
The Devil Chain

Angelica White, she is so beautiful like an untouched flower. Victor Black, he is a handsome, hot rich billionaire. Her heart was white like an angel while his heart was black like a demon. Fate brought them together in an unpleasant way. She had made him fall in love with her and he would do anything to make her his. Her nightmare is about to begin.

CelesteLee · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

We quickly closed our lunch boxes, put them in a drawer on the counter and stood politely. "S-sir, may I help you?" Amy asked in a nervous tone as Victor stood at the counter. Her brown eyes sparkled, her cheeks flushed red, looking at his handsome face.

"Did I interrupt your lunch? Forgive me if I did that," he said in a gentle voice and gaze.

She shook her head briskly. "Oh, no. We've finished eating," she said even more nervous. She couldn't blink her eyes in amazement as he gave her his handsome, gentle smile. He made her like melted butter in the oven.

I shifted my gaze from Amy to Victor, staring at his face with my donkey face. 'Is this the man from last night? Why are they so different? This man is like a charming prince while the other is like a devil from hell,' I said in my mind.

I quickly looked down at my shoes when our eyes met. I heard his soft laugh. I felt so nervous and also scared. My heart was beating like a drum being hit fast and hard.

The entrance door suddenly opened. It surprised me and Amy to see a woman in a sexy dress with short blonde hair walk into the room. She is our boss. She's 30. She told us yesterday that she won't come to this place today because she had something to do.

She suddenly stopped her steps with her eyes wide open in surprise as she looked at Victor. "Holy sh*t!" she said. She quickly shut her mouth with her hand as she realized what she had just said.

Amy suppressed her smile looking at our boss while I couldn't move my lips. I was struggling to calm my rapid heartbeat.

She immediately walked over to us and stood before Victor. "Mr. Black! I'm so happy to meet you here!" she said into his eyes with her eyes shining like a shining star.

"You must be Rebecca Quinn. The owner of these jewels," Victor said.

She nodded her head with her eyes kept fixed on his. "Yes, it's me and ... I'm still single," she said and smiled coquettishly. He responded with a gentle smile on his face.

Amy and I paused, staring at her with our mouths slightly open. We could hardly believe our eyes. She was like an angry lioness when she spoke to us, but now she was like a cute, spoiled kitten in front of him.

"Mr. Black, may I ask why you are here?" Rebecca asked, curious.

"You have told my secretary you want to join my company. That's why I came here to see you," Victor replied.

Her eyes and mouth suddenly opened wide. "Oh my God! Thank you so much, Mr. Black! I really want to join your company! That is my big dream!" she said. She was so excited she almost cried. "Mr. Black, please come with me. We'll talk in my room," she said as she pointed to her room.

"Let's talk over there," he said as he pointed to the white sofa in this room. She paused for a moment with her brows furrowed and then she said with a big smile on her face, "Yes, Mr. Black."

Victor smiled at Rebecca before he walked over and sat on the sofa. Rebecca looked at Amy. "Quick! Make us coffee," she said in a hurry.

"Y-yes, ma'am," said Amy. Amy quickly walked into the kitchen while Rebecca walked to the sofa and sat next to Victor. I quickly walked behind the showcase table and stood there like a statue.

"Do you smell the chicken salad here?" Victor asked with a curious look as Rebecca was about to open her mouth to speak. "Chicken salad?" she asked with the same look as him.

My eyes wide, like a deer caught in headlights when Rebecca glares me in the eye with her deadly gaze. Her eyes told me she was going to cut my salary for daring to eat lunch in this room.

I bit my lip, holding back my upset seeing Victor who was holding back his laughter. He really enjoyed teasing me. 'This heartless man! He really is a devil! His last name shouldn't be Black but Pitchblack! I hate him!!!' I yelled in my mind.

His face suddenly changed to a polite expression as Rebecca looked back at him. She smiled at him to cover her anger at me. He smiled back at her with a polite smile.

I shifted my gaze to Amy as she walked over to them with two cups of coffee on the tray in her hands. She then put the coffees on the table in front of the sofa.

He looked at the name tag on Amy's chest as she stood up straight. Then he moved his gaze to her eyes. "Amy Collins," he called her name in a soft voice. "Y-yes sir," she replied nervously.

"I like your name. Your name is as pretty as your face," he said and gave her a smile with tenderness in his eyes.

Amy smiled shyly with her face flushed red while Rebecca's face turned red with anger and jealousy. I looked at my best friend worriedly as I told myself I mustn't let her fall for this devil no matter what.

He suddenly got an incoming message on his cell phone. He took it out of his jacket pocket and checked it. Then he looked into Rebecca's eyes. "I have to go now. We'll talk over dinner tonight at my hotel," he said.

"Yes, Mr. Black," she said, smiling. I could see from her eyes that her mind filled with dirty thoughts.

They both then stood up from the sofa. He looked into Amy's eyes with his gentle gaze. "Don't forget to bring Amy to dinner with us," he said to Rebecca, keeping his gaze on Amy.

Rebecca's face instantly turned angry and jealous looking at Amy who was smiling with happiness filling her eyes. "Yes, Mr. Black," she said, holding back her anger.

Victor then walked towards the exit without looking at me as if I didn't exist. Rebecca quickly chased after him and opened the door for him. He spoke with a serious look to her when they were standing near the back door of his luxury black sedan. She nodded obedient to him before he got into the car and left this place.

I wonder what they're talking about. I quickly shook my head briskly as I told myself that this wasn't the time to think about them. I have to save my best friend from that devil.

I walked over to Rebecca as she walked in from the entrance. "Ma'am, please can you take me to dinner too," I pleaded with her as I stood before her.

"Up to you!" she said, glaring at me and taking a step. I watched her walk into her room with a question on my mind. I wonder why she is glaring at me with anger and jealousy in her eyes.

"Angelica!" Amy called my name in an excited tone making me turn to her who was standing near me. "Oh, my God! I'm so happy! It's like a sweet dream come true! I met Victor Black here. He even invited me to dinner!" she said, smiling happily with her hands on her reddened cheeks.

I quickly hold her hands in mine. "Amy, listen to me! You can't fall for him no matter what," I said into her eyes with a serious look.

"But- Why?" she asked, curious.

I paused, staring at her. I wanted to tell her the truth, but I was too ashamed to say it. "Because ... Because he's so rich and handsome! He's surrounded by lots of pretty girls who would gladly throw themselves at him. He won't love you. He's just playing with you!" I said with worry.

She smiled at me. "Angelica..." she said in a calm tone, "Victor is a human just like us. No matter how rich and handsome he is, he can fall in love too. And I will make him fall in love with me."

I sighed in worry staring into her sparkling eyes. Her cell phone suddenly rang. "I'll pick up my phone," she said and walked over to the counter. "Oh my God! Mr. Black! How did you get my number?" she answered the call while sitting on the chair. It was clear on her face that she was so happy.

I stared at Amy who was talking to the devil with worry that gripped me even more. I told myself I had to tell her what he did to me after we got home from dinner. For now, I have to stick to her like glue.


The sun was setting when Rebecca, Amy and I arrived at a five-star hotel in downtown New York. This hotel is so grand and luxurious. Amy and I couldn't blink our eyes in admiration looking around as we all made our way to the restaurant inside the hotel.

As we walked into the door of the restaurant, I saw Mr. Pitchblack was sitting on a dining chair in his black suit. The middle-aged man in the butler's uniform with three waitresses beside him was standing in a row not far from his seat. There were no other guests in this room, only us.

Rebecca and Amy couldn't take their eyes off Victor, mesmerized by his handsome face. Only I know who he really is. He is the devil behind his handsome face.

Victor stood up from his chair when he saw us. "Good evening, Amy. I've been waiting for you," he said in a gentle tone, looking into Amy's eyes with his gentle gaze as we stood near him.

I sighed worriedly inside seeing Amy smiling at him with flushed cheeks while sliding her long brown hair behind her ear. He smiled gently at her. Then he pulled back the chair next to his chair. There are only four chairs at this dining table.

"Please, have a seat," he said to Amy.

I quickly sat on the chair and put a sweet smile on my face. I don't care if Rebecca scolds me. I don't even care if she fires me as long as I can keep this devil away from Amy.

Amy looked at me with surprise and confusion in her eyes while Rebecca looked at me with no expression on her face. Victor laughed softly at me before he sat down in his chair. Rebecca then sat in the chair facing me while Amy sat in the chair next to her facing Victor.

"I've ordered dinner for us. I hope you two don't mind," Victor said looking at Amy and Rebecca. He completely ignored me.

"We don't mind at all. Thank you, Mr. Black," Rebecca said with a polite smile. Victor responded by smiling back at her. He then took the empty glass on the table and poured champagne into it. "Have a drink," he said to Amy as he handed her the glass.

I quickly took the glass from his hand before Amy touched it. "Amy doesn't drink champagne," I said into his eyes. "Oh... I see," he said with a teasing look. "Then let you drink it."

I held back my upset seeing him smiling devilishly at me. He left me no choice but to obey him. I then drank it and put the glass on the table. Amy stared at me with double confusion on her face while Rebecca just enjoyed drinking her champagne.

Victor shifted his gaze from me to Amy. "Amy, tell me. What kind of man do you like?" he asked her. Amy smiled shyly, and she said, "I like-"

"She likes a man with a good heart. A man who loves her with all her heart. She doesn't like a rich, handsome man with a devil heart!" I said without a second thought, looking into his eyes.

"Angelica!" Amy snapped at me.

I looked at her who was glaring at me with my mouth tightly shut. She shifted her gaze to Victor. "I'm so sorry. Angelica is my best friend. She really cares about me. Sometimes she acts like my mom," she said and smiled.

Victor smiled back at her and said, "Never mind."

A chef then walked while pushing a trolley from inside the kitchen towards us and stopped near the dining table. He bowed politely to Victor before he placed the steak on the dining table in front of him. The waitresses then took the steaks on the trolley and put them on the dining table in front of me, Amy, and Rebecca.

"Mr. Black. Please enjoy your dinner," the chef said politely into Victor's eyes. Victor responded by nodding his head then he said "You all may leave now." The chef, the butler, and the waitresses bowed politely and did as he said.

"Let's eat now," Victor said to Amy and Rebecca. He didn't look at me at all as if I didn't exist.

They both nodded at him with smiles on their faces. He then tucked his napkin into his collar, and we did the same as him.

We started eating our dinner. Amy and Rebecca really enjoyed eating their steak while I didn't enjoy it at all. All I can think of is getting Amy out of here right away.

A sudden shock took over me as I felt Victor's hand on my right thigh. I pressed my thighs together as his hand crept up my thigh under my short skirt. A long white cloth covered the dining table so Amy and Rebecca couldn't see what this devil was doing to me.

I stared into his eyes begging him to stop. He smiled devilishly as he kept moving his hands. I quickly stood up from the chair, breathing nervously as his fingers touched my pussy.

"Angelica? What is it?" Amy asked into my eyes.

She and Rebecca looked at me with curious looks in their eyes while the devil next to me looked at me with a not guilty look in his eyes.

"I-I have to go to the bathroom," I replied with a lie.

"You can use the bathroom outside this restaurant," Victor said making me look into his eyes. "The bathroom here is under repair."

I tried hard to hold back my upset seeing him smiling politely at me. He became a gentleman before Amy and Rebecca's eyes.

I immediately walked out of the restaurant with smoke coming out of my nose and ears. I was so angry with him. He made me feel like I was going to explode.

I stopped my steps when I was in front of the bathroom door which was a bit far from the restaurant. I opened the door and walked into the room. I washed my face to calm my anger. I then looked in the mirror in front of me and told myself to calm down. I put my hands on my chest, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. I do meditation in the bathroom.

I opened my eyes when I heard the bathroom door open. My eyes opened wide in shock. My heart felt like it was about to burst when I saw the devil walked into the room with a devilish smile on his face.