
The Devil Chain

Angelica White, she is so beautiful like an untouched flower. Victor Black, he is a handsome, hot rich billionaire. Her heart was white like an angel while his heart was black like a demon. Fate brought them together in an unpleasant way. She had made him fall in love with her and he would do anything to make her his. Her nightmare is about to begin.

CelesteLee · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

"What are you doing here?" I asked him with my frightened eyes. He walked towards me like a beast about to catch its prey. "Don't come near me!" I said as I stepped back. I gasped, fear and a chill wrapped around my body as my back hit the wall. I'm stuck here with the wall behind me and the beast before me.

"Don't touch me or I'll scream!" I said breathing in fear as I removed his hand from my chin. He smiled with his eyes fixed on mine. He really enjoyed seeing my fear. "Scream. Let your best friend see me f*ck you," he said in a deep whisper.

I clenched my fists with anger filling my eyes. What I thought was right. He would not fall in love with Amy. He was just playing with her. "You bastard!" I said as I raised my hand to hit him.

He caught my hand before it touched his face. My anger instantly turned into fear seeing his domineering gaze. "Dare to hit me? Aren't you afraid I'll make her suffer?" he asked in a threatening tone. I stared at him in silence with fear and worry gripping me at the same time.

He furrowed his brows pretending to think. "Amy Collins, a nineteen-year-old girl. Her mother died when she was six. She has no brothers or sisters. Her father worked as a realtor," he said then he looked back into my eyes with his threatening look. "It would be so easy for me to made them alive on the streets."

"Please, I beg of you! Don't do that to them. Please ..." I pleaded with him. My voice broke.

He smiled with a satisfied expression seeing my pleading face. He cradled my chin in his big strong hand. "Their fate is in your hands. You can save them or you can make them suffer," he said. His voice deep and gravelly.

My heart was racing due to fear as I realized that I was the one he was targeting not Amy. "What do you want from me?" I asked with tears dripping from my eyes.

He smiled gently while wiping my tears then he looked back into my eyes."Tomorrow at 7 pm come to my penthouse at this hotel. I'll tell you what I want. Don't be late. I don't like to wait," he said in a gentle threatening tone.

I stared at him with my pale face. My body was shaking and cold.

"Let's go back now. Don't let them wait for us," he said as he caressed my cheek. He then turned around and walked lightly out of the bathroom.

I stood still with tears dripping from my eyes. I felt so helpless and scared. I have fallen into the trap of this vicious devil and there is no way for me to escape.


"Thank you so much, Mr. Black. I really have a good time with you," Amy said with happiness in her eyes, looking at Victor who was sitting in the driver's seat next to hers when we arrived in front of her apartment. He responded with a fake gentle smile on his face. Victor drove us home in his car while Rebecca came home in her car.

I stared at them from the back seat with worry, anger and fear colliding in my mind. I'm so worried about Amy and her dad. I am so angry with this devil but I am also terrified of him. I couldn't tell Amy who the real Victor Black was and what he had done to me. I will make her and her dad suffer if I do that.

"Good night," she said with a sweet smile on her face.

"Good night," he replied with a gentle look in his eyes.

She unbuckled her seat belt. Anger as well as fear filled my eyes as I saw him smiling devilishly at me from the rearview mirror. I quickly opened the car door and got out of the car followed by Amy.

Victor rolled down his car window and waved to Amy with a smile without looking at me. I know he did that on purpose. She smiled back at him while waving her hand. He raised his car window and left this place in his car.

I forced myself to smile as she smiled at me. I kept trying to hide how I felt from her since I knew I was the one the devil wanted.

"Let's hurry inside! I'm freezing here," she said as she rubbed her hands together. I nod my head at her with a smile. Then I tuck my arm into hers and we rush into the apartment.

We opened the door when we arrived at Amy's room. The delicious smell of chicken soup enveloped us, making our mouth water and our tongue tingle. "You two are home," my mom said, smiling warmly at us and put the pot in her hands onto the dining table.

"Mrs. White! Did you cook chicken soup?" Amy said as she quickly walked over to my mom and stood by her. My mom responded with a nod. "I cooked this for you. I bet you're still hungry right now," she said and smiled teasingly.

"How did you know that?!" Amy asked in surprise.

My mom chuckled. "I've been on a date. Every time I come home I become a hungry demon. I'm embarrassed if I eat a lot in front of the guy I like," she said. Amy smiled shyly with her cheeks turning red. She had never dated before.

I didn't tell my mom that Victor was the man who f*cked me that night to pay off my stepfather's debt. What my mom knows about Victor is that Amy likes him. Amy told my mom how she felt about him.

My eyes opened wide with lights shining above my head as my brain told me something. 'My mom is right! I have to make that devil feel disgusted with me so I can get out of his grip' I said in my mind and smiled evilly.

"Angelica?" my mom's voice woke me from my thoughts. "Why are you still standing there? Come, eat with us now."

I nodded my head with a smile. I then walked closer to the dining table, sat on a chair and ate with them. I can't wait for tomorrow to come. I will fight that devil with my plan.


The next day after I finished work I immediately went to the hotel by bus. I lied to Amy that I had an appointment with my friend and she believed me.

I took a deep breath, trying to stay on my feet in front of the penthouse door on the top floor. My hands and feet are cold. I could hear my rapid heartbeat in my ears. 'Stay calm, relax, you can do this,' I told myself.

I then rang the doorbell. It didn't take long before the door opened and I saw Victor standing facing me in his black satin nightgown. He looks like he just took a shower. I could smell the sweet smell of soap from his body. My cheeks are burning. I can't move my eyes staring at his exposed chest.

His soft laugh woke me up from my stunning. I looked into his eyes, breathing nervously. "How long do you want to stand there? Is it your habit to become a statue in front of me?" he asked with a teasing look.

He grabbed my arm before I could open my mouth to speak and pulled me into the room. He closed the door and shoved me against the wall. I held my breath as he sucked my neck lustfully. His hands squeezed my breasts while his thigh pressed against my pussy.

"Wait!" I said breathlessly as I grabbed his hands as he was about to unbutton my shirt.

He looked me in the eye. The domineering look in his eyes frightened me. His gaze warned me he would make Amy and her dad suffer if I didn't let him f*ck me.

"I-I'll serve you after I eat," I said in a nervous voice, "I can't do this if I'm hungry."

"Why didn't you eat before you came here?" he asked, holding back his upset.

"You told me I couldn't be late, so I came here in a hurry," I said. I smiled slyly inside watching him remember what he said back then.

He then walked to the sofa and sat there crossing his legs. "Use that phone," he said as he pointed to the phone on the table not far from where I was standing. "You can order whatever food you want."

I nod obedient to him like a puppy obedient to its master. 'Now it's showtime' I told myself. I then did as he said. I ordered a large beefsteak, french onion soup, wedge salad, french fries, fried chicken and cake.

"Are you going to eat it all?" he asked me as he furrowed his brows after I hung up the phone. I nodded at him with a sweet smile on my face. "I used to eat a lot," I said. I laughed evilly inside seeing him looking at me with a weird look.

I then walked while looking around the room. I've never been in a place as beautiful and grand as this before. This penthouse made everyone who sees this couldn't blink their eyes in admiration.

"Not bad," I said as I kept looking around. "But I've seen better than this before. Those men often f*ck me in a place like this."

I looked at him as I heard him stifling a laugh. I wonder why he did that.

"Those men must really like your ass. They f*ck you without touching your pussy," he said with a teasing look.

I closed my eyes shut, biting my lip as I snapped at my donkey brain. I forget he was the one who took my virginity. I opened my eyes, trying to look into his eyes. "Yeah, they like my ass," I said and laughed awkwardly. "Oh ... I see," he said while holding back his smile.

I then sat on the sofa opposite his and took the magazine on the table between us and pretended to read it to calm my nervousness. 'Don't act like a stupid! Do it right!' I snapped myself.

"Why is my pussy so itchy?" I said while scratching my pussy under my short black skirt. I then looked at him who was staring at me with his index finger on his lips while his thumb on his chin. "Ah! I just remembered now! I forgot to change my panties," I said. He smiled seeing me laughing like crazy. I stopped laughing as he stood up from the sofa, walked closer to me, and sat next to me.

"What are you doing?!" I asked in startled holding his hand as he tucked it under my skirt. "Helping you take off your panties," he said into my eyes with a teasing look.

"I don't need your help. I can do it myself," I said nervously. I quickly stood up from the sofa. I heard his soft laugh as I walked towards the bathroom. I opened the door, walked into the room, and closed the door.

I stared at my irritated face in the mirror as I tried to calm my rapid heartbeat. Why is it so hard to trick him! I clenched my palms. I can't give up now. I had to save my pussy from him.

I then washed my face. I'll wait here until the waiter delivers my order. I mustn't fail this time because this is my last chance to make him feel disgusted with me.