
The Desolate Blade: Book One

God abandoned this world, and it was plunged into an eternal darkness. It is the year 999. In the world of Aradon, the Child of Darkness had been incarnated out of the womb of the Mother of Desolation. He is not entirely human, as he was the destined manifestation of humanity’s worst desires and sins, which led him to become the one to salvage humanity, by being killed with the Sword of Virtue. The banished Child of Darkness seeks vengeance against Vaelen, the formidable leader of the Holy Church. The Child's existence itself is an enigma—a contradiction of the Light, yet destined to play a crucial role in the grand tapestry of fate. Amidst the clash of ideals, his relentless pursuit of Vaelen, the charismatic leader of the Holy Church, becomes a dance of shadows and illumination. His journey, intertwined with the fate of Aradon, blurs the line between hero and villain, for his existence both opposes and serves The Light. ----- Update frequency: daily/bi-weekly Word count/ch: 1500 - 3000 Genre: Grimdark Fantasy Setting: Medieval (9th century) mixed with 19th/20th century elements, such as attire, and weapons. Cover Art: xichdiemcotich I 子安大白

breadnbutters · Fantasy
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13 Chs

5 - Remembrance

"Uhm, I was…" Gratien stammered.

"You were?"

"I…" Gratien's words caught in his throat once again, the fear and uncertainty rendering him momentarily speechless. In that vulnerable moment, Gravesym seized the opportunity, her movements fluid and swift.

With remarkable speed, Gravesyn surged forward, closing the distance between them in an instant. Caught off guard, Gratien scrambled to reposition himself, desperately attempting to assume a defensive stance. But time seemed to slip through his fingers like sand in an hourglass, and his efforts proved futile.

In a devastating display of strength, Gravesyn unleashed a relentless strike, her knee driving forward with unwavering force. The impact was cataclysmic, a thunderous collision that jolted through Gratien's entire being. A rush of pain exploded in his abdomen, leaving him breathless and reeling. The force of the blow expelled the air from his lungs, his gasp stifled by the taste of copper as blood spilled from his mouth.


Gravesyn seized the opportunity as Gratien collapsed onto the surface. His head leaned over as he held onto his abdomen in complete despair. She snatched his neck, her grip tightening around his neck like a vise. With a swift motion, she effortlessly lifted him off the ground, his feet dangling in the air like a marionette on strings.

"I expected something more from an Acolyte," Gravesyn taunted.

"Nghh… let me… haaaah…." Gratien's voice strained as he struggled to draw even the slightest breath. His body contorted, his muscles tensing as he desperately tried to gather his remaining strength. With a surge of willpower, he launched a reckless kick towards Gravesyn, aiming to catch her off guard.

However, like a seasoned warrior, she effortlessly deflected his attack, her swift movements protecting her vulnerable head. Her defensive prowess left Gratien exposed and vulnerable once again.

In a swift and merciless response, Gravesyn retaliated with another devastating blow, her fist driving into his abdomen with unrelenting force. The impact sent shockwaves of pain through Gratien's body, propelling him backwards in the air. He was launched into a spiralling arc, his body twisting and tumbling before crashing into the unforgiving ground.


"What is it? Don't tell me that you're this weak. How will you be capable of accompanying us on this journey if you can't even defend yourself?" Gravesyn sneered, frowning her eyebrow as she lifted one corner of her lips in annoyance.


Gratien mustered up his courage, as if his veins were slowly being filled with a radiant glow of fervour. He glided his left hand on the ground before pushing himself back on his feet, his other hand hidden behind his back. After taking a few short breaths, accentuating the pain that constantly rushed through his abdomen, he went for a final charge.

With a burst of speed, Gratien launched himself at Gravesyn, his focus solely on the attack and paying no heed to the Key he once held dearly. It fluttered briefly in the air before tumbling to the ground. Swiftly, he unsheathed his blood-stained melee, the sight of which was peculiar.

As he swung his weapon, droplets of blood dispersed into the air, carried by the force of his strikes. But Gravesyn effortlessly evaded each one, moving like a graceful wind, leaving Gratien swinging at empty air in desperation.

Undeterred, Gratien persisted with a flurry of desperate strikes, hoping to find an opening. However, Gravesyn countered with another punishing blow, her foot connecting to his side in a swift kick. A pained gasp escaped Gratien's lips as he stumbled, once again finding himself on the ground.


Gravesyn persued him relentlessly, following his faltering steps. She struck him once more, her blow landing on his already battered abdomen. The force behind the kick was so immense that it generated visible guts of wind, swirling around the impact point.

"Guuulgh!" He grunted once again, spitting out even more blood than before. He dropped to his knees, his body barely responsive, as his vision began to blur and fade. Gravesyn seized the opportunity, and snatched his neck once again, lifting his head upward. His dishevelled hair obscuring his eyes.

"Is that all you got? Even our lowest ranks can put up more of a fight than you. Are you seriously supposed to aid us, the Fallen Ones?"


"Tsk, it's only that you're needed for our guidance that I haven't taken your life by now. Don't think that fleeing the Holy Church would bring you a better purpose per se, the chances of you surviving on your own without the Church's protection is slimmer than you think, you fucking moron."

"Nghh…. You know NOTHINGGG!!"

A sudden surge of adrenaline rushed through Gratien's body, he let out a broken roar. And without a second thought, he executed a sudden, daring maneuver, flipping himself over with lightning speed. His feet collided with Gravesyn's face, delivering a powerful blow that sent her head tilting upwards.

For a moment, Gravesyn's eerie smile widened as she licked the blood from a small cut on her lip. Her eyes, once vibrant and fierce, began to darken, taking on a more sinister gleam.

"So you do have something, huh."


"Come at me," Gravesyn grunted. "I can feel your hatred surging through your mind, unleash it, do it now!"

Gratien's expression shifted, a flicker of hesitation crossing his face. With a resigned click of his tongue, he freed himself from Gravesyn's area and turned away from her, his gaze fallen to the ground. He walked towards the Key, grabbed it off the ground, and silently placed it back in his pocket where it belonged. And wordlessly, he started to walk past Gravesyn, his footsteps slow and measured, one hand firmly clutching his wounded abdomen.

Gravesyn surprisingly stood motionless, her watchful gaze following Gratien's every move as he passed by her without resistance. Her darkened pupils locked onto him until he disappeared around a corner. With a decisive gesture, he firmly shut the door behind him, leaving Gravesyn alone amid the aftermath of the brutal encounter she had orchestrated.

Back in the solitude of Gratien's chambers, he slowly unfolded his wounded hand from his pockets, his palm drenched in blood. Gazing at the crimson stains, he retrieved the blood-stained melee from his pockets.

During the brutal encounter, he attempted to use his blade, however, before he launched a charge at Gravesyn, he fimrly held onto the blade with his trembling bare hands, the blade sliding into his skin, hence why his melee was tainted the moment he attacked Gravesyn.

With a somber murmur, he spoke to himself once again:

"I almost did it again, Serpio…"

"I'm still not strong enough, hehe…."

He then lifted his sleeves,

revealing the vulnurable flesh underneath.

And with a trembling hand,

He pressed the blade against his own skin.


The blade sliced through, leaving a fresh gash in it wake.



Another cut, deeper this time, further staining his arms with crimson trails.



A third incision, tracing a parallel path alongside the others, as his breath grew heavier and more ragged.


"F- four…"

"It… it hurts, Serpio…"

"But, I promise… I won't disappoint you… I will make you proud… I… need to…"


Meanwhile, in the desolate rear courtyard, Gravesyn stood alone beneath the darkened moonlit sky, her gaze lost in its ethereal glow. The quietude was abruptly interrupted as the door creaked open behind her, as Lunar's presence emerged.

"And? Is what Imbra said true? Lunar inquired, his demeanor as malevolent as Gravesyn's, a soft smile etched on his face as he nonchalantly walked toward her with his arms crossed behind his back.

"He is weak, very weak. I doubt he will survive the first week of our journey. But, there is indeed something about his eyes; it's something I have never seen before," she said, turning her gaze toward Lunar. "He might have been right."

"Aha, too bad we will have to take him with us tomorrow. Do you think he will be able to recuperate soon enough?"

"I don't care. As long as he is able to guide us, that's all that matters. If anything I will drag him alongside us if he doesn't want to come."

"You might have gone a bit too far this time, Gravesyn," Lunar conceded with a casual shrug. "I shall retire for the night. Don't linger outside for too long, or you may find yourself left behind, hehe…"

"I'll be fine. See you tomorrow," Gravesyn responded tersely, her gaze returning to the moonlit expanse above. As Lunar retreated into the building, leaving her alone, her countenance shifted, a stoic mask replacing her earlier expressions. Yet, her eyes remained as dark as ever, harbouring an unsettling energy within. As if an ominous force waiting to be unleashed.


In one of the grand chambers, Imbra, accompanied by Zynphina and Luminia, gathered amidst a space connected to the balcony that offered a commanding view of the main hall. Luminia sat elegantly in an esteemed chair, engrossed in a book, while Imbra stood near a window, his gaze fixed on the expensive sky. Zynphina positioned herself between the two, facing Luminia.

"Are you truly prepared to embark on your journey at the next moonrise, Imbra? The Elemental Realm is a formidable challenge," Luminia spoke without tearing her eyes away from the pages.

"We have no choice. Time is a limited resource, especially with the Church's forces still at large, it serves as a reminder for us to act swiftly. That being said, as we've discussed before, perhaps we may need to pass through Lamar."

"Lamar the Forsaken… He who sought the Sword of Desolation, only to meet with great tragedy," Luminia spoke again.

"Perhaps…" Zynphina added her thoughts to the conversation, "…you could persuade him to join our cause. His tragedy shares striking similarities to yours. A mutual understanding could save us valuable energy as we navigate through the treacherous Elemental Realm."

"That man is consumed by despair, beyond the point of no return. Even I, the Child of Darkness, would be unable to sway him. Our clash with him is inevitable."

"It does make me wonder, however…" Zynphina speculated, "…what birthed his newfound power? Could it be the result of his tragic past? Perhaps it is connected to your own role as the catalyst for countless tragedies, the bringer of the Age of Heretics. He may perceive it as another source of hatred, indeed…"

"He desires nothing more than to witness the true Child of Darkness. I shall grant him his wish, regardless of the costs. A wish brought forth that will bring an end to his sole purpose that keeps clinging onto his pitiful existence," Imra said, his gaze descending to his hands, tainted in the dim moonlight.

"That boy, on the other hand; he too bears a striking resemblance to you, Imbra," Zynphina interjected, her voice tinged with amusement.


"His eyes really do resemble yours, etched with true despair, with vengeance being his only string of hope amidst the endless pit of Desolation."

"It will be quite an intense meeting for you, Imbra," Luminia added. "Confronting someone who shares the same eyes as you, harbouring the same darkness within. Perhaps Lamar's demise is inevitable, despite any reservations I may hold."

"He does not deserve to exist in this world. I shall liberate him from his chains," Imbra affirmed, his voice tinged with determination, yet laced with a melancholic undertone.

Zynphina then turned her attention to Luminia, requesting, "I must ask you to safeguard the base once more."

"You need not worry. The protection of the Fallen Ones is more assured under the guidance of The Light than within the embodiment of Darkness that resides within both of you."

Luminia's presence stood as the epitome of contrast within the entire building and among the Fallen soldiers. She appeared as an angel amidst a world of oblivion, abandoned by her kind. Many could consider it impossible for someone as pure as her to serve the very contradiction of The Light.

Zynphina concurred, "Indeed you are right. With the knowledge you have imparted, Luminia, our journey has become even more difficult than anticipated."

"It may indeed pose greater challenges, Zynphina, but it is the path of certainty. Pass through the Abandoned Tombs, and only then you gain access to the Elemental Realm. The boy possesses the key that will grant you all entry. Losing him is not an option."

"I need some rest. Our journey begins tomorrow. You too, should rest if needed, Zynphina," said Imbra.

"Oh no, my Lord. I shall remain on guard within the building. I do not require rest. Are you perhaps concerned about my ability to perform well tomorrow?" she responded with a soft smile.

"That is never the case, Zynphina. In that case, ensure that none of our enemies can breach our defences. I trust in your abilities."

"Of course, my Lord. May you have a restful night's sleep," Zynphina concluded.