

The king of the underworld! The ! The cruelest being in the world? How did the cruelest man in the world, who knew nothing of affection, care and warmth become so gentle? Was it love? Did he fall for his own weakness? Emma lived alone for seven years after the death of her parents. She had her best friend but that wasn't as close to the warmth of a family. Although she longed for that warmth, she wasn't a softie either. She was a daring, stubborn and intuitive girl who never failed to follow her intuition. And her intuition led her into signing a contract with the devil of the underworld, a man who could never be reasoned with. How did these two meet? What do their fates have in store? Would they be moved to kill each other because of the love-hate relationship they had? Join Alaister and Emma in their love-hate relationship!

Odunayo_Idowu · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Breakfast together

Emma wakes up next morning, feeling her head ache badly.

"Argh, my head feels like it's being hit by a hammer. Seriously!" She remarked and suddenly remembers the events of the previous night.

How she was drugged by the bar tender and how Azazel shot a man in front of her.

Seriously, she didn't panick then but now she felt shivers. Other than that, she… she…

"F*ck!" She exclaimed feeling embarrassed and searched her body to find out her clothes were still on.

She sighed in relief but the words she said kept replaying in her head. It was so embarrassing.

"Are you awake" Azazel asked, approaching from the bathroom.

"Yeah." she nods lightly but couldn't meet his eyes. "Em…well, about last night!" She fidgeted. "I hope, no." She shook her head. "Did I do anything stupid?"

"Yes!" He simply said. "You asked me to have sex with you."

This got her blushing hard. She knew she asked but why did he have to say it so straight? Did it not feel weird saying that?

"But don't worry, I didn't do anything to you." He added. "You fell asleep right after saying so many words!"

She could only think of the words that were playing in her head. What did she say to the great Azazel? She cleared her throat and looked away.

"You should'nt have engaged me in it." She blurted out.

"Why? You were the one who started it." He said and she turned to him sharply.

"It wasn't my fault I was drugged." She claimed.

Azazel looked at her for a while and smiled. He sat beside her and said,

"You asked a question which I said I would answer when you are in your right mind. And now that you're sober, I'll tell you."

"What question?"

"You asked if you were ugly."

"And?" She clutched on to the sheets, wondering what his response will be.

Azazel inched closer and said to her face.

"You are not ugly." He brushed her hair aside. "And there are many things I want to do to with you." she narrowed her eyes at him

"Like what?" She asked, only to see him smirk.

He leaned closer as though he wanted to kiss her but he bypassed her lips and went for her ear.

"I really want to be claim you right now!" He whispered and she flinched. "I want to dig into your skin, drink your blood and push so deep that you have no choice but to yell my name in ecstasy."

He pulled back to her reddened face and his smirked widened.

She couldn't believe what she heard from him.

"Pervert!" She accused. "How can you say that to me? You're practicallu declaring that you want to have sex with me. Why didn't you just go at it while you had the chance last night?"

"Well, then, I wouldn't see your true expression." He said and got up from the bed. "I want you to be in your right mind when you feel the pleasures corrode your mind."

Emma clenched the sheets. She was getting entangled with a beast, she knew it.

"Come down for breakfast." He said and she looked up at him. He no longer had his smirk but his usual arrogant and cold front.

"Wow, back to his cold self, I see." She remarked.

"Are you hungry or not?"

"Is that supposed to be a question? Of course I'm hungry. But I'll have to wash up first."

"Everything you'll need is inside the bathroom." He said and started heading for the door. "Also, there are a few dresses in the closet that you can change into. Just pick any one that suits your taste." With that, he left.

Emma got down from the bed and went to the closet. As soon as she saw the clothes, her mouth dropped.

"Anyone that suits my taste, he says."

The clothes in the closet were not what she'd normally go for but they were gorgeous and classy. If she wore them, she'd definitely look like one of those rich brats she saw on TV.

But she quickly shook her head and snapped out of her thoughts. She was going to be Azazel's wife soon so there was no need to play pretend.

She took a quick bath and changed her clothes.

Once she was done, she walked out of the room, to which she found three maids waiting for her.

"Right this way!"

They led her down to the dinning hall and there she saw Azazel prying on his tablet. As soon as he saw her, he said,

"Don't just stand there. I may end up eating you instead of the food." Emma blushed. What the hell was he saying?

Was he so used to talking crap that he wasn't aware that he was making the other party uncomfortable?

She decided to ignore him and looked down at the food on the dinning table. They were simple. She didn't expect it but rich people weren't as spontaneous as she thought them to be.

While eating, Azazel cut a piece of his pancake and drops it in her plate.

"Thank you?" She was unsure if that was necessary. "It's a lovely cake." She said but he brushes it off.

"Just eat."

Sly walks in and seeing them eat without any squabbling, he wonders if Emma is as feisty as her profile says she is.

He hands Azazel the document he requested and he took a look at it before handing it to her.

"Here. Read it."

"What 's this?" she asked and took a look.

She twisted her lips seeing that it was the contract and the terms were a bit…

"Is there any problem?" Azazel asked and she looked up at him.

The terms were just as he said so she had no problem with it, for now.

"Nope!" She replied.

"Sir, there's an important issue at the office. Should we head out now?" Sly asked.

"Hm!" He was done eating anyway.

He stood up without a single thought and Sly spread out his coat.

"Make yourself comfortable!" He said and put his hands through the holes in his coat and adjusted it properly.

"Zazel!" She called and he flinched. She was calling his demon name again but it was clear she knew nothing about it. "What about the marriage certificate?" She inquired.

"We will handle that tomorrow." He said. "My driver will drop you home. You can collect whatever you need and come back before nightfall. Is that alright with you?"

"Yeah, it's okay!"

With that, he left. Emma was left alone in the huge dinning table and she suddenly didn't feel like eating anymore.

She decided to go out first.