
The Devil’s Daughter: Mara

What is life like for the next heir of the throne? Which throne you say? The Devil's Throne. She is the daughter of the devil and wants to live life her way. She rebels against her father and gets caught in a relationship, which is banned for all devil princesses (especially).However, her father wanted to get rid of that man from her memories and so he banished her to the earth realm. She forgets her love, but now is reborn as a "normal" high school student...

bubble_meww · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Get lost!

"I'm not doing anything."

"Listen Mara or whatever, you better not mess with us."

"Girl, who'd wanna mess with you. You look like a mess, busy hating people way out of your league."


"Uh...um goodbye."

I knew I shouldn't have said that. You see there are rules I have to obey. A devil princess doesn't talk to commoners. Only if necessary. That's such a stupid rule, but there are reasons for it I guess.

"Hey you."

"What?" I said as I looked up at this guy.

"I hate girls like you, who just want attention. I'm the student president here and I don't want any trouble. You and your social media fame can keep this outside of school."

"Hey, boy. What are you the teacher's pet. I don't think you should be involved in this. Nobody said your name."

"Well, I'm here to stop fights and you don't seem to know anything other than taking pictures. Didn't you learn anything."

"Haha, oh little boy, listen I haven't met anyone cuter than you. You don't know anything about me. So I suggest you...hmm let me see get lost and mind your own business. Oh and about my social media...I'm doing this for myself, earning money, living life whilst you a rich, spoilt brat just eat's his daddy's money and thinks he can rule the world. Well guess what you can't. Now please go sit back down before I say anything more."

He went to sit down, with a heartbroken expression on his face and I don't know why I felt kinda bad. Eh he deserved it. Home time, when are you going to come. I really want to use my powers right now, but that's against the rules of magic in the earth realm. Three more lessons with another lunch break. Damn, they should have lunch break between every lesson. I'm hungry.

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