

The king of the underworld! The ! The cruelest being in the world? How did the cruelest man in the world, who knew nothing of affection, care and warmth become so gentle? Was it love? Did he fall for his own weakness? Emma lived alone for seven years after the death of her parents. She had her best friend but that wasn't as close to the warmth of a family. Although she longed for that warmth, she wasn't a softie either. She was a daring, stubborn and intuitive girl who never failed to follow her intuition. And her intuition led her into signing a contract with the devil of the underworld, a man who could never be reasoned with. How did these two meet? What do their fates have in store? Would they be moved to kill each other because of the love-hate relationship they had? Join Alaister and Emma in their love-hate relationship!

Odunayo_Idowu · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Get your hands off my woman

Suddenly, a man grabbed her waist tightly from behind, talking her out of my reach and I watched as she slumped, almost losing her balance.

Rage bubbled up inside me at the the sight another man holding onto her delicate and slim waist.

Why would she let a mere human see her so vulnerable?

My jaw clenched tightly and I narrowed my eyes at the hand on her waist.

"Get your hands off my woman if you cherish your hands." I threatened.

"What do you mean?" The stupid excuse for a man asked. "Wat do you mean your woman? I saw her first, get yourself some one else."

The corner of my lips twitched into a mask smirk. "Do you know who I am?"

He chuckled and said, "Why should I know you!?" His grip tightened around her waist and she winced, trying to break free which made him red.

"Let go!" She struggled.

"You can have her after my chance is over." He said. "Can't you see how sexy she looks? Her round ass needs a bit of smacking and her I'm sure she'll beg for more once I've started out with her." He laughed in the most disgusting way I have ever seen and drew his face closer to kiss her. "I just can't wait to have her."

Mad with that I heard, I took out my gun and shot him on the leg.

"Ah!' he screamed.

"Can't wait to have her, you say? Well, I can't wait see your useless and disgusting self in hell." With that, I shot him in the head.

Normal POV

Emma stared at the dead body lying next to her. The gun didn't make a sound so no one was alerted and strangely, she didn't feel anything about his death.

She turned to Azazel.

"Why do you have to stain your beautiful hands with blood? He isn't worth it." She said.

"Come here!" he ordered.

"No!" She said over a moan.

"Emma, do not make me come to you." He said. "Come here!"

She looked at him for a few seconds and started walking towards him, gradually.

"You need to wash off that disgusting smell off your body." Azazel said, taking her in his arms.

"Yes, I'm also nauseous of that disgusting smell!"

"Emma, do not ever let any other man touch you ever again. Do you understand?" She nodded.

"Azazel, I…I don't feel so good!" She said, looking into his eyes with longing.

"Those shit! What did they give you to drink?" He immediately scooped her in his arms and carried her in bridal style out of the club, heading straight for his car.

She didn't refute and couldn't say anything about Izzy who was still in the club because of the effects of the drug. It was slowly overwhelming her and she couldn't think straight.

'I knew it was a bad idea to come to the club!'

Azazel drove to his mansion with full speed and as soon as they got there, he dropped her on the bed, gently.

He stared at her as she looked so inviting on the bed, squirming like a dog in heat.

"Azazel" she called with a soft voice and this made him lose his mind.

He tugged on his shirt, taking it off and got on top of her. She suddenly hooked her arms around his neck and in his ear, she whispered, "Zazel, I want it so badly!"

This shocked him. How did she know his demon name?

"What did you call me?" He asked and she released her hand, lying breathless on the bed.

"Zazel, isn't it cute? Just like you!" She smiled.

"Your friend…"

"She's probably having fun after…after ditching me." she gulped, unable to hold on to her sanity.

He sighed.

"My body is so hot Zazel. I want you you to do something." she moaned "Do something to cool me down, please!" She pleaded with teary eyes and he kissed her forehead, checking her body temperature.

"You're burning up!" He said and frowned. "Which bastard did this? Was it the one I killed? I shouldn't have left him off easy."

Emma reached for his face and drew him down to kiss her lips. They kissed for a while and she whispered.

"I want you! Please" she begged, her eyes flicking at him. "My body is eager for your touch and that is all I can think of right now."

"Do you have any idea what you're talking about? This is the effect of the drug and nothing more."

"But I desire you." She said and hugged him. "I want you claim me as yours. Own me! I want you …to make love to me." She whispered hotly

Her head was fuzzy and sweat dropping down hr entire body. It felt like she would explode anytime soon. But Azazel looked reluctant.

"No. you are not in your right state of mind!" He said and annoyed, she asked.

"Am I ugly? Tell me. Do I not look attractive to you?" She placed a finger in her mouth as she asked this and his state of reasoning became messy.

How could he say she was ugly? She was so sexy that no man could keep his reasoning.

'If only she knew how I really want her.' he thought. Surely, he wasn't an exception to those who would lose their reasoning. 'I want to chain her to this bed and have my way with her morning till noon… till night and then dawn again! I want to break her.'

"Zazel" her soft mutter jolted him from his thoughts.

"Go to sleep, Emma!" he commanded, looking straight into her eyes. 'If it starts, it will never end. Let's take it slow.'

Suddenly Emma felt dizzy and she sunk into the softness of the bed. It was comfortable!out of my reach and I watched as she slumped, almost losing her balance.

Rage bubbled up inside me at the the sight another man holding onto her delicate and slim waist.

Why would she let a mere human see her so vulnerable?

My jaw clenched tightly and I narrowed my eyes at the hand on her waist.

"Get your hands off my woman if you cherish your hands." I threatened.

"What do you mean?" The stupid excuse for a man asked. "Wat do you mean your woman? I saw her first, get yourself some one else."

The corner of my lips twitched into a mask smirk. "Do you know who I am?"

He chuckled and said, "Why should I know you!?" His grip tightened around her waist and she winced, trying to break free which made him red.

"Let go!" She struggled.

"You can have her after my chance is over." He said. "Can't you see how sexy she looks? Her round ass needs a bit of smacking and her I'm sure she'll beg for more once I've started out with her." He laughed in the most disgusting way I have ever seen and drew his face closer to kiss her. "I just can't wait to have her."

Mad with that I heard, I took out my gun and shot him on the leg.

"Ah!' he screamed.

"Can't wait to have her, you say? Well, I can't wait see your useless and disgusting self in hell." With that, I shot him in the head.

Normal POV

Emma stared at the dead body lying next to her. The gun didn't make a sound so no one was alerted and strangely, she didn't feel anything about his death.

She turned to Azazel.

"Why do you have to stain your beautiful hands with blood? He isn't worth it." She said.

"Come here!" he ordered.

"No!" She said over a moan.

"Emma, do not make me come to you." He said. "Come here!"

She looked at him for a few seconds and started walking towards him, gradually.

"You need to wash off that disgusting smell off your body." Azazel said, taking her in his arms.

"Yes, I'm also nauseous of that disgusting smell!"

"Emma, do not ever let any other man touch you ever again. Do you understand?" She nodded.

"Azazel, I…I don't feel so good!" She said, looking into his eyes with longing.

"Those shit! What did they give you to drink?" He immediately scooped her in his arms and carried her in bridal style out of the club, heading straight for his car.

She didn't refute and couldn't say anything about Izzy who was still in the club because of the effects of the drug. It was slowly overwhelming her and she couldn't think straight.

'I knew it was a bad idea to come to the club!'

Azazel drove to his mansion with full speed and as soon as they got there, he dropped her on the bed, gently.

He stared at her as she looked so inviting on the bed, squirming like a dog in heat.

"Azazel" she called with a soft voice and this made him lose his mind.

He tugged on his shirt, taking it off and got on top of her. She suddenly hooked her arms around his neck and in his ear, she whispered, "Zazel, I want it so badly!"

This shocked him. How did she know his demon name?


"What did you call me?" He asked and she released her hand, lying breathless on the bed.

"Zazel, isn't it cute? Just like you!" She smiled.

"Your friend…"

"She's probably having fun after…after ditching me." she gulped, unable to hold on to her sanity.

He sighed.

"My body is so hot Zazel. I want you you to do something." she moaned "Do something to cool me down, please!" She pleaded with teary eyes and he kissed her forehead, checking her body temperature.

"You're burning up!" He said and frowned. "Which bastard did this? Was it the one I killed? I shouldn't have left him off easy."

Emma reached for his face and drew him down to kiss her lips. They kissed for a while and she whispered.

"I want you! Please" she begged, her eyes flicking at him. "My body is eager for your touch and that is all I can think of right now."

"Do you have any idea what you're talking about? This is the effect of the drug and nothing more."

"But I desire you." She said and hugged him. "I want you to claim me as yours. Own me! I want you …to make love to me." She whispered hotly

Her head was fuzzy and sweat dropping down hr entire body. It felt like she would explode anytime soon. But Azazel looked reluctant.

"No. you are not in your right state of mind!" He said and annoyed, she asked.

"Am I ugly? Tell me. Do I not look attractive to you?" She placed a finger in her mouth as she asked this and his state of reasoning became messy.

How could he say she was ugly? She was so sexy that no man could keep his reasoning.

'If only she knew how I really want her.' he thought. Surely, he wasn't an exception to those who would lose their reasoning. 'I want to chain her to this bed and have my way with her morning till noon… till night and then dawn again! I want to break her.'

"Zazel" her soft mutter jolted him from his thoughts.

"Go to sleep, Emma!" he commanded, looking straight into her eyes. 'If it starts, it will never end. Let's take it slow.'

Suddenly Emma felt dizzy and she sunk into the softness of the bed. It was comfortable!