
The Desolation of Ghidorah in DxD

A man is reborn in the body of King Ghidorah in the world of DxD. With cannon thousands of years away, there is no point in holding back.

Pausevlim · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

The Kraken Vs Monster Zero

With a shockwave, the two beings clashed in an explosion of physical force.

The tentacles of the Kraken wrapped around the large body of Ghidorah as it's arms grabbed onto one of his heads and bit into it. Gnawing at the golden scales of the beast that proved to be quite capable.

Letting out a thrill, Ghidorah knocked the Kraken away with a gravity beam before his three heads snapped and bit into the Kraken in return. Activating the Electric Shock Pulse for further damage. Forcing lightning through the body of the sea monster.

Not that such an attack could do true damage to the sea creature. Who powered right through the pain and applied ship-sinking pressure upon Ghidorah with his tentacles. Causing Ghidorah to release the Kraken and try to pry the tentacles off with his heads.

But his opponent did not stay stationary as it unleashed a wild right hook that impacted with Ghidorah's chest. Following up, he hit Ghidorah with an uppercut to his middle head and slammed the other two heads together right after that.

The onslaught of the Kraken was just straight-up ruthless. Not allowing Ghidorah a second to react as he continued to lay into him with a skill you would not expect from a monster. And with Ghidorah being restricted it was all the easier.

However, one should never underestimate the anger of a dragon.

"Enough!!!" Roaring out in outrage, the power of Ghidorah surged out. Forcing the Kraken back and finally releasing Ghidorah from his tentacles. Ghidorah's eyes shinned crimson red as his necks glowed goldenly.

Manifesting three magic circles, Ghidorah launched the Red Gravity Beams at the Kraken. Who could only raise his arms in defense and shield himself with his tentacles as the attack landed. Charring his flesh but remaining otherwise unharmed. Barely even fazed by the increased gravity.

Annoyed, Ghidorah tried something else. Opening his mouths, Ghidorah formed the magic circles once again but this time he created pale transparent beams that passed through the water around the island and connected with the sea floor.

The Kraken watched, transfixed, as three large boulders the size of himself rose out of the sea. Then, Ghidorah spread his wings out over his head as they flashed with a brilliant golden light that seemingly commanded the floating masses to slam into the Kraken.

Finally doing some real damage as the Kraken was pushed back into the sea with a pained screech. The rocks had broken apart on impact and ripped into his flesh. Leaving him with numerous wounds coating his body.

Staring into the sea once more, Ghidorah gained a satisfied smirk. The Kraken possessed no magical capabilities whatsoever but he made up for it with his immense physical strength and magic resistance. However, it seems that indirect magic can still hurt him.

Rising out of the sea with a roar, the Kraken glared hatefully at The Golden Death. It had been a long time since it felt pain. Something that even Medusa's famed gaze was incapable of doing.

Seeing his glare, Ghidorah laughed. The strange sound erupted from his throats and echoed throughout the island. Further enraging the sea monster as planned. Causing the Kraken to rush at Ghidorah like a wild animal.

Not even noticing the golden glow that came from the dragon's necks as they clashed once more. Desolating the island upon which they stood. Landing the first strike, the Kraken roared and made to continue when all three of Ghidorah's heads bit into him.

Which should have done little to nothing thanks to the Kraken's immense durability but when Ghidorah started absorbing his power, the Kraken realized his mistake. He did not expect this, nor had he seen anything like it. If he did, he wouldn't have come here.

But there was no changing that now. So, all he could do was helplessly cling to his power, making it harder for Ghidorah to absorb it. Allowing the Kraken the time to use his tentacles to break apart the decimated island and force Ghidorah into his domain.

Something that Ghidorah tried to avoid, releasing the Kraken and flapping his wings to take to the skies but the Kraken did not allow it. His tentacles wrapped around Ghidorah and dragged him into the depths despite the dragon's resistance.

Displaying the Kraken's increased strength in the water that put Ghidorah on the defensive. The aquatic lifeform's many limbs kept him restricted and no matter how many spells or gravity beams he hit the Kraken with the beast would not let go.

Tearing at and crushing Ghidorah with his tentacles. Finally creating real wounds on Ghidorah and yet the Kraken was surprised once more when the golden dragon healed almost instantly.

"The more you fight, the stronger I become, Kraken! Let's see who will last longer!" Ghidorah proclaimed. His alien vocal cords went against logic as his voice was heard loud and clear by the Kraken.

Then, Ghidorah latched onto the Kraken and began siphoning his power. He no longer even acknowledged the Kraken's strikes as he used the sea monster's power to heal himself. Making the Kraken's efforts fruitless no matter how hard he tried to remove Ghidorah.

However, the Kraken would not give in that easily and started dragging Ghidorah further into the depths. Hoping that the continued lack of air would end the dragon's feast.

Arriving at the sea floor with a speed that benefited him, the Kraken slammed Ghidorah into the ground. Using his ever-weakening strength he trapped the dragon in place and waited for Ghidorah to pass out from the lack of air.

Eventually, the dragon released him and the Kraken thought he would try and flee to the surface... only for the dragon to simply laugh in his face with all three of his heads. As if this was the funniest thing he had ever seen.

"Haaaahahahahahahahha!" After calming down, Ghidorah looked at the dragon with a vile grin. "It was a good plan, Kraken. It really was! But there is one problem: I am not breathing."

His words hit the Kraken like a fright train. He never even took into account that during their fight, the dragon never once took a breath. His chest never expanded with oxygen nor did he release any from his nose, the latter telling him that Ghidorah could breathe if he wanted.

"This is the end, Kraken." Ghidorah's voices resounded in the sea and the Kraken could only struggle until his life was finally snuffed out. His power and lifeforce finally reaching empty.

A pity, Ghidorah thought. If he did not need the Kraken's power then he would have recruited him. After all, in a world full of tricks and traps, it is very rare to see a purely physical fighter like the sea monster.

Spreading out his senses, Ghidorah started swimming toward the mainland of Greece. His serpentine necks allowed him to traverse the sea with ease as he kept his eyes trained on the divine power he felt.

One that just descended from Mount Olympus. Causing Ghidorah to smirk. Even if this was what Echidna wanted, it did not mean he would say no to another feast.

Not when that man is none other than the King of the Gods.