
The Devil’s Daughter: Mara

What is life like for the next heir of the throne? Which throne you say? The Devil's Throne. She is the daughter of the devil and wants to live life her way. She rebels against her father and gets caught in a relationship, which is banned for all devil princesses (especially).However, her father wanted to get rid of that man from her memories and so he banished her to the earth realm. She forgets her love, but now is reborn as a "normal" high school student...

bubble_meww · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Avoiding me

I couldn't reply to Castiel yesterday. I'll tell him my answer today. I was finally going back to school today, after the meeting and all. I walked over to my class and saw Castiel standing over there.

"Hey Castiel."

He turned around to look at me and for some reason he decided to leave the classroom and walk right past me. Hmm, why isn't he talking to me. Weird.

Lesson started and I was waiting to talk to Castiel. I had a feeling he was ignoring me.

*Lunch time*

"Castiel, can we talk?"

"Ah Mara I have to go meet a teacher. Sorry."

"Are you-"

He's gone already. It started raining again. This time it wasn't that feeling from before. I was upset. I've never felt this way. Whenever I'm upset, it starts to show through the weather. It started raining heavily and all we could do was sit inside.

"Student, the lights have gone out for some reason. It's raining heavily. I've handed out some candles and lamps. Hopefully it will stop soon but right now there's no more lessons, so please stay inside your classroom. You can use your phones, laptops to do whatever."

"Yay, no more lessons."

"Michelle let's play a game."

"Jacob hurry we're watching something."

Everyone was busy playing games, watching, talking to each other whilst I slept on the side. Sleeping will get rid of these emotions won't they.

*15 mins later*

"Mara. Wake up, Mara."

"Huh." I blinked my eyes twice to see who was in front of me.


"Hey. I couldn't help but notice you."

"I thought you were avoiding me."

"Well, yeah. Honestly I was. After you didn't reply to me, I thought you were going to reject me."

"Well you didn't let me say anything did you. You just avoided me the whole day. I wanted to go with you, but you made me upset. And I never get upset okay."

"I'm sorry Mara. I was scared. You might think of me as a weirdo."

"No I wouldn't."

"Anyway, you should stop sleeping here, guys were talking about you. They think when you sleep you look pretty. Some guys were even waiting to ask you out. I got worried."

"Why were you worried? I mean I wasn't going to date them or anything."

He suddenly blushed and looked away. What was he thinking of?

"Um excuse me, Mara right?"


"Will you be my girlfriend?"


"Oh, why?"

"My choice. Now please get lost. I'm waiting to talk to my friend."

"Okay sorry."

"Damn, she's feisty."


"Yeah Castiel."

"So will you go with me?"


That's when the rain stopped pouring and the sun came out. Shining brighter than ever. Mika must've found out that something's going on.

"Castiel, I'll text you later today."

"Sure, we're meeting at 8 tomorrow yeah."

"Done." I smiled at him. He blushed again. Haha so cute. Wait did I call him cute?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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