
The devil's bride.

WARING: MATURED CONTENT Pearl is the human wife of devil himself that has always longed to be on Earth finally she was given a mission on Earth with a condition to never fall in love with a human Read and find out if she would break her conditions and the consequences Please don't forget to show some love this my first time writing here support me and give me more courage to do better Don't forget to follow me up on Instagram: @princessann140

Princessann140 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

in the Jewelry store

I then followed Alice as we started going to a jewelry store as the humans were starring lustfully at us or should I say me.

Alice then suggested we boarded a cab

My queen I think we should boarder a cab because the jewelry store is some miles away and we can't treak from here to there is quite far," Alice said looking at me trying to here my response.

Why can't we fly to there and by the way what's a cab ? I asked bluntly.

well a cab is those things with wheels that humans are riding though they are called vehicle and they are so many different types and sizes and also different names.

well cars, trucks, buses,trains and others are used for transportation of humans and goods

Cabs are also cars but they are used for public transportation we pay to be taken to our destination buses ,trains and others do the same thing and we can't fly on earth else you want us to be tagged as traitors," Alice said trying to explain things to me.

Really ?, I said happily that am learning a lot about the human world it was fun and awesome at the same time.

Alice then stopped a cab and we entered as she asked him to take us to a jewelry store

as I sat staring outside the window admiring earth after driving and driving we finally got to our destination though I don't know the place but I got to know because he stopped and then told us that we have gotten to our destination.

Young ladies we have gotten to the store so can I get my pay now ," He said as he winked at me making me to stare at him disgustingly. Alice noticed it and then she quickly handed him a paper which I assumed was a money and he then handed her another paper still staring lustfully at me as Alice grabbed my hand as we started walking into the store.

Humans she muttered, referring to the cab driver as we entered into the store it was so beautiful with everything in it glittering from diamonds jewelries to gold,sliver , sapphire and every other types of jewelries it was such a sight to behold well I know all those jewelries because they are also in hell but the store was stunning and glittering like a morning star I was still looking around until we stopped at the front of the counter as a woman in her forties asked us want we wanted to buy.

Good day young ladies do you mind if I show you around to pick the ones you want or are you looking for a specific jewelry," The woman asked beaming widely at us

Actually we are not here to buy anything ," Alice said as the woman stared at us like some ghosts or whatever.

Then how may I help you young ladies," she said rather serious now.

Well we are here to sell some golds and diamonds to you'' Alice said to the woman but I didn't concentrate much on their discussion as I was busy staring at every where but earth was far more beautiful than hell if Earth is like this who knows how heaven gonna be like I said inwardly to myself.

I will pay you nine hundred dollars for the goods" the woman said to Alice as she shook her head and instead in one point two million dollars after so many pricing and pricing they then agreed on one million dollars instead

After that the woman asked about paying it in cash or doing transfer in to Alice's bank and I don't even know what a bank is I just stared at them with mouth agape.

We need it in cash " I heard Alice's voice as I came back to reality from my world of thought about this human world.

The woman then counted alot of those colorful papers I assumed as money and handed it over to Alice who counted it also and then shoved it in to her bag and waved down another cab as we sat in the cab I started complaining of how tired and hungry I was and also the need to sleep.

My queen I assure you, you are going to eat and sleep once we lounge in a hotel that's where we are heading to now she assured me and I then remembered the questions I wanted to ask her before.

Please my dear Alice what's a money ,bank and also hotel

She chuckled louldly making me fume are you telling me or not , I said with clenched teeth glaring at her with anger.

My queen I was only joking with you I never thought it will make you this angry well hotel is a place mostly room or luxury rooms with it's own kitchen and other things people rent and pay for maybe for a night or more than that " she said as I smiled sweetly she was really teaching me alot she was really like a big sis to me.

Next I muttered staring at her.

well money is used to buy goods, pay for your rent and services but bank is where we save our money from thieves and reckless spending she said as I clapped wondering how she got to know alot about the human world.

My queen I told you am a pro here she said with her head held high making me chuckle as we laughed our heart out.

Please my princes and princesses thanks for ready my books and look out for newly updated chapters and don't forget to like, review and rate my books because it helps motivate me to put in more effort I love you guys and don't forget to follow me on Instagram @princessann140

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