
CH.4 settling in...to something new

Amelie studers "p-princess" justin smirks teh as he opens a portale with a screaming amelie over his shoulder kicking and screaming "put me down you fool" amelie blacks out as soon as he steps inside the portale once she opened her eyes chaim has blue flames all around him and hes grown a tail he also had big elf ears that were quite obvious he sat on a black huge rock when amelie wakes up she notices her bangs and short hair is gone but to be replaced with long black hair to her ankles and she wore a white lace dress and in front of her is a mirror once she looked into the mirror she sees her eyes are still green but she has electric green cat eyes and she had green flame horns and she had elf ears that were quite obvious and she to grew a tail she quickly throws the mirror onto the ground it shattering into pieces she grabs a piece of class and runs at justin before she can damage him he grabs her arm and pulls her in for a hug to calm her down she starts to scream into his chest "who are you" "who am i!?" justin sighs and still holding her in his arms he answers with I'm the son of Satan and your meant to be my wife that means you are the daughter of the second leader of hell "Toxic sakura flower" you were found in a huge toxic green flower with a black stem with green flames all around satan sent you down to earth for some reason he would not tell me but I ended up choosing you to become my wife you are in hell right now and the reason you look different is becuse this is what your true form is amelie looked him strait in the eyes and whispered I'm scared with tears in her eye to feel hands wrap around her she quickly turns around to see sunny smirking she had purple flames with dark purple eyes that looked like the Abyss she to had a tail and elf ears her hair still looked the same but then justin speaks up with princess sunshine what can we help you with

hey so this is inspired by the anime blue exorcist =w= also hope you are enjoying the story!♡♤