
The Devil’s love

“The course of true love never did run smooth.” – William Shakespeare. The journey of love is never as smooth as silk. There are difficulties, ups and downs, bumps and humps.  Like most of the love stories, Mo Yichan and Yang Ning’s love story wasn’t smooth or easy. Initially it was difficult and rocky.  The CEO of Yang corporation, Yang Ning was a successful businesswoman. Growing up with unsupportive and unruly parents, Yang Ning was accustomed to being treated unfairly and poorly. The only person that she count on was her grandfather. The CEO of Mo corporation, Mo Yichan who was also known as the ‘ Devil CEO’ was one of the most successful businessmen. Losing his father at a very young age and his mother leaving him alone for some other man, Yichan grew up with his grandfather.  Being business rivals, Mo Yichan and Yang Ning hated each other.  What do you think will happen when these two cold and aloof people are forced to get married and live under the same roof by their grandparents?  Did they hate each other only because they were business rivals? Or did something happen in the past which forced them to seal their hearts and hate each other to the fullest?  Will the love between them ever be able to overpower the hatred that they have for each other?  ***** “ Hahahahaha look at you both fighting like a husband and wife.” Mr Hunshou said. Yichan smirked and said,” If you were my wife, I would add poison in your coffee.” Ning smiled and said,” And if you were my husband, I would drink it.” **** Few months later. In a charity auction. “ Hundred million.” Ning said. “ Two hundred million.” Yichan said before grinning at his wife. “ Three hundred million.” Ning said. “ Four hundred million.” Yichan said. “ Five hundred million.” Ning before leaning towards her husband,” If you let me win, I’ll be on top for a whole week.” Yichan raised his board and said,” Seven million.”  “ You-“ “ For two weeks.” Yichan said. Ning frowned and said,” Fine.” Before raising her board,” Seven hundred and one million.” *********** Follow me on Instagram: author_sofia05 Join my server: https://discord.gg/th8TmZr Send me a Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/sofia05 [P.S:The cover isn’t mine. :)]

Sofia05 · Urban
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342 Chs


Ning blushed and pouted her lips. "Come soon."

"Don't worry, I'll be there soon and then we will have a blast together." Nuying excitedly exclaimed.

"Guiren and I will pick you up at the airport okay?"

Giving her a thumbs up, Nuying smiled. "I'll see you around then, don't miss me too much."

Meili and Ning chuckled and helplessly shook their heads. "Obviously we will miss you a lot."

"Alright now stop missing me and go back to your man. He will prolly make mincemeat out of me if I keep you engaged for a minute more. Bye bye." Nuying said before hanging up the video call.

Looking at Yichan who already had a frown in his face, Meili chuckled. "I think you should go back to him. Look, your man is already sulking."

"Can you cancel the-"

Cutting her off, Meili placed her hand on her shoulder. "All your meetings have been canceled already. So you are free to go back and spend some quality time with him."

Giving Meili a tight hug, Ning sighed. "You are awesome Mei, thank you so much."

"Alright alright just tell her husband to give Guiren a day leave after you both have settled down so that I can have my fill with my husband too."

Ning chuckled and nodded her head, "Don't worry about that."

"Ahhh look at the employees, I'll drag them back to work and you leave with Yichan." Meili suggested.

Ning smiled and nodded her head. There were so many things she wanted to talk to him about and so many other things to deal with.

"And don't forget to tell him about what his mother did okay? He has to know." Meili reminded Ning. Apart from their stupidity, Yichan's mother's fake words also paved a way to the misunderstanding that Ning and Yichan had between them.

Ning nodded her head and sighed. "Yeah I'll tell him about it."

Meili smiled and reminded Ning. "Communication is a cure to all problems in a relationship Ning. Yes, sex is also a solution and communicating while having sex also works the best but let's not go in that direction for now. All I want to say is, learn from the mistakes that both of you committed in the past and don't repeal them. This way you will have a blissful relationship with no tension and worries."

Ning smiled and nodded her head. "Thanks Mei, I'll always remember that."

"Go now, I'll take care of things here." Pushing her towards Yichan, Meili started nudging the employees to get back to work.

"Babe grandpa called, he wants us to go and meet him right now. He called you many times too but-"

"Wait, why would grandpa Mo call me?" Ning asked.

Yichan shook his head and explained, "My grandpa? Oh no I am talking about your grandpa."

Ning smiled and pinched his cheeks. "Why are you so cute?"

"Hmmm, grandpa Yang sounded so angry." Yichan scratched his forehead and sighed.

"It's alright, he won't remain angry for long." Ning consoled Yichan.

"It's right for him to be angry. You suffered so much because of me so I deserve a good thrashing from him." Yichan was willing to accept all forms of punishment from Ning and Grandpa Yang because he knew he was wrong.

"Haaa? As if I'll let anyone thrash you. It will be only me who will punish you." Ning snapped.

Yichan chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Hmm is it? So what kind of punishment? I don't mind being punished in bed or on the couch, ahhh the floor will do too."

Ning chuckled and pouted her lips. "We will see."

"Tonight?" Yichan asked.

"May be, May be not." Running her fingers through his collar, Ning patted his cheeks.

"Five years babe, do you think I can hold any longer?" Yichan asked.

"Ahh five years ha? Then what about your fiancé? Hmmm..what was her name? Wang Juan?" Ning asked.


Since the name Linyang was clashing with a characters name from my first novel, I changed it to Nuying :)

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