
The Descent of the Evil God

A certain loser on Earth, doing good deeds, stumbled upon a book called 'Master of Slumber's Teachings'. After studying it, he encountered a divine and beautiful woman, who exchanged 'Master of Slumber's Teachings' for a drop of blood, thus becoming the lowest-tier vampire. Just as he was about to flaunt his skills to establish a harem of three thousand, he was interrupted by...

gilbert_gilbert · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Chapter 81:Flying

The city of Manni is located to the south of Juhua City, separated by the Great Bat Dynasty, and crossing over the Lam River and passing through the Sunset Mountains will lead you there. The distance is approximately seven thousand kilometers. If riding ordinary horses on the continent of the gods and traveling at full speed, covering about a thousand miles a day, it would take about fifteen days to reach Manni City from Juhua City. However, if riding Black Scale Horses, which are four times faster than ordinary horses, it would only take three days, not accounting for the rest of the horses.

However, Li Xie and his companions are not riding horses, but flying.

"Woo hoo..."

Li Xie flapped the Blade Wing, spiraling and rotating in the air, shouting excitedly.

"This is awesome, so damn awesome! No wonder there are so many bird people on Earth. It turns out flying is so damn cool."

Despite having flown for half a day, Li Xie's excitement about being able to fly has not diminished in the slightest.

The Blade Wing behind him is as easy and effortless to control as his own hands, giving him a true sense of freedom and soaring through the sky.

"Slow down a bit, Master." Fendi Sel and Zeenard are feeling miserable.

Zeenard did not transform into his original form, just like Fendi Sel, both using Qi to fly, their speed not only not as fast as Li Xie's, but also extremely exhausting. Under normal circumstances, a Tenth Level Sword Saint can only fly for an hour before having to stop and rest due to excessive Qi consumption.

And it is precisely because of this that the three of them have only just crossed the Great Bat Dynasty and arrived near the Lam River, looking towards the Sunset Mountains. Otherwise, with their speed, plus flying in a straight line without obstacles, they could have reached Manni City in half a day.

"Can you guys speed up? You're both Tenth Level Sword Saints, but you're so slow, it's pathetic. You haven't even caught up with me, who's flying faster than you."

Li Xie felt disdainful, but he did not expect that flying with wings would be as easy as walking.

Fendi Sel and Zeenard were annoyed by his words. They exchanged glances, their eyes surprisingly unanimous: That damn birdman in front.

Li Xie had to slow down and wait for the two of them, flying side by side with them. Li Xie looked at himself and said, "Looks like I need to make some clothes specially, or else when flying, I'll end up taking off my upper body clothes. It would be embarrassing if a beauty saw it."

Because of Li Xie's showing off, Zeenard was very upset. He glanced over, his eyes full of disdain, and said in a sinister tone, "Beauties don't look up, they look down."

Li Xie turned his head and saw Zeenard peeking at his crotch, his eyes full of disdain, making Li Xie shake his head in frustration and say, "Ah, I'm 1.8 meters tall, and my little brother is only one-ninth the size. I don't dare to show it off to people. But it's okay. Zeen, do you know about dragons? I've seen a dragon before. Back then, on the Eternal Tower, right, Fendi?"

"Yeah, that damn Zeenard." Fendi Sel said, "He destroyed the Eternal Tower and kidnapped the Master. He's unforgivable. But later, he was driven away by our Forbidden Army. Next time I see him, I'll knock him out cold."

Zeenard's face beside him turned black.

"No, no, I'm not talking about the incident where he was driven away by the Forbidden Army. I'm asking you to recall how big that dragon... you know."

Li Xie's words made Zeenard's eyebrows twitch, feeling a sense of foreboding.

"Oh, that. Well, I really don't remember."

"Yeah, it's okay if you don't remember. That dragon was too small down there. If you remembered, that would be too impressive." Li Xie chuckled. "I only had the privilege of seeing such exquisite things because he kidnapped me. Let me tell you, mine is one-ninth the size. Do you know what his proportion is?"

"How much?"

"Cough cough..." Zeenard's face turned from black to red, unable to stop coughing.

"Let me calculate..."

"Cough cough..."

Fendi Sel glanced at Zeenard. "Zeen, why are you coughing? Wait until the Master finishes speaking before you cough again. I still want to know just how small that damn dragon of Zeenard's really was."

"Damn, it's bigger than yours anyway," Zeenard couldn't help but retort.

"Wow, suddenly so fiery. You're Zeen, not Zeenard, okay? Fine, you're bigger than me, stop glaring at me."

Li Xie smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at Zeenard. Zeenard was so frustrated, turned his face away, too annoyed to even look at Li Xie, but noticed a black dot in the distance. "That thing on the left, it looks like a Kirov airship."

"It indeed looks like a Kirov airship, perhaps heading to Manni City. Our Qi is almost depleted. Master, why don't we go up and rest for a while?"

"Kirov airship." Li Xie looked over and saw a huge airship flying tens of kilometers away.

The airship is about a hundred meters long, with two parts: the upper half is a swordfish-shaped airbag, with a long and slender iron spike at the front and a three-faced fish-tail-shaped rudder at the rear; the lower half is a wooden ship, with no peculiar shape, and the upper and lower parts are connected by dozens of iron cables, resembling a giant fish carrying a giant ship in flight.

The flying speed is not fast, estimated to be about a hundred kilometers per hour.

"They have this kind of thing on the continent of the gods." Li Xie seemed to have been on the continent of the gods for so long without seeing this thing.

"Fendi Sel said, 'This is the product of goblins. It's said to be made by a goblin named Kirov, using a special magic array to produce a peculiar gas, which is then pumped into sealable airbags. Once inflated, the airbags can float into the sky, and then a wooden ship is suspended underneath, capable of carrying people and goods. However, because these things can fly silently in the sky, various countries closely monitor Kirov airships. If a Kirov airship flies into their airspace, they immediately send people to investigate, to see if it's a spy or has a special purpose. Therefore, the nobles are rarely willing to use these things to avoid being checked. Besides, these airships are large and vulnerable to attacks. Once attacked, it's difficult to protect themselves, so even fewer people use them. That's why the Master may not have seen them. In fact, our Dynasty Academy has two Kirov airships.'

"Oh, if the nobles don't want them, what's the school doing with them?"

"Hehe, the nobles are afraid of death and afraid of losing their status through checks. Nowadays, most Kirov airships are owned by powerful mercenary groups. Otherwise, they're mostly used by schools as transportation. They're not afraid of being checked, and no one wants to rob or attack them. Look, the emblem on the wooden ship of the airship is the emblem of the Golden Sparrow Academy of the Golden Sparrow Empire."

"Hehe, the Golden Sparrow Dynasty. I still remember Prince Mosak Mok. This airship looks pretty good. Let's get a few for Juhua City. In the future, we can connect with Meihua City and Lanhuac City. This thing is a good means of transportation."

"A few?" Fendi Sel smiled wryly. "Master, just one of these costs fifty million gold coins."

"Only fifty million? That's fine..." Thinking that he had left half of his fortune with Jack, Li Xie continued, "But although I'm rich, it seems like money flows like water. It seems I need to collect more. When will the envoys of the Five Nations come to our Juhua City? Or, I wonder if the nobles of Meihua City and Lanhuac City are like Larry Brown. Speaking of which, they seem to miss the original nobles of Juhua City."

The two chatted as they approached the Kirov airship.

On the airship, a group of young people around the age of twenty were gathering on the deck in small groups. But soon they all gathered at the iron railing on the right side of the airship, as they saw someone approaching rapidly.

Some of them realized the potential danger and shouted out.

"It's a Tenth-level Sword Saint."

"I wonder what they're here for."

"Quick, call Teacher Amanda."

Soon, the teacher called Amanda emerged from the middle part of the ship's cabin. She was a young woman who appeared to be around thirty years old, with a beautiful and graceful appearance, elegant demeanor, and a white mage robe. She also carried a magic staff over a meter long, with a fist-sized ruby embedded at the top.

"Everyone, move back to the left," Amanda said unquestionably as soon as she stepped out of the ship's door. All the students dared not disobey and retreated to the left side of the deck.

As Amanda walked to the middle, her gaze fell on the approaching trio. Seeing one of them, she smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, they're not here to attack."

By the time Amanda emerged, Li Xie and his companions were already close to the airship. Li Xie spread his wings and performed a graceful 720-degree somersault, landing smoothly on the ground. His wings draped around his body like a cloak, revealing his muscular and well-proportioned physique. With a slight upward tilt of his mouth, his fangs gleamed white, accentuating his handsome face.

The moment he landed, he immediately attracted the attention of all the students. The mystery brought by the black wings, the shock of his perfect physique, the uniqueness highlighted by his fangs, and the allure of his handsome face all made Li Xie exude infinite charm, eliciting various gazes from the students—some envious, some jealous, some curious, some infatuated...

Zeno Nard also landed on the deck, standing firmly like a nail. His black armor, cold expression, and prominent thorn tattoos also attracted some attention.

Poor Fendi Sel, when he landed with a smile on his face, not a single person looked at him. Compared to the vampire and the dragon next to him, he was the most normal person. Unfortunately, what the female students seemed to like were these nonconformists. Being too honest and straightforward not only didn't appeal to people on Earth but also didn't win favor on the Divine Continent.

However, it's not to say that no one looked at him. There was one beautiful woman who glanced at Li Xie for a second, lingered on Zeno Nard for half a second, and then looked at Fendi Sel.

That was Teacher Amanda.

After all, she was the only mature and beautiful woman on the deck. With exquisite taste, since she glanced at Fendi Sel, he could still get some points.

"Fendi, long time no see..." Cancelled, since they already knew each other.

"Angel, long time no see. How have you been lately?" Fendi Sel's face turned slightly red, his voice somewhat unnatural, and his gaze evasive. He didn't even dare to look directly at Teacher Amanda.

Li Xie, who was supposed to be the center of attention, wanted to show off a bit in front of the students and flirt with them, feeling quite accomplished. However, seeing Fendi Sel's embarrassed look, he smelled blood and smirked, keeping quiet on the side.

"How have you been..." Teacher Amanda smiled. "By the way, why don't you introduce your friends to me?"

"Oh, this is Zeno, a Tenth-level Sword Saint, Master's follower, and this..." When it came to Li Xie, Fendi Sel suddenly became serious and said, "This is Duke Li, Grand Duke of the Tudor Dynasty, Lord of Three Cities, Feroquio Lamborghini Mercedes Xie."


A Duke, and such a young one.

Grand Duke, Lord of Three Cities—oh my god, rich, handsome, and powerful.

With just one introduction, at least half of the more than sixty students present had stars in their eyes, like stars in the night sky.