
The Desolate Blade: Book One

God abandoned this world, and it was plunged into an eternal darkness. It is the year 999. In the world of Aradon, the Child of Darkness had been incarnated out of the womb of the Mother of Desolation. He is not entirely human, as he was the destined manifestation of humanity’s worst desires and sins, which led him to become the one to salvage humanity, by being killed with the Sword of Virtue. The banished Child of Darkness seeks vengeance against Vaelen, the formidable leader of the Holy Church. The Child's existence itself is an enigma—a contradiction of the Light, yet destined to play a crucial role in the grand tapestry of fate. Amidst the clash of ideals, his relentless pursuit of Vaelen, the charismatic leader of the Holy Church, becomes a dance of shadows and illumination. His journey, intertwined with the fate of Aradon, blurs the line between hero and villain, for his existence both opposes and serves The Light. ----- Update frequency: daily/bi-weekly Word count/ch: 1500 - 3000 Genre: Grimdark Fantasy Setting: Medieval (9th century) mixed with 19th/20th century elements, such as attire, and weapons. Cover Art: xichdiemcotich I 子安大白

breadnbutters · Fantasy
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13 Chs

6 – A new Moonrise

As the next moonrise rose, Gratien sat atop his bed, his demeanor completely decreased, his head leaned against the wall, his eyebrows lowered, and his eyes were narrowed, as if in a state of confusion, yet, it was a state of nothingness. His mind was bleak, spending hours of the night staring outside and whispering to himself while he should have been sleeping. His once vibrant eyes now mirrored the sombre hue of the night sky, reflecting a profound sense of emptiness.

The pain he felt on his cut wounds was fairly diminished, he would feel an itching pain sensation whenever he would move his arm, and thus, with his sleeves elevated, his exposed mutilated arm laid bare on his leg, while he held onto his Key in his other hand.

The corridor transformed into a bustling thoroughfare, a symphony of sound and movement as scores of soldiers marched through. The clanging of their iron armors reverberated through the air, intermingling with the constant murmur of voices and hushed conversations. Amidst this chaotic procession, Gratien remained an island of stillness, his demeanour devoid of life, as if untouched by the cacophony that surrounded him.

Suddenly, Lunar's voice pierced through the sea of noise, cutting through the air like a knife. With a quick knock, he swung open the door, his presence commanding attention. Lunar stood tall, his arms crossed behind his back, a silent observer of Gratien's wretched state. His gaze lingered upon him for a few lingering seconds, a soft, eerie smile tugging at the corners of his lips, his eyes squinting with a disturbing satisfaction. It was as if witnessing Gratien's misery brought him a perverse form of pleasure.

Breaking the silence, Lunar exclaimed, "Good morning, Gratien! Have you slept well?"

"Yes… I've slept, well…"

Unfazed by Gratien's lackluster reply, Lunar stepped into the chamber, his countenance transforming into an unsettling serenity. The buried smile remained, subtly playing upon his lips as he continued to keep his arms crossed behind his back. With deliberate steps, he approached a nearby chair and fixed his gaze upon the adjacent aperture, his eyes locked on the somber expanse of the grey sky. Moonlight filtered through, casting a subdued radiance upon his dark attire, creating an ethereal contrast between the celestial luminescence and the shadows that clung to Lunar's form.

The silence hung heavily in the air, pregnant with anticipation, until Lunar's voice broke the stillness. "What happened to your arm? Those cuts surely aren't old wounds."

"Ah," Gratien stammered, hurryingly covering his cut marks by pulling his sleeve over his arm. "I… I tried cutting the…"

"No need to lie to me," Lunar responded, turning his pupils to Gratien. "There is nobody in this world that can lie to me. You mutilated yourself, am I correct?"

"Y- yes… I did…"

"What did you use to cut yourself?"

"I… used this blade," Gratien responded, revealing the blood-stained blade.

"Let me see your arm," Lunar said, as he stepped toward Gratien and knelt before him. Gratien extended his arm, on which Lunar elegantly held his hand under Gratien's arm. He took his blade and, after inspecting it with his eyes, he glided the blade over the existing cuts, its sharp edges tracing their path.

"If you truly wish to mutilate yourself, don't settle for superficial strokes like these," Lunar murmured, his voice carrying a perverse mixture of persuasion and sadistic delight. "Go deeper. Make it count."

A wave of agonizing pain coursed through Gratien's body as Lunar increased the pressure on the blade. The torment intensified, both physical and psychological, as Gratien grunted, struggling to endure the unbearable sting.

"Do you feel it?" Lunar's voice dripped with a chilling satisfaction. "It seems like you do."

"Nghh... it hurts..." Gratien managed to utter through gritted teeth, his voice strained with agony.

Lunar relinquished the blade, returning it to Gratien's trembling hand. "Do it the right way," he whispered. "Plunge your knife on this exact area, the palm, indeed. It will be most effective if you go for one, firm stroke. It might hurt at first, but you will do less to put yourself out of your misery, hehe…"

"I- I…"

"What? Why hesitate now?" Lunar's smile faltered, revealing the true nature of his malicious intent. "That's right, do you want to forfeit your purpose? You have broken through the layers of obscurity that have shrouded your existence, discovering a new purpose. Why waste it now?"

"It's not…"

Lunar's gaze bore into Gratien's soul, unwavering in its intensity. "Hm? It's not what? It certainly seems like you yearn for an end to your existence."

"No… I can't do that yet."

"Why can't you do that yet? Is it because of Elsa?"

"Y- yes… Elsa… I cannot leave her, yet…"

Lunar smirked once again, as he released his grip on Gratien's arm and rose to his full height. His gaze descended upon Gratien, who remained hunched over, his face obscured by a curtain of hair. Lunar's voice cut through the heavy silence, resonating with an undertone of command. "If that is the truth, then I expect you to be of great assistance to us," he intoned, turning toward the ajar door. "Our journey begins today, we will be waiting for you in the main hall, just follow the corridor until you reach it; you will also meet Luminia, who will lend you further guidance regarding the journey," Lunar said, afterwards stepping outside the chambers and closing the door behind him, leaving Gratien in even a worse state of mind. He was, by no means able to traverse by himself today, especially given the wounds Gravesyn inflicted on him. Asking Lunar for a health potion, or anything that could subdue the pain seemed futile to him at that moment. The feeling of familiarity he once felt shattered like broken glass. Even Lunar seemed different than he was the day before. Gratien began to feel hopeless, muttering to himself:

"Will I… will I be able to make you proud… Serpio…"


Saying that Elsa was his only reason he didn't take his own life was a lie. It was Serpio who acted as a beacon of hope for him. His heart was still latched onto vengeance. Vengeance was the only thing keeping him alive, no matter what it would take him, no matter what pain he would have to go through, failing to meet Serpio's expectations would be a fate worse than death for him.

Summoning every ounce of strength he had left, Gratien forced himself out of bed. He fastened his blade within its scabbard, readying himself for the arduous journey that lay ahead. However, another obstacle presented itself—his body screamed in protest, starved of nourishment for nearly 24 hours since leaving the library.

The moment he stepped out of his chamber, the atmosphere assaulted him, the dim candlelight harsh against his sunken eyes. He attempted to adjust quickly, rubbing his tired eyes, but in his weakened state, he collided with a burly soldier, his fragile frame no match for the towering figure.

"Watch your step, you moron!" the man shouted, as he faded away into the corridor.

"Ngh…" Gratien murmured, as he attempted to help himself back up, Declan suddenly appeared behind him, aiding him in getting back on his feet.

"Seems like you didn't have a good night's sleep. Slumbering on the dirty floor? You surely have a tough spirit, kid. At least stronger than mine."

"Leave me alone," Gratien interjected, forcefully freeing himself from Declan's grip. In his struggle, his wounded arm was briefly exposed, catching Declan's attention before it disappeared beneath his sleeve.

"No need to act hostile. Gratien, wasn't it?"


"You should be of clear mind as you'll be our guide, or more accurately said, our "key" that guides us to the Forgotten Library. Let's get some breakfast, shall we?"

"...you guys have breakfast?"

"Hm? Of course, what kind of question is that? Did you hit your head or something?" Declan chuckled. "We have breakfast every morning. But don't expect a lavish feast. Today, it's porridge, I believe."

"...I see."

"Follow my lead. I can already smell the tasteless porridge wafting through the corridors. You must be starving, kid."

Both Gratien and Declan wordlessly walked through the narrow corridor, Gratien's head still held downward, as his mind was still a blur. The corridor still bustled with pedestrians passing through, some of them glancing at Gratien, who at this point looked like a prisoner being transported to another vicinity or the sort. He walked behind the towering figure of Declan, who occasionally exchanged a few greetings with some of the soldiers passing by.

As they reached the threshold of the main hall, a cacophony of sounds enveloped them. The space was filled with a diverse array of individuals, clad in modest medieval attire, engaged in various activities. Laughter and heartfelt conversations intermingled with the clinking of weapons being sharpened. It was a scene that encapsulated the essence of a rebellious gathering in the early hours of the moonrise.

Emerging from the crowd, Lunar approached with a bowl of porridge in hand, accompanied by a brighter aura. He closed the distance to Gratien, extending the bowl to him. "Finally arrived? I've prepared a hearty bowl for you. Make sure to eat well," Lunar said, his voice softer than before.


"No need to fret, we do not poison our members. You must have been famished for quite some time, haven't you?"

After a moment of hesitation, he accepted it with cautious gratitude. "Here. Once you've finished, head to the nearest balcony. We'll be waiting for you there. It'll be easier to discuss our plan away from the bustling crowd," Lunar explained, a genuine smile gracing his lips.

"Okay," Gratien replied quietly, finding a secluded corner to sit in as he crossed his knees and began to savor his morning meal.

"You fetched him bread? Quite unlike you, Lunar."

"That boy is special, there's no denying that. Matter of fact, he arguably has the toughest heart out of most soldiers, hehe…"

"Is that so? He seems rather weak to me, are you certain he won't die before we even reach the Elemental Realms?"

"Trust me," Lunar said, turning his pupils to Declan. "He won't die."

"Whatever you say! Anyway, what are the plans? It seems that I've missed quite a lot of info."

"Maybe because you have such a strong desire for solitude. That might explain why Gravesyn isn't interested in you-"

"Oi!! Shush it!"

"Hehe… Luminia shall explain everything thoroughly. There are a few stops we must take. Our journey might be longer than expected."

"I don't mind. Let's get going."

As they both faded into the distance, Gratien attracted the attention of a fellow soldier. A young man, seemingly around Gratien's age; he also donned besmirched blonde hair he put into a short ponytail. He had a bright demeanor, which shone most through his optimistic face. His eyes were fairly larger than most, as well as his nose. His voice sounded very much cheery, as well. A jester amongst the oblivious sea of melancholic soldiers.

"Hey there bud, haven't seen ya before. A new fella?"

Gratien slowly lifted his head, his gaze meeting the curious eyes of the young soldier, nodding in agreement.

"Ohhh, nice! I must say I do have a keen eye, I believe I know most of them peers aroun' here, but I've nevah seen a face like yours! You don't seem very welcoming, do ya? Sittin' all alone, in the dead corner."

"I just, don't know many people here."

The young soldier's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, wow! That's a pretty voice you got there. What's yer name? I'm Aldric!"


"Welcome abroad, Gratien! Musta been quite the experience steppin' foot within our dominion for the first time, huh? Didn't expect us to be this lively, did ya?"

"No, not really."

"I'm glad yer one of us few that have been met with another purpose, hehe! Why don't you sit alongside my other mates? They would love to meet ya!"

"I'll be fine on my own, for now."

"Not really the talkative type, are ya? Well, can't blame ya. Give it sum time, and you'll get used to us in no time!"

"Sorry, I should be going," Gratien interjected, rising from his seat and placing his empty bowl on the ground. Without further words, he began to weave through the bustling crowd, his determined steps leading him towards the nearby balcony where the others awaited.

"Aye, where ya going? Hellooo?"

Gratien paid no heed to the questioning voice, focused on his path as he skillfully navigated through the throng of individuals. As he ascended towards the balcony, anticipation mingled with uncertainty in his heart.