
The Descent of the Evil God

A certain loser on Earth, doing good deeds, stumbled upon a book called 'Master of Slumber's Teachings'. After studying it, he encountered a divine and beautiful woman, who exchanged 'Master of Slumber's Teachings' for a drop of blood, thus becoming the lowest-tier vampire. Just as he was about to flaunt his skills to establish a harem of three thousand, he was interrupted by...

gilbert_gilbert · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Chapter 82:Encounter with Student Teacher

These days, Li Xie was busy stabilizing Juhua City, with no time to show off or flirt with young ladies. But deep down, a subtle flame of mischief had been burning, waiting for an opportunity.

And now, the opportunity had arrived.

Here were beautiful female teachers, and there were also pretty female students.

Hmm… Although the teacher was the main dish and the most attractive, someone had already drooled over her, so she was off-limits for now. The gaze was set on the student sisters.

Li Xie squinted his eyes, raised his eyebrows, and smirked. His little fang flashed a white light, enhancing his handsome face. "Hello, everyone. My title, Duke, is too long and hard to remember. You can call me Duke Xie, but that's a bit formal. Just call me Brother Xie."

"Brother Xie…"

The male students bowed, and the female students curtsied, all following the etiquette.

Of course, they weren't actually going to call him "Brother Xie" just because he said so. It was just part of the etiquette. Even though they were from different countries, it was customary to bow when meeting nobles from another land. They didn't need to address him as "Your Excellency" or "Your Grace."

"Hehe…" Watching the students, who used to envy him so much, bow to him like members of a secret society, Li Xie couldn't help but smile broadly. It seemed the saying was true: fortune favors the bold.

Amanda, the teacher, also nodded slightly to Li Xie and smiled. "Why have the three of you come to our airship?"

Li Xie didn't respond immediately. Instead, he looked at the somewhat awkward Fan Di Se. "Fan Di, have you forgotten something?"

"Oh, right." Fan Di Se finally snapped out of it and hurriedly said, "This is Teacher Amanda, Viscountess Angel, a Level Ten natural mage from the Golden Sparrow Academy of the Golden Sparrow Empire, and also the Vice Dean of the School of Magic."

"Vice Dean, huh? I've been a Vice Dean before." Li Xie smiled faintly and said, "It seems that Amanda and my old friend Fan Di should know each other."

Old friends.

Fan Di Se glanced at Li Xie and his eyes were filled with gratitude.

Fan Di Se was no longer the Dean of the Royal Academy of the Empire, but just Li Xie's attendant. Although Fan Di Se didn't mind, being an attendant in the human kingdoms of the Divine Continent was a special position. It was equivalent to being a personal bodyguard and a deputy officer. The title might not be clearly defined, but in terms of status, it depended on who you were with. The attendant of a Duke or a Grand Lord was equivalent to a Deputy Lord.

However, this was still an undefined title. Even a baron's servant could be called an attendant. Fan Di Se's status had indeed been elevated, but he felt a bit embarrassed to reveal it, especially in front of certain people. That's why he didn't introduce himself as an attendant earlier.

But when Li Xie called him an old friend, it touched him deeply. It made him realize that his Duke not only treated him as an attendant but also as a friend, as a brother. That's why he paid such attention to details in front of women, addressing him not as an attendant but as a friend, giving him face.

"My lord, indeed I am acquainted with Teacher Amanda. Every year, the Royal Academy exchanges with academies from other countries, and that's where we met," Fan Di Se explained.

"Look at this old man, he needs to find a wife already. He doesn't even have a girlfriend. So, Amanda, look at him. He's too serious," Li Xie shook his head, then turned to Amanda again. "Privately, he calls me Brother Xie, but in front of others, he calls me 'my lord.' Stiff, right? But being stiff means being honest, and being honest means being faithful. And when it comes to faithfulness, women should never choose a fickle man. They'll only end up suffering. Find someone faithful, even if they're a bit stiff. You'll be happy for a lifetime, right, Amanda?"

"My lord, with those words, Fan Di is bowing to you forever. You'll always be my master," Fan Di Se thought, touched. With a master like this, what else could he ask for? He even helps with picking up girls.

Fan Di Se could already see that Li Xie had caught on to his inner thoughts. Otherwise, he wouldn't have given him face and shifted the topic to him right away. After all, here, the Grand Duke and Grand Lord were the protagonists. He stole a few glances at Amanda, wanting to see how she would react to Li Xie's words.

Amanda still wore a polite smile. "Duke Xie makes a valid point. However, I've heard that rigid men lack romanticism. What do you think, Duke Xie?"

"Oh, really?" Li Xie raised an eyebrow. It seemed that both of them, not just Fan Di, were interested. This was obviously said for the benefit of the clueless Fan Di.

Li Xie chuckled. "Romanticism is like wine."

"How so?"

"Master Mian once said: Just drinking wine alone, you cannot taste the wine's charm. Instead, it's just bitter and regretful. It's like unrequited love. No matter how much you think or love, the person is always far away. You don't know the depth of your affection. So, drinking wine should be paired with something, whether it's food, events, or people. Drinking with food opens up your appetite; drinking with events relieves a thousand worries; drinking with people, the wine doesn't intoxicate, but everyone gets drunk together. That stiff guy doesn't lack romanticism; he just lacks someone to drink with. Others naturally won't see the mood where the wine doesn't intoxicate but everyone gets drunk. Amanda, it seems like it's almost dinner time."

Wow, this was really something. The Duke was giving me a chance! Now, I just need to show some romanticism. But... what exactly is romanticism? No, no, I'll have to secretly ask the Duke later.

Fan Di Se was absolutely in awe of Li Xie at this moment. Seeing him habitually take out pen and paper and jot down "wine doesn't intoxicate but everyone gets drunk," Fan Di Se couldn't help but admire him even more.

On the side, Amanda smiled coyly at Fan Di Se. "It seems like it's almost dinner time. However, Duke Xie, you've circled around without telling us why you've come aboard our airship."

"Hehe, just here to take a rest, maybe grab a bite to eat. Miss Amanda, you're not going to make us bring our own rations, are you?"

"Duke Xie jests. As long as you don't mind our academy's food, it's fine. Please follow me into the cabin..."

"No, no, it's more fun to eat on the deck than in the room. Let's eat together with the students. It'll be a joyous occasion. I'll provide the drinks."

"Well then, I'll go make the arrangements."

"Good, please."

Watching Amanda walk into the cabin, Fan Di Se leaned in towards Li Xie, whispering, "Thank you, my lord."

"You like her," Li Xie wiggled his eyebrows.

Fan Di Se blushed crimson, nodding shyly.

"If you like her, go for it. Love and desire are the most common things in the world. Be bold, how long have you known her?"


"Ten years? Damn, and you still haven't made a move." Li Xie rolled his eyes. No wonder Fan Di, this guy in his forties, with such a high position, was still single.

"My lord..." Fan Di Se's face turned purple with embarrassment. "It's... nineteen years and nine months..."

"Wow, you're really something. And she's not married, no boyfriend either."

"It seems... she doesn't... have one..."

"Alright, this is promising." Li Xie patted his shoulder and took out a bottle of wine. "This is a 70-year-old Terni, one of only ten bottles in the entire Tudor Dynasty. I'm not even willing to give it to Meow Meow, but I'm giving it to you. The path is laid out for you, now walk it yourself. That girl, even I, a novice, can see that she's interested in you. It's up to you now. Oh, and she's someone who likes romance, remember that."

"My lord." Fan Di Se tightly gripped the bottle of wine, his lips trembling. This gesture of goodwill was beyond words. After a while, he finally calmed down, but then he said, "My lord... I don't understand romance."

"Hehe, nobody does. In our village on Earth... we have a saying: to woo a girl, you need courage, attention to detail, and a thick skin. Even a fat pig can root out a big cabbage, and a wild beast can woo a wealthy beauty. And also..." Li Xie chuckled. "They say men are creatures of the lower half, but do you know what women are? Women are blind with sensitive ears. They can't see anything, only hear. So, speak more sweet words. Sweet words are never too cheesy. Be bold."

"Courage, attention to detail, thick skin... sweet words..." Fan Di Se nodded vigorously.

"Hehe, romance is about evoking emotions. Sweet talk is essential. Later, you go try to flirt with Amanda alone, and I'll chat with the younger students."

As the sun gradually set, the deck was bathed in orange light.

The students of the Golden Sparrow Academy, along with Amanda, sat together in a group, while Li Xie's trio sat together, with a sumptuous dinner laid out in between.

Fan Di Se hadn't found the opportunity to be alone with Amanda yet; perhaps it would come after dinner.

The food was provided by the Golden Sparrow Academy, but the wine was provided by Li Xie. Even though he only brought out his most abundant but lower quality wine, it was still a luxury that these students couldn't normally enjoy. They were all amazed, and the group of female students even gathered around Li Xie, calling him "Brother Xie" affectionately, much to the envy of the male students.

Li Xie had never experienced being surrounded by such beautiful women before, and it made him grin from ear to ear.

From the students, Li Xie learned that they were all low-tier magic users, just having completed their intermediate courses and now embarking on a graduation trip to Manni City.

"In the name of Master Meng, I have a question for you all," Li Xie began. "Now that you've graduated, some of you will continue studying, some will start working. Have any of you thought about working in other countries?"

Ever since Li Xie learned that they were students of the magic academy, he had been planning this, including Amanda. While magic users were powerful assets to any country, they were typically employed as teachers or in other magic-related professions in allied countries. They usually didn't participate in military activities because of the complications involved in international conflicts. Li Xie didn't need them for military purposes; rather, he wanted them to come to Juhua City because it lacked magic users. Although he could ask the Royal Academy for personnel, he hadn't done so yet. However, since he coincidentally encountered magic users from another country, why not try to persuade them to come over?

Furthermore, Li Xie wanted them to come to Juhua City because of a peculiar rule.