
The destined encounter

Liam is an Omega born in a household of Alphas. Because of his family's reputation he was forced to be kept from the eyes of the other people, living a life of none existent. But his life is a bout to change when his path cross to the man who he has not met even once in his life time. Will this encounter bring the love and happiness he ever wanted? or will it only add to his suffering?

Encantadia · LGBT+
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220 Chs

Chapter 55: His Real Condition

Author's Note:

Hi there beautiful people. I promised two chapters right? So here is the second chapter which I promised. I did tried to upload both chapters but because of slow internet connection I was not able to upload both and just gave up uploading the second chapter. I just decided to sleep and set my alarm at 2 in the morning hoping that the internet signal is much stronger than the earlier. Anyways I just want to announce that because of my busy schedules (because of work.). I decided that I will be posting up dates every Saturdays. I'll make sure to post 3 Chapters Beginning next Saturday to make up for the 6 days of not posting.

Happy reading to you all 😀!


Dexter was still panting hard after his released when Lee spread his legs even more revealing his sweet entrance. Lee coated his fingers with Dexter's semen before he pushed in one finger inside that made Dexter grunt.

"Does it hurt?" Le asked worried filled his face.

"No it doesn't, it just feels weird." Dexter answered.

"You don't really get wet here." Lee commented.

Dexter hit Lee's shoulder. "Of course I'm an alpha male what do you expect. I'm not an alpha female nor an Omega so don't expect my body to react the same as them."

"I know but I'll make sure to change your body in a way that would perfectly fit mine."

Dexter was confused with what Lee said.

"I consulted a doctor about an Alpha being together with an Alpha. He says there's a possibility of conception. An Alphas body can change to respond properly to their partners body. I told you the first time we met remember?"

"And I told you too that don't get your hopes up that's a really rare case." Dexter answered back. Back then when they had that argument at the hospital he was certain that the two of them won't be in the position they are in now but now that he's thinking about the future he can't help but also hope for it to happen to him. At least he wanted to give the Alpha even with just one child if it happens that the two of them would end up together but at the same time he doesn't want to lift both their hopes up.

"Hey don't be sad, just trust me ok? And even if we don't end up with a child then we can always adopt. I will love you all the same with or without a child." Lee kissed Dexter and as their kiss deepens he inserted another finger which made the other Alpha flinched in the slight pain it cause. Lee continued to fuck his entrance with his fingers slowly scissoring it to loosen his hole up. He then insert another one while kissing Dexter to distract him from the pain. Lee tried to make his pace faster at the same time looking for Dexter's sweet spot. He is sure that it is just somewhere there he just needs to be patient in finding it until he heard Dexter moan and his body suddenly tremble lightly. These reactions made Lee smile *I found it finally, it is a little deeper than most but I found it.* Lee said in his mind. Lee bend his middle finger a little while he took his fingers in and out he made sure that his middle finger will hit Dexter's sweet spot. Dexter broke from their kiss to moan harder.

"There Lee, Ahhhhh that feels good, continue doing that aaaahhhmmmm.... Harder please aaahhh." Dexter was already loosing it when Lee's fingers who is making him loose his mind was suddenly pulled out from his hot and wanting cavern.

"Why did you pulled out?" Dexter complained

"Easy there little cub, you are pretty loosen down there I think you will be able to take me now." Dexter looked at Lee's proud and readied hot rod and gulf.

"To be honest I'm also at my limit, I can no longer hold back specially when seeing you with that lustful expression of yours loosing yourself with my fingers and kisses make me want to make a bigger mess out of you." Lee confess.

"Then mess me up, I wouldn't mind." Dexter said giving Lee the permission to do whatever he wants.

Lee positioned himself to Dexter's entrance and slowly enter Dexter. Dexter can feel his entrance slowly spreading opening as the head of Lee's length push through, he can feel the pain that accompanied as Lee's length keep going deeper inside him.

Lee can see the changes on Dexter's face he can see that the man is just trying to endure it for him.

"Should I stop? I can wait, we can take things slowly — one step at a time."

"I'm not a woman Alpha nor a beta nor an Omega, you don't need to treat me as one." Dexter said looking down. Lee followed where Dexter is looking and see that he was looking at his length that is half way in to Dexter's inside. "You are already halfway in I don't think it would be a shame to stop it there... Slammed it all at once come on."

"But it will hurt you." Lee insisted.

"Trust me, it's my body. Come on"

Lee did what Dexter told him to do and pushed his way in, in one go. Dexter hold Lee's body and bitten his shoulder out of too much pain. Lee didn't even flinched from the bite instead he is more worried about Dexter.

"Dexy are you ok? Should I pulled out?" Lee asked he's really getting worried for his lover.

Dexter's teeth let go of Lee's shoulder but he remained in hugging him. "I'm ok, I just need to get used to... to your size... hahahaha you're too big."

Lee still couldn't see Dexter's face cause he's still hugging him but what Dexter said ease the worry he's feeling earlier. "I'll take that as a compliment. I hope that it could give you satisfaction."

"We will still see about that." Dexter pulled out from the embrace to looked at Lee. "Move Honey. Make me yours completely." Dexter's statement made Lee smile because of happiness.

Lee start moving pulling his length out then in slowly. Dexter can still feel the pain and slowly the pain that he's feeling is slowly being replaced by pleasure as Lee's length hit the deepest part of him. Lee keeps his pace until he heard from the alpha moans getting louder. He lifted both of Dexter's legs to get more access and then accelerate the speed of his thrust till Dexter finally came and soon after him.


Lee woke up feeling tired and thirsty so he got up and went to get a glass of water from the fridge till the memory of last night flooded his mind. He run back towards the bedroom and there saw Dexter sleeping full of hickeys from last night and the sting from his shoulder from Dexter's bite is also there.

"So last night wasn't a dream." Lee said to himself, that made him smile out of pure happiness. He doesn't want to wake up and disturb Dexter's sleep so he just let him sleep.

The sound of the smoke detector woke Dexter up his body jolted when he tried to got up. It's like his whole body has been run over by an eight wheeler truck specially down that place but because the smoke detector keeps on alarming Dexter forced himself to get up to see what's happening. He simply grab a pair of boxer shorts and run to see the source of the Alarm.

"I shouldn't have been surprised specially when you are here. So what is it this time?" Dexter calmly asked the panic Lee who is now letting out the smoke through the open windows in the kitchen.

"Dexy honey." Lee said when he heard his lover's voice.

Dexter just helped Lee and saw the mess in the kitchen.

"I'm sorry I was just trying to make you something like the good boyfriends I saw on the movies I watched when I was learning how to be one." Lee said as he apologetically explained.

"Movies?" Dexter asked.

"Adrian suggested that I should watch chick flick and romantic movies to learn and get experience. I often saw in the movies that the man often makes breakfast in bed for the lovers after a hot of passionate night." Lee's last sentence made Dexter blush.

"And you actually believe him?" Lee nodded.

"How in Earth did you come up with an idea to cook when in the first place you don't even know how to cook." Dexter raised the black burnt round thing to see what it used to be. "You can't even properly fried an egg. If I hadn't looked at it closely I won't be able to recognize it." Dexter's gaze Wonder on the messy island counter that is filled with flour.

"Why is there flour on the table? Kindly explain please."

"Since the egg fails, I thought making a pan cake is a good idea. So I followed the steps on YouTube but I thought wrong."

Dexter blows a loud breath before starts speaking. " Just help me clean the kitchen then I will make something decent for us to eat." Dexter saw how Lee's graceful eyes become sad may due to the fact that he wasn't able to fulfill his plans. Dexter went near him and kiss him. "Don't sulk or I'll ba sad when I see you sad. So don't sulk now My Lee. Come on help me with this."

Dexter couldn't believe that he fallen in love with A happy go lucky, man-whore, proud man like Lee and he didn't thought that he will completely get lost with their bet but who cares. Right now what matters the most to him is his Lee.


"Mom what do you mean he knows?"

"It was an accident really we didn't know the we will bump into him he wanted Theo back." Tiana explained.

"We can't hand Theo back! He made his life miserable." Terrence said exasperatingly.

"I know it's not my place to pry but Terry don't shout at Mother." Terrence face soften at the sight of his wife.

Terrence just sat tiredly before setting his eyes to his wife. "Come here sit on my lap, so I won't be angry." Chester did what his Husband's request. He knows that Terrence is too stress out right now and it doesn't help that Theo got found out. Terrence hugging him is Terrence form of unwinding from all the stress he's having his Husband once told him before so whenever Terrence gets clingy he just lets him at least he knows that it somehow eases Terrence stress and pressure that way.

"Mom you said you have all Theo's medical records, give that all to me. We will file case against Teakyun if he insisted in taking Theo back against Theo's will. Lee will definitely going to understand."

"Ok then. I'm really sorry son." Tiana apologize.

"That's ok Mom, I'm sorry too." Terrence apologize.

Little did they know that Theo saw and heard about the arguments and he feels guilty about it he was still in the middle of thinking when his phone ring an unregistered phone number appeared on the screen of his phone at first he was hesitant in answering it but later decided to answer it.

"Hello?" Theo said.

(I thought you won't be answering my call.) Said the voice that Theo knows well. He was about to drop the call when the caller speak again.

(Don't drop the call or else you will regret it. You know I don't make empty threats Teddy.) Tears escape from Theo's eyes.

"I won't. So what do you want?" Theo asked gathering all the courage he still has to talked back calmly to his Husband.

(Nothing. I just simply want to take you back. Come home to me Teddy.) Teakyun commanded.

"I don't want. Please let me go." Theo beg.

(I'm still your husband I didn't signed the papers you left me. Come home to your husband.) Theo shake his head no.

"I can't. Please just let me go." Theo beg.

(If you don't want to then I'll make sure to make the people around you suffer. I know the Harris's are the best lawyers in the whole country they are even well known outside the Country but I'll make sure to put up a good fight no matter how it takes. Is that really what you want Teddy? Making two powerful families fight against each other because of our marital issues?)

Theo was feeling guilty he doesn't want to drag them to his problems.

"They won't let me to be with you. Nick is here he won't let me. I'll just go to you instead, I'll do everything you want till you are satisfied once you had enough there's just one thing I want to ask from you."

(Fair enough, what is it?) Teakyun asked.

"Let me go home to my family, I want to see them I want to apologize to them. I wanted to be with them." Teakyun didn't answered instead he gave him an address of a hotel.

(Go there I'll see you tonight.) Then the call ended.

Theo was having a hard time thinking on what excuse to use so he could go out in the middle of the night without them getting suspicious about him but in the end he gave up in thinking and just decided to sneak in the middle of the night.

He came to the place that he was told and when he came inside he was greeted by the man he misses the most and love the most but he knows too well that the man feels the exact opposite as what he's feeling.

"What took you so long?" Teakyun asked.

"I waited till they are all asleep." Theo explained. Teakyun didn't say anything more and just grab his wrist only to throw him on the bed. Teakyun removed his robe revealing his naked body in front of Theo.

"Strip." Teakyun commanded, Theo immidiately obliged.

Teakyun thrust harshly to Theo, how many times they've done it? Theo lost count he even feel sore and numb at the same time down there. Teakyun as been thrusting hard and roughly to him like he doesn't want to make him walk when the morning comes. Theo thought was wishing for Teakyun to find his released hoping that maybe this times released will be the last for this night when he heard his Husband's loud grunt and felt that Teakyun finally pulled out to him. Almost immidiately his Husband's semen flowed out of his entrance. *I think I will be needing to take a birth control pills.* Theo thought.

He just stayed to where he was lying curling up like a little child. Teakyun didn't even bothered cleaning him and just left him there as he himself went to the bathroom to clean himself up he was left there all alone. Theo remember the old times when his Husband was still not as cold as an ice. Teakyun would always baby him and spoiled him. He would always showed how much he loves him, till now he can't understand what went wrong that made his Husband change that much.

That set up continued for almost two weeks till....

Teakyun just pulled out from him and got up after to clean himself up while Theo got up to gathered all his clothes so he could go home. Their extreme activities at night keeps Theo very tired and his lack of sleep is also not helping his body.

"I'll be going....." Theo said, Teakyun heard it from the shower room and didn't bother answering him. For the past days that they have been meeting Teakyun wanted to be gentle with his wife but the his wife's expressionless face is really getting on to him. No matter how hard and rough he do him he just can't crack that poker face of his. *Does he really not love me anymore?* Teakyun thought. *Moron after all what you put him through who in their right mind would still want to love an abusive Husband like you.* His subconscious answered.

"Shut up!" Teakyun shout. *Remember what Chairman Miller told you? If you keep being this stubborn then you will surely going to lose your wife maybe not the way the Chairman lost his but he will surely going to leave you. Can you handle it?* Said the voice inside his head. "As if I'll let him!" Teakyun said through his greeted teeth. *Then be nice to him.* Be nice? how can he be nice when he just fucked up the whole thing. He just decided to get out of the shower and when he went out he saw Theo lying on the floor unconscious. He tried to wake Theo up but no response so he called for an ambulance while waiting he got himself a shirt and a pants and didn't even bother putting on an underwear because of too much panic. When the emergency arrived they took Theo till they reached the ambulance and got him there. Teakyun came with them. Medical personnel keeps on asking him questions that he barely was able to answered aside from his wife's name. Any medical condition that he can say is Theo's asthma other than that no. People inside the vehicle knows that it is more than an asthma attack based on the vitals showing on the screen. When they reached the hospital Theo was immidiately place to the emergency ward to check him up when the Doctor who was examining him suddenly shouted to take him to the hybrid room. One of the emergency staff asked him different questions until one of the nurses said that Theo was Dr. Hugh's patient. The name awfully sounds familiar to Teakyun.

"But Dr. Hugh was already out of duty now. Get me all his medical records make sure not to miss anything and also get me a cardiologist here." The Doctor commanded.

"A cardiologist what do you mean cardiologist?" Teakyun asked the Doctor.

"And who are you?"

"I'm that man's husband. So what do you mean cardiologist?"

"Dr. Hugh is a cardiologist if he is his patient then it only means he has a heart condition. His vitals is also indicating the same thing. So if you'll excuse me."

"Doctor the patient!" Shouted the nurse followed by the long lined sound.

The Doctor immidiately kneeled on the bed to begin the compression when Dr. Hugh stopped him.

"Don't tell me this kid?" The Doctor asked.

"Yes he did, he signed the DNR Form." Explained by Dr. Hugh.

When Teakyun saw that they are not doing anything he rushed to asked them. "Why are you not doing anything are you just going to let him die?!" He shouted.

"You are his Husband right? He signed the Do Not Resuscitate form which means whatever happens we won't have the power to bring him back." Dr. Hugh explained.

"He is sick and for the longest time he knows that this might come. I'm sorry." Dr. Hugh was about to leave when Teakyun run in front of him and kneel to beg him.

"I don't know what it is that he signed but bring him back, give him back to me. I can't lose him, give my wife back. I promise I'll be good, I promise I won't treat him badly I promise just give me a chance to be a better man again for him. I can't let this end here. I beg you."

The Doctor sit to his level. "But this is what your wife wanted. We should respect that. You have been given so much time with him but why didn't you used it wisely."

"I'm begging you, please. I never once beg someone in my life not even him so I'm begging you bring him back to me." Doctor Hugh got up. Teakyun was about to get up to follow the Doctor and beg him some more when he heard him shout

"Start chest compression, then intubate him." The nurse immidiately kneeled on top of the side of the bed and start applying compression to his chest. while the other one is pressing the ambu bag.

"Get the defibrillator!" Dr. Hugh shouted.

Teakyun watched from the distance how the Doctors and nurses did the best they could to bring him back.

"Charge, step back!" Dr. Hugh shouted before clearing his wife with a defibrillator.


"I'll take over." Things happens so fast. He didn't know that it would be this bad. He didn't know the war he started will take it's toll to this length.

*You pretty much got what you deserve. You have been resenting him for too long and now finally he will leave you too for good. He will leave to the place that even you can't ran after him.* Says the voice inside his head.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up! I'll be good. I promise I'll be good just bring him back to me." Teakyun feels like his mind was about to break.

"Charge 200 joules! step back. Compression." All their good memories flooded his mind from the very first time he saw him with his brother that he fell in love with his charm.

"Checking of heart beat!" Shout the other doctor.

Teakyun didn't even noticed that Doctor Hugh was already standing in front of him. "He's back, we will have him transfered to the ICU for observation."

"T-thank you, I owe you. Can I see him?"

"I just broke my patients request. Thank you won't be enough." Doctor Hugh said.

"How can I repay you? Just be good to him. That man deserve at least deserves it from you. Give him a good memory." The Doctor's words sent fear to Teakyun's heart it's as if he's telling him to say his goodbye to his wife.

"Is his condition that serious?"

"He doesn't want anyone to know. I think you should ask him yourself. I need to go I just ran here cause one of the nurses called me. Good thing I was still around when they called me.

What the Doctor said still bothers Teakyun at the same time he was haunted by Chairman Miller's story. Tears fell from his eyes, "I don't want to end up like him." He was still crying as he watched Theo outside the ICU When a strong punched landed on his face that sent him down on the floor.

"You fucker what did you do to Theo?!" Terrence was stopped by the police who was with him in to further beating Teakyun.

"Sir please don't cause a commotion here." The police officer asked politely.

"Are you Shun, Teakyun?" Teakyun didn't answer but just simply nod. The police then cite his Miranda rights but Teakyun kneeled in front of Terrence.

"I know you are angry with me but I'm begging you just let me see him well then I'll go with them after."

"When he beg and was hurting did you listen to him? You didn't instead you went on to hurt him even more! I'll make sure that you will rot in jail."

The police took Teakyun with them that leaves just Terrence, Nick and his mother Tiana. Terrence looked at his mother with pure furry in his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell us?! Mom why?!" Terrence shouted.

"Calm down Terrence." Nicolas said.

"How can you calm down that's our fucking friend that's laying over there fighting for his life! Mom why did you keep it from us?" Terrence demanded an explanation from his mother.

"Cause he doesn't want you to know. The real reason he left his husband because he doesn't want him to know. The reason why he had to see you is because he wanted to spend the remaining time he was with you all. After that he will go home to his parents to spend his remaining days with them that's his original plan but I found out and had convinced him to do the treatments untill we find him a suitable heart donor. I plan to keep him alive a longest as possible till we get a donor that will match him. I'm sorry I have to hide this but he doesn't want you to worry about him." Tiana broke down in tears. Terrence embrace his mother and apologize for the things he had said.

When someone just punch him in the face. "When did I ever thought my sons to make their mother cry?!" Terrence Dad said angrily.

"Birth don't hurt your son!" Tiana stopped her husband.

"But he made you cry, No one should make my wife cry."

"He already said his sorry. Now apologize to your son." Tiana commanded.

In the end his father sight in defeat and just apologize to him.

Terrence now knows that they have much bigger problem than what he thought they have, he knows that sooner Lee will know about this and this won't end pretty good between the two brothers.