
The Devil’s Daughter: Mara

What is life like for the next heir of the throne? Which throne you say? The Devil's Throne. She is the daughter of the devil and wants to live life her way. She rebels against her father and gets caught in a relationship, which is banned for all devil princesses (especially).However, her father wanted to get rid of that man from her memories and so he banished her to the earth realm. She forgets her love, but now is reborn as a "normal" high school student...

bubble_meww · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Mika let me go

I heard Mika was coming back home today, I know she's going to shout at me. She always finds out when I'm hanging around with a boy. You see my father gave her powers to be able to know where I am at all times. I hate that, but Mika has never used that against me.

"Mara, I'm home." She said in a very unusual tone.

"Mika, you finally decided to come back."

"Enough with that bullshit Mara, I know you talked to that boy again. I WARNED YOU, DO NOT SEE HIM EVER AGAIN OR I WILL TELL LUCIFER!"

"Mara, you don't have the right to tell me off. Besides, I have to go meet him today no matter what."

"I see, then let me just stop you from going anywhere." She used her powers to chain me, to stop me from moving.


"I'm sorry Mara it's for your own good."


"You don't understand, Lucifer erased your memories of a boy before, and you had to be reincarnated. Ugh, why don't you understand I'm your friend for devils sake."

"You kept this a secret the whole time. Friend, YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND!"

I suddenly started to feel my blood boil inside me. Lightning was raging outside. Castiel must be waiting for me. It's been 2 hours already.

"Mara, I won't let you go."

"Mika it's not a request, IT'S AN ORDER, let me go!"

*10 hours later*

Mika fell asleep. It takes her whole 10 hours to go to sleep.

"Will he still be waiting for me though?"

Mika doesn't know my powers. Well none of my family do. That's why they think I'm useless, but I have powers alright. I used them to unchain myself from this force. I couldn't wait any longer by dressing up or whatever, so I decided to keep my baggy top, trousers and bucket hat on. Running quickly to the cafe, I saw everyone leaving to go back home. I checked everywhere and he wants there. I went to check the park and that's when I saw him. Castiel. Waiting for me. Stupid, why would you wait for me? It's freezing cold, and raining.


"Mara, I thought you'd never come."

"Stupid boy, why are you waiting in the rain?"

"I missed you."


"Mara, I don't know why but I missed you."

"I'm sorry, I'm so late."

"Mara, I'm sorry."


"I think we need to stay away from each other. Please don't ever talk to me again."

"Are you being serious?"


"Here take my umbrella, I'm going back home."

"What about you? Your umbrella, you'll get soaked Mara."

"I don't care, at least the rain won't leave my side. Anyway you said it, don't ever talk to me again. I won't."


"You must be Castiel my boy."

"Yes who are you."

"I'm Mara's father, Lucifer."

"Oh, what do you want?"

"Stay away from Mara, otherwise I'm going to make her move to another country."

"But why?"

"I don't like you one bit."


"Mara, MARA, please turn around." He was tearing up.

I walked way, running as far as I could from him. Why am I feeling so upset and hurt? I'm a devil. I-I want to- to stay with him. At that moment, I sat down on the floor and cried and cried, until the never ending rain would stop. A devil, crying. What's wrong with me?


"Is she crazy, sitting in the floor crying?"

"Mother lets go."

"I am crazy, you stupid people. I JUST WANT TO LIVE."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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