
The destined encounter

Liam is an Omega born in a household of Alphas. Because of his family's reputation he was forced to be kept from the eyes of the other people, living a life of none existent. But his life is a bout to change when his path cross to the man who he has not met even once in his life time. Will this encounter bring the love and happiness he ever wanted? or will it only add to his suffering?

Encantadia · LGBT+
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220 Chs

Chapter 54: Future with you

Dexter is going crazy his clothes are all over his room as if someone just ransacked his room upside down for it to look like this. He didn't know what clothes to wear for the event. He wanted to be as presentable as possible in the eyes of his boyfriend's seniors and friends. He doesn't want the other one to be embarrassed because of him and because he's too worried about how he should looked that he forgot the time already till he hear his door bell. So with just boxers on he lazily and grumpily went to open the door. He thought it was just some sort of deliveries that his boyfriend made again. These past few days Lee has been ordering all sorts of things that he doesn't even know or understand why the man bought it and the funny thing is he always always have those deliveries address to his home address only for him to pick it up from his house in the evening or in the next day.

"One of these days I'll really going to talk to him about this. Not because we are together he will going to make my house the drop off point for his deliveries, also why is he buying so many things or is it Lee a shopahollic? Now that's a serious matter we really need to sit this topic one of these days." Dexter said to himself out loud.

"Just a minute!" Dexter shout as the doorbell keeps on ringing. Because he's on a hurry he forgot to see who's outside and just went straight to opening the door. "I said just a minute, don't keep on pushing my doorbells button..... Lee you are here? Why are you here so early I thought you are going to pick me up later?" Dexter said confused on the early visit of his boyfriend.

Lee eyed him from head to toe and shake his head. "Dexy, we are about to be late and you still haven't dress up yet?"

"What do you mean lat.... Ow!" Dexter immidiately run back to his room that he trip and fall to the floor he didn't even felt the pain of his fall because of too much panic.

Lee just gave out a heavy breath before he enters and closes the door to go after his lover who is now in a panic mode. Never once Lee saw Dexter panic this much as far as he knows he can only remember his lover as a composed and calm man not this frantic version of him that is all over the place. Lee pushed open the slightly opened door of his Lover only to be greeted by Dexter's room that looks like has been passed by a tornado by the looks of it. His clothes are all over the place to the point that it seems that Lee could no longer see the floor. Dexter is hasn't decided yet on what to wear.

"What's the matter?" Lee asked he simply sat at the edge of his lover's bed while he looks at him get confused and panic at the same time in choosing what to wear.

"I don't know which one to wear." Dexter said in all honesty.

"Why I think anything will looks good on you." Lee said trying to cheer his lover.

"I know that you moron!" Dexter scoffed. "But I got really nervous when I thought about when you said that your exes will be there also. I don't want to looked dull and plain in their eyes but I also don't want to look someone who is trying so hard to impress them..... Hays I never thought choosing something to wear can be so stressing." Dexter gave up and just sit beside Lee sulking.

Lee just smile at the cuteness of his lover. He never thought that Dexter's insecurities can break his calm and composed self, all because of him.

Dexter looked at him and pout. "What are you smiling at?"

"Nothing, you are just too cute." Lee pinched Dexter's nose before pecking his lips with a quick kiss. Lee picked Dexter's dark blue V Neck shirt and gave it to Dexter along with the bleach washed denim jeans. Dexter looked at him with a questioning look.

"You wear this. As much as I want to feast on your almost naked body but we have a place to be at so wear these." Dexter became conscious on how he looks like. He already forgotten that he was just wearing nothing but his boxer. He immidiately took the clothes handed to him and went straight to the bathroom to change.

Lee took Dexter's another dark blue rounded neck shirt and change his top with that, minutes later Dexter came out from the bathroom wearing the clothes he handed him. "Lee this is too simple I think I should change into something." Dexter suggested still busy looking at himself.

"Nah, that's more than enough. Ow by the way I'm borrowing your shirt." Lee said that made Dexter looked at him. The later noticed the shirt that Lee was wearing.

"Why did you change your clothes, what you are wearing earlier is much better than that."

"Nope this one is much better it matches yours." That's when realization dawns to Dexter which made his heart skip a beat. He just simply walked passed him.

"Come on we are going to be late." Lee just simply followed his shy lover who is too shy to admit that he likes the idea of them wearing a matching top.

Party sounds filled the place as they enter the event hall where the reunion is being held at. He notices the how the place is arrange. It is far from the reunion which he imagines on how it's supposed to be. It's like the place is more like a VIP Bar with a touch of elegancy and sophistication. People on the dance floor are letting their selves loose on the beat and sounds of music, while others are drinking as they catch up. The place is packed with people but still has so much space to offer.

"Are we in the right place?" Dexter asked.

"Yes we are." Lee answered, he hold Dexter by his wrist as he walk first.

"But this doesn't looks like a place for a reunion." Dexter is still confused.

"I know but this is how my seniors does things. They say the normal kind of reunion set up are kind of boring and that kind of thing are not for someone as young like us. So they decided that for the theme this year will be this." Dexter just nod in response.

Lee and Dexter just keeps on walking till someone called Lee.

"Lee how have you been doing?" Dexter looked at the man who just called his boyfriend. The man is almost the same height as him, he wore glasses and his slightly short hair is styled upward and base on his scent he is sure that the man is an Alpha.

"Never been this good . Neil How about you?" Lee asked, based on how Lee talked to the man he can tell that the two are quite close.

"Same old, same old. You perhaps are the same as always bedding different girls and men every night." Dexter felt like someone just punch him on his stomach when he heard what the man just said.

"I quit doing that..." Dexter looked at Lee after he heard what Lee just answered his colleague. Lee on the other hand looked at Dexter and let go of his hand that is holding Dexter's wrist only to intertwine it with his fingers. "When I fell in love with him." Lee showed the man in front of him their hands that are intertwined with each other.

Dexter is trying hard to hold back the smile that's creeping on his face upon seeing the shocked expression on the man's face. "Ow by the way I still yet to introduce you two. Well Nash this is my Lover Dexter, Dexter this is my senior and also my friend Neil."

"L---Lover? Did I just heard it right? Lover?"

"Yeah Lover and soon to be my wife." Dexter hit Lee on his shoulder after saying that. "What?!" Lee asked innocently.

" What nonsense things are you blabbering again?" Dexter asked in a whisper but Nash can still hear it.

"Why? In the future I really am going to make you my wife and that is not a nonsense thing to say."

Dexter was speechless. He doesn't know how to react. He doesn't hate the idea of being Lee's wife but he's worried about their future. Would it be ok for him to hope and entrust their future as what the former man-whore just declared?

"I love you and I'll definitely going to marry you." Lee said while looking intimately to his eyes.

"Really? In a freaking bar? Did you just proposed to your lover in a freaking bar?" Lee shut is eyes closed trying to control his anger towards the person who just ruined their sweet moment.

Lee turned around to find the owner of the voice that seems sounds familiar to him and when he just who it was he ran fast to strangle the man.

"Du.... dude... le...let go o.... oofff mmeee...." Lee literally strangle Zeejay to death and when Lee didn't listen Zeejay asked Dexter for help. "D...Dex...ter h..help!" Dexter tried to stop his lover from strangling his friend to death.

Zeejay on the other hand gasp for air as soon as Lee let him go. "Fuck! Are you trying to kill me man?" Zeejay asked still holding his reddened neck.

"Yeah, I will really going to strangle you to death you dumb ass. I swear once you fall head over heals I will try everything in my power to ruin your moments with that future lover of yours as how you are ruining mine!" Lee is quite livid, they were having a heart to heart moment and just when things are about to get good his good for nothing friend just came to ruin it.

"What are you even doing here anyways? You are not even a part of this so why are you here?" Lee asked.

"Well I heard from Lance that you kept on pestering him about this event so I went to see if you really going to come here or not, so I took one of your colleagues as my date so she could get inside. Me and the boys bet on this." Lee's mind went blank and was about to hit his friend if it weren't for Dexter who was there to stop him.

"Hey, hey, hey.... It's not like you're innocent to this. You also participates when we bet on our other friends so it's only fair that we bet on you whenever we see an opportunity." Zeejay said in defense.

"Fine!" Lee said in defeat. "So who won?"

"From how it looks like it's Derrek who won. We have three choices:

1. You are going to come here without Dexter.

2. You are going to come here with him.

3. You are not going to come.

"Derek was the only one who bet that you are going to take him here." Lee eyed him suspiciously.

"And what did the rest of your bet?"

"Ah, eh, Ah... Lee I think I need to get something to drink." Zeejay immidiately run.

Lee just watched his friend disappear in the crowd of people who are dancing senselessly to the beat of the music. Le swore to deffinitely get them back for betting behind his back when he heard his lover laughed.

"Were you guys always like that?" Dexter asked.

"What do you mean like that?" Lee doesn't really understand what his lover mean behind his question.

"I mean I just noticed when you guys are together along with your friends it's like seeing a bunch of children bickering to each other trap inside a grown-ups body. Even the serious Lance who I often see as a composed man easily gets worked up when he is with you and your friends." Dexter put in a way that he could describe it simply.

"I guess, I don't know." Lee shrug. "It's just that we got used to treating each other's that way, even after all these years." Lee looked at his lover.

"Does it bother you?" Lee asked Dexter but Dexter just shake his head no in response.

"No, on the contrary I find it cute and fascinating. I don't really have friends I can call my own aside from Liam and my best friend. Friends I had either just want something from me or need something from me and by the time I learned that they really don't see me as their friend I immidiately stopped being friends with them. You are quite lucky to have a bunch or crazy friends that even though they are crazy at least they are real." Dexter explained, in his life he never once had a chance to have people who he can call his friend aside my his best friend who had been his first love and Liam who he had met two years ago.

A part of it was his fault for distancing himself from them but most of it is his family's reputation. His father often tells them siblings not to trust anyone and not to befriend anyone unless their friendship can offer something that can benefit them. This is also the reason why his eldest sister was forced into an arrange marriage by their parents. His older brother who is the heir of their company got married out of responsibility and power his brother takes after their father after all. That leaves him and his little sister the only one in the family who still hasn't wedded yet which brings him back to his current dilemma that he doesn't want to face. Dexter shook his head and tried to take out his mind from thinking unnecessary thoughts.

"By the way, speaking of that best friend of yours I still haven't met that person so when do you plan on introducing me to her? And also to your family? I mean you already met my weird friends and my family that is even more weird than my friends." fear quickly climb up to his system upon hearing Lee's questions. Introducing Lee to his best friend slash first love never really crossed his mind as a matter of fact he has been hiding from her due to the fact that he can't still face her after being rejected and most specially after knowing that she's about to get married but the most dreadful question of all is him introducing Lee to his family is the last thing he wanted to do. He knows them pretty well and he in anyway would not want Lee to be associated to the likes of them.

"She's my first love, I got rejected when I confessed to her." Dexter blurted out because of too much panic. Dexter thought that he tells Lee the truth then that would divert his boyfriend's attention and will forget about his second question about meeting his family.

Lee's expression quickly darkens upon hearing Dexter's confession. "Do you still have feelings for your best friend?" Lee asked coldly but Lee's question made the Alpha think and asked him self. *Do I still love her?* Ever since knowing and dating Lee never once the thought of the woman he loves for so long crossed his mind maybe the presence of the Alpha completely erased not just his first Love's memories but also the feelings he harbors for the longest time.

Lee was getting impatient waiting for an answer from Dexter and because Lee believes in 'Silence means YES!' saying he walked out and left Dexter from where he's standing without waiting any longer for his answer. It angers him to know that the man is still in love to who ever creature was that. He knows that him dating Dexter started out on a mere bet to see who is right between them but it seems from the looks of it he is the one who will going to lose it. It has been more than months and he's still the only one who has deep feelings towards the Alpha and now he knows the reason why. *He is still in love on who ever bastard that is. That's why he can't love me fully.* Lee walk straight to the bar counter and order a bottle of liquor, he didn't even bother getting a glass to pour himself a drink he just simply drink it straight from the bottle. He needed something that's strong to control his anger. His mind is filled with thoughts when someone called his name, he couldn't here it properly because of the noise so he assumed that it was Dexter and the thought that Dexter followed him to console his broken heart actually melted Lee's anger but the euphoria which he felt suddenly vanished when he turned around and see no Dexter standing behind him, instead he saw a woman who he doesn't know nor remembered. So Lee just went back to his drinking.

"Lee do you still remember me? I can't believe that I will be seeing you here. I have been with a lot of guys but I still can't forget the nights that we shared before." The woman said excitedly but Lee didn't bother answering her instead he just keeps on chugging down the bitter taste of the liquor down to his throat.

The woman sat beside him and simply placed her hand to his shoulder playing her fingers as she slowly trace it down to his arms. "You look pissed, if you want you can channel all that anger to a more pleasant and meaningful activity that could benefit both of us. I'm more than willing to absorb that strong feeling of anger of yours on top of the Bed, after all I like it rough."

Lee looked at the woman and was about to take her hand away from his arms when he felt someone just wrap his arms around his shoulder. "Sorry you see I'm the cause of my husband's anger and if there would be someone who should take responsibility of that I think that would be me." Lee looked at Dexter and can see the pure anger in his eyes as he looked at the woman that's sitting beside his boyfriend.

"Really?" Lee asked sarcastically. "You say I'm your husband but you're still in love with someone else. Besides we are still not married yet so technically I'm still not your husband." Lee added the alcohol really is getting to his system in normal situation he won't say it in that manner but now that he is under the influence of alcohol he couldn't put a filter to his mouth.

"If my memory serves me right you just declared earlier that I will be your wife and for the record I'm no longer in love with her." Dexter pulled Lee by his collar and kissed him senselessly. Lee struggled at first but gave in to Dexter's kisses, Lee even got up only to switch their position which made Dexter the one who is sitting on the stool. Lee deepen the kiss and leaned forward which made Dexter leaned back against the bar table. Dexter broke the kiss.

"I am no longer in love with her. The person the I love is you moron." Dexter said still panting from their heated kiss.

"Then why didn't you answer immidiately?" Lee asked.

"Because your question caught me off guard. It got me thinking when was the last time I've thought about her then it clicked me that ever since you came to my life you completely erased her from my life and my heart."

"Really?" Lee asked just like a child asking for an assurance if the boogie man was no longer inside his closet.

"Hhhmmm, really." Dexter hold Lee's hand and place a soft kiss on it. "Don't be jealous, I love you."

Lee cupped his face with both of his hands as he kissed Dexter again. "I Love you too. So I'm your husband now? I think I need to call Mom to arrange our marriage." Lee find his phone from his pocket.

"Damn your relationship do progress that fast! Earlier you were just proposing and now you guys are planning for a wedding now! I just left the two of you alone for a minute then. Damn it I wouldn't be surprised if I leave the two of you alone again and I'll find out the next minute that Dexter is already pregnant with your child!!! Ouch!" Dexter throw Zeejay his shoe.

"What do you take me for? A baby factory that can give birth in an instant?" Dexter shout. "I take back what I said earlier your friend is not cute and definitely not fascinating at all!" Dexter's statement made Lee laugh.

"How will Dexter be pregnant with my child when we still haven't done it ye... Ouch!" Lee commented which made Dexter to throw him his other shoe.

"Wait what? Lee is that really you? You still haven't laid your hands to your lover? Are you getting that dull?... Ouch why did you hit me?"

"Cause you keep prying to my personal life." Lee said, Dexter on the other hand stand up and grab Lee's hand as he pulled Lee away from them.

"Hey where are you guys going?" Zeejay shouted at them.

"We are going to make a baby!" Dexter shouted back answering Zeejay's question. Never did he thought that his statement will going to come true.

"Well good luck to that! Your shoes you forgot about your shoes!" Zeejay shouted but the two are already far for them to hear him.


The moment the two got inside Dexter pushed Lee on the wall and kissed him hungrily. Lee responded and sucked Dexter's mouth as he kisses him. "Are you really serious with what you just said earlier?" Lee asked in between their kiss.

Dexter break from their kiss only to place a soft peck on Lee's lips before answering his boyfriend. "Yeah so shut up and do me." Dexter whispered before he continued to ravished Lee's mouth.

Lee break from their kiss which made Dexter frowned but the next thing he knows is that he is being carried by Lee like a sack of bag on his shoulder only to be thrown on his bed. Dexter thought that Lee would get on top of him as soon as he was thrown on the bed but what Lee's action surprised Dexter and left him dumbfounded.

Lee took out his phone and dialed someone. Dexter just lay there quietly still couldn't process why his lover suddenly stopped in the middle of doing it with him only to call some. It didn't take a long time before someone answered the call from the other end when Lee began to speak.

"Yes Lance sorry to disturb you, You can cursed at me anytime but this call really is an emergency!" Lee said like begging the other person on the line not to drop the call. Base from the conversation it seems that Lance is the one that Lee had called.

"I'm really sorry but I really need your help this is an emergency!" Lee's last statement got Dexter really worried, he didn't know that Lee has an emergency and here he was only thinking about fulfilling is sexual needs. Dexter suddenly feel ashamed of himself that instead of helping his boyfriend with his problem he's just there laying waiting for him to get laid.

"Here is the thing. The emergency is that me and Dexter are about to have sex and it's his first time he is a virgin from the back and I never been with anyone who is a virgin there and I don't want to hurt him cause they say that it hurts for the first time. I assumed that when you had Liam is that he was a virgin so I would like to asked for an advice on how should I do him." Dexter could not believe what he was hearing. The emergency that Lee was pertaining to was the fact that he was virgin from the back. He was not able to move for a second because of too much shocked. He never met someone who would asked for an advice in the middle of doing it. When Dexter was able to get to his senses he got up, took the phone from Lee, throw him on the bed and got on top of him before answering Lee's phone.

(Fucked you, don't ever bring my wife's name to that kind of conversation. If you want an answer then just asked him. Ow also a piece of advice just be gentle when doing him....)

"Lance thanks for your help but I'll take it from him, your stupid friend just doesn't know the word privacy." Dexter end the call without waiting for Lance to reply.


"Shut up, I thought that was really an emergency you stupid moron. Damn it. Off with your clothes now!" Dexter commanded. Lee didn't move a muscle and just stared at him.

"You are not going to obey or I'll make sure you will never going to have a piece of me till we get old. Off with your clothes now!" Dexter threatened. Lee immidiately abide afraid that Dexter will really going to do his threat.

"That's more like it." Dexter feast his eyes on the naked Lee below him.

"Dexy I think you should get naked too. It's a bit awkward to be the only one laying here naked." Lee commented.

"It's your punishment. So just shut up and do as you are told. Now spread your legs." Dexter again commanded Lee.

"Dexy!" Lee objected.

"Are you going to follow or not?" Dexter said with a hint of warning in his tone.

"I will, I will." Lee obeyed and spread his legs revealing his full length that is now hard as stone.

Dexter licked his lips before submerging in between his boyfriend's legs to take his full length inside his mouth. Dexter took in and out of his mouth Lee's hot rod, he keeps on twirling his tongue as he suck him taking him deeper up to the back of his throat. He can already taste Lee's precum as he make his pace faster and faster each time. Dexter place his one hand to Lee's length and begin to stroke and suck him simultaneously earning curses, heavy panting and grunt from the other Alpha this made Dexter moves much faster than he already was. It didn't took him long before Dexter could feel that Lee's proud length throbs indicating that he's about to release and just before that he took him out of his mouth and continued to stroke him using his hands until he heard Lee's load grunt and felt the warm liquid against the skin of his hand that is still holding his lover's length.

"I know you are drunk but don't go sleeping on me, we are still a long way to go." Dexter said before standing up to take off of his shirt and pants along with his underwear living nothing on his body. Lee gulp at the sight of his lover's beautiful well toned body.

"I don't know what to do, It's my first time with a virgin from the back." Lee said out of nowhere Which made Dexter laugh.

Dexter leaned down to kiss him. "I should be the one who should be nervous not you, it's my first time to be fucked. I usually do the fucking but for you I'll give you my first time."

"Yeah that made me even more nervous." Lee avert his gaze.

"Hey Where that all confident of your go? I thought you will going to make me scream?" Dexter asked.

"I'm just afraid that I'll hurt you." Lee said with all honesty. Before he didn't care much about how his partners would feel but with Dexter he really cares maybe that thought alone made him able to hang on for the longesr time of his life without sex.

Dexter was sure that Lee is the man for him. That he didn't made the wrong decisions of loving and giving him his heart. With each passing days, weeks and months Dexter can see clearly his future with him, he can finally see having a future with the person that he loves.

"Well it's part of life. Everyone should go to that first before they could feel the pleasure. Beside I'm ok as long as it's you." Dexter assured.

Lee smiled before flipping their position, he is now on top of Dexter. "I think before I fucked you senselessly, I need first to service you." With that says Lee did what Dexter did to him.