going to face judgment. The look on his face showed that he was boiling in anger and very soon, his wrath was going to fall on anyone.

"On the night of the king's Ball. Which of the women went outside the palace gate?" Apollo asked. No woman was allowed outside the palace in the daytime. If you wanted to do anything outside, you have to ask the king for permission, first. I tried my best to obey all these rules.

Nobody came forward nor say anything. Everyone was quiet and frightened. The king looked like he wasn't going to spare that person at all. I wondered who the unlucky person was? And why she acted in contempt of the emperor!

"Queen Ariadne, won't you say anything?" Queen Valeria asked. I was frightened when she spoke. Why did she call my name like this And why now of all times? The situation on the ground was bigger than her hatred for me. If only she could keep it aside and focus on finding the culprit!

"What did you want me to say, Queen Valeria?"

"Queen Ariadne where you before the Ball?" The king asked quietly.

"I was in my room all day, your highness"

"Will you stop lying to me? On the day of the ball, you went outside the palace. You told the guards at the gate, you were going to see Grandmother. A woman you haven't seen in your life!" The king shouted at me.

These accusations were false. I didn't go out that night, I could remember vividly. So why were the king and his queen accusing me of such an offense? One which I didn't commit.

"That's not true, your majesty. I was in my room that day, after which I came for the party"

"So are you trying to say am a liar?" he asked.

"Not at all, but the allegation against me is false" I defended myself.

"This crime you are accusing my daughter of is serious. Please do you have any evidence that she did go out that night?" Mother asked. She was referring to her son. I knew she would go to any length to get justice for me.

"Yes mother, I have the letter the guards wrote and before I came to the court, I questioned each one of them to confirm if it was true".

"So what did they say?"

"That your precious daughter here is guilty!"

"Ariadne dear, did you go out that night?" She asked politely.

"No mother, I swear I didn't…"

"She is not ready to tell us the truth Queen mother" Queen Valeria interrupted me.

I could see the happiness on her face. Finally, the king was going to punish me just like she always wanted. This was one of the moments Queen Valeria had been waiting for.

"Emperor, I think you should look..."

"Mother there is no amount of pleading that will make me forgive her" he cut his mother off.

I just stood there helplessly. Whatever that was going on here became like a dream to me…I wish someone could wake me up and scream in my ears that Queen Ariadne, you are dreaming!