
The Devil’s Daughter: Mara

What is life like for the next heir of the throne? Which throne you say? The Devil's Throne. She is the daughter of the devil and wants to live life her way. She rebels against her father and gets caught in a relationship, which is banned for all devil princesses (especially).However, her father wanted to get rid of that man from her memories and so he banished her to the earth realm. She forgets her love, but now is reborn as a "normal" high school student...

bubble_meww · Fantasy
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17 Chs


"Mikaaaaa, where are you."


"Ugh, I'm finally home. You have no idea how my first day at school went."

"Wait Mara, I need to tell you something."


"Lucifer came."

"Oh...what did he say?"

"He, well he..."

"Mika, tell me."

"He said you have to go meet your mother tomorrow so you won't have school."


"Come on Mara, it's just for a few hours. It's a family meeting. Your brothers and sisters will be there too."

"Mika. I hate them."

"I know but-"

"Fine, after I sign the letter you have to tell him. I'm only going to be there for 30mins."

"Negotiation with the devil. Great, just great."

Signing the letter means I have to visit my family. I really don't want to go, but I have to.

"Mika I signed it."

"Alright, let me send it off."

After Mika sent the letter back to the spirit realm, we both decided to watch a movie. It was about 3am and we both were up late talking. Most people consider this time to be unlucky and the time of the souls lurking, but it's actually quite peaceful.

"Mika, you know there was this boy I met in school."

"Mara, you shouldn't be talking to a boy. Don't you remember Lucifer erase-"


"Nothing carry on."

"Well he was being a role model by telling me to keep quiet, but I ended up insulting him. I didn't feel good doing that. His face looked so familiar, but I don't remember meeting anyone like him."

"Mara, I think you should go to sleep, you have to visit the spirit realm tomorrow."


I fell asleep and dreamt about that boy.

"I'm sorry Mara, it's for the best. I have to erase your memories now. Especially of that boy. I can't see you hurt again."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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